


2024 SUMMIT One Vanderbilt, NYC(纽约范德堡“山岗人”·顶峰一号大厦)


2024-12-14 Sustainable Entrepreneurship Day

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt.jpg

【Infernale (1913-1914?)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        (A boor of night in middle earth cries out,)

        Hola! Hola! What steps are those that break

        This curst of air?… (He pauses.) Can breath shake

        The solid wax from which the warmth dies out?…


        I saw a waxen woman in a smock

        Fly from the black toward the purple air.

        (He shouts.) Hola! Of that strange light, beware

        (A woman's voice is heard, replying.) Mock


        The bondage of the Stygian concubine,

        Halloing haggler; for the wax is blown,

        And downward, from this purple region, thrown;

        And I fly forth, the naked Proserpine.


        (Her pale smock sparkles in a light begun

        To be diffused, and, as she disappears,

        The silent watcher, far below her, hears:)

        Soaring Olympus glitters in the sun.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

























        A. 曼哈顿“弓岛”·帝国城

        B. 皇后·各民族大熔炉

        C. 布鲁克林“花溪”·犹太族聚集地

        D. 布朗士“炫耀”·嘻哈音乐之乡

        E. 斯坦顿“家园”·被遗忘的角落

1. Hall of Light

2. Levitation

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024 Church of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC(纽约慈悲圣母教堂)

2024 3-Michelin Le Bernardin, NYC(大四·纽约米其林三星—伯纳丁)

2024 Yuletide Merriment @ Mid-Town, NYC(纽约中城·圣诞喜乐)

2021 Hand-Crafted Mercer Museum, PA(宾州美世博物馆·手工艺品)

2015: Compare─Bold Actions vs. Being a He(对比─大无畏精神与英雄好汉)

2013: Potpourris in Mumbai, India(印度孟买拾遗)

2010: 小学二年级·等价交换(2010 Equivalent Exchange)

2024-12-14_21_Highest Rack-and-Pinion Ascent System in the World_ & at 90 Square Feet each_ the Largest Glass Floor Elevators in the World Whisked to the 91st Fl, 1210-ft 369m.JPG

Highest Rack-and-Pinion Ascent System & Largest Glass Floor Elevators in the World Whisked to the 91st Fl, 1210-ft/369m


2024-12-14_22_Floor to Ceiling Windows0001.JPG

Observation Deck w/ Floor to Ceiling Windows


2024-12-14_42_Megalopolis up in the Clouds-10001.JPGMegalopolis up in the Clouds

(深入云霄的大都会 12-14-2024)

2024-12-14_43_View from the Balcony of One Summit Vanderbilt0001.JPGView from the Balcony of One Summit Vanderbilt


2024-12-14_39_George Washington0001.JPGGeorge Washington Bridgee (乔治·华盛顿桥)

2024-12-14_38_Billionaire's Row over Central Park0001.JPGBillionaire's Row over Central Park


2024-12-14_26_Rockefeller Center against Billionaire's Row0001.JPGBillionaire's Row (亿万富翁街)

2024-12-14_27_One Worldwide Plaza & Paramount Plaza0001.JPGOne Worldwide Plaza & Paramount Plaza


2024-12-14_28_Super-Talls on Billionaire's Row0001.JPG

Super-Talls on Billionaire's Row (亿万富翁街上的摩天大厦)

2024-12-14_29_Hudson Yards w the Shed_ Vessel_  the Edge_ etc0001.JPGHudson Yards w/ the Shed, Vessel, the Edge, etc


2024-12-14_30_Hudson Yards voer Times Square0001.JPGHudson Yards over Times Square


2024-12-14_24_Empire State Bldg to the South & Much Farther South_ One World Trade at a Distance-10001.JPGEmpire State Bldg to the South & Much Farther South, One World Trade at a Distance

(帝国大厦以南·远处为世贸中心一号楼 12-14-2024)

2024-12-14_47_Chrysler Bldg from The SUMMIT @ One Vanderbilt w the United Nations Headquarters in the Background0001.JPGChrysler Bldg from The SUMMIT One Vanderbilt w/ the United Nations Headquarters on the East River West


2024-12-14_32_Chrysler Bldg to the East0001.JPG

Chrysler Bldg to the East (克莱斯勒大厦以东)

2024-12-14_25_NY Public Libray & the Skating Rink in Bryant Park0001.JPGNY Public Libray & the Skating Rink in Bryant Park


2024-12-14_60_East River across Manhatten & Queens0001.JPGEast River across Manhatten & Queens


2024-12-14_41_Sutton 58 Opposite Ravenswood Generating Station0001.JPGQueensboro Bridge in Beaux-Arts through Cantilever Truss (1909) over the East River


2024-12-14_54_Sutton Tower by the Queensboro Bridge0001.JPGSutton Tower by the Queensboro Bridge against Ravenswood Generating Station in the Background


2024-12-14_33_Queensboro Bridge in Beaux-Arts through Cantilever Truss (1909) over the East River0001.JPGEast River across Mid-Town Manhatten and Long Island City of Queens


2024-12-14_46_Gotham Point’s North Tower @ Hunters Point South_ Queens0001.JPGGotham Point's North Tower @ Hunters Point South in Queens


2024-12-14_48_5 Tudor City Place Built in 19290001.JPG5 Tudor City Place Built in 1929


2024-12-14_49_50 United Nations Plaza-Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza-United Nations Plaza0001.JPG50 United Nations Plaza-Millennium Hilton New York-One United Nations Plaza


2024-12-14_51_United Nations Secretariat Building0001.JPG

United Nations Secretariat Bldg @ One United Nations Plaza


2024-12-14_50_Seagram Building-100 United Nations Plaza0001.JPGSeagram Building-100 United Nations Plaza


2024-12-14_52_Trump World Tower against Queens0001.JPGTrump World Tower against Long Island City in Queens


2024-12-14_53_Con Ed plant on the East River0001.JPGCon Ed Plant on the East River


2024-12-14_55_Long Island City_Hunter's Point South Park0001.JPGLong Island City @ Hunter's Point South Park Opposite Mid-Town


2024-12-14_56_Long Island City_Gantry Plaza State Park0001.JPGLong Island City @ Gantry Plaza State Park


2024-12-14_57_Long Island City_Hunter's Point South Crossing over Hunter's Point South Park0001.JPGLong Island City @ Hunter's Point South Crossing over Hunter's Point South Park


2024-12-14_58_Long Island City0001.JPGLong Island City, Queens (皇后区长岛城)

2024-12-14_61_10 East 40th Street or the Mercantile Bldg in Renaissance Revival (1929)0001.JPG10 East 40th Street or the Mercantile Bldg in Renaissance Revival (1929)


2024-12-14_63_Cassa Hotel & Residences (2010)0001.JPG

Cassa Hotel & Residences (2010)


2024-12-14_40_Trippy Rm Filled w Floating Silver Mylar Globes Called Air by Kenzo Digital0001.JPGTrippy Rm Filled w Floating Silver Mylar Globes Called Air by Kenzo Digital


2024-12-14_36_Yayoi Kusana's Clouds Sculptures0001.JPG

Yayoi Kusana's Clouds Sculptures (草间弥生的雕塑《云朵》)

2024-12-14_45_Hanging & Suspended Fireplace0001.JPGSignature Cocktail inside Hanging & Suspended Fireplace


2024-12-14_44_Top of One Summit Vanderbilt Viewed from the 94th Outdoor Deck0001.JPGTop of One Summit Vanderbilt Viewed from the 94th Outdoor Deck



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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