


2024 2-Michelin-Starred Modern(大学四年级·纽约米其林二星—摩登餐厅)


2024-10-19 National Seafood Bisque Day


【Palace of the Babies (1916)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The disbeliever walked the moonlit place,

        Outside of gates of hammered serafin,

        Observing the moon-blotches on the walls.


        The yellow rocked across the still facades,

        Or else sat spinning on the pinnacles,

        While he imagined humming sounds and sleep.


        The walker in the moonlight walked alone,

        And each blank window of the building balked

        His loneliness and what was in his mind:


        If in a shimmering room the babies came,

        Drawn close by dreams of fledgling wing,

        It was because night nursed them in its fold.


        Night nursed not him in whose dark mind

        The clambering wings of birds of black revolved,

        Making harsh torment of the solitude.


        The walker in the moonlight walked alone,

        And in his heart his disbelief lay cold.

        His broad-brimmed hat came close upon his eyes.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——



























【注】摩登餐厅盘踞纽约现代艺术博物馆的地面东侧(两家各进各门),荣膺米其林“神赐”二星级称号,是全市独家座落在世界级文化机构内的餐厅,让我们在享受主厨“双·英俊”(Tom Allan)设计的菜谱同时,尽可隔着天下著名的洛克菲勒“黑麦田”雕塑花园把酒言欢。



  1. 头台:蜜南瓜和蛏子

  2. 主菜:黑松露、奇异果和黄油腌制的冰镇龙虾

  3. 海鲜:烤荞麦酸面包与烘北极红点鲑和朝鲜蓟意式小方饺佐以香浓鸭汤

  4. 特色:慢烤鹿肉配鸡油菇和小茴香

  5. 甜点:烧面包布丁、梨、波河干奶酪



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024 Indian Diwali @ Times Sq(纽约时代广场·印度排灯节)

2024 MoMA, the Adamantine Ladies NYC(纽约现代艺博馆·金刚女士)

2024 MoMA, Artistic Movements NYC(纽约现代艺术博物馆·美术倾向)

2023: 20th PA Conference for Women, PHL(费城第20届宾州妇女大会)

2016: Personal Narrative: A Very Cold World(初三记叙文─冰冷的世界)

2014: 光华七年级B班演讲比赛—夏天的来历(虚构)(2014 G7B Speech—Summer)

2024-10-19_398_Bar Rm w Thomas Demand Clearing 2003 Chromogenic Print-10001.JPGThomas Demand Clearing 2003 Chromogenic Print Displayed @ Bar Rm

(酒吧间悬挂着“托马斯·德曼《清算》——2003彩色印刷” 10-19-2024)

2024-10-19_Thomas Demand Clearing 2003 Chromogenic Print.jpgThomas Demand Clearing 2003 Chromogenic Print 


2024-10-19_389_Honeynut Squarsh & Razor Clams0001.JPGHoneynut Squash & Razor Clams (蜜南瓜和蛏子)

2024-10-19_390_Chilled Lobster Marinated in Black Truffle_ Kiwi_ & Baratta0001.JPGChilled Lobster Marinated in Black Truffle, Kiwi, & Burrata


2024-10-19_391_Toasted Buckwheat Sourdough w Grilled Arctic Char & Artichoke Agnolotti_ Aromatic Duck Broth0001.JPG

Grilled Arctic Char & Artichoke Agnolotti, Aromatic Duck Broth


2024-10-19_392_Toasted Buckwheat Sourdough w Grilled Arctic Char & Artichoke Agnolotti_ Aromatic Duck Broth & Manhattan in Rye Whiskey_ Guyanese Rum_ Carpano...0001.JPGToasted Buckwheat Sourdough

(烤荞麦酸面包 10-19-2024)

2024-10-19_393_Venison Slow Roasted w Chanterelles & Puntarelle0001.JPGVenison Slow Roasted w/ Chanterelles & Puntarelle


2024-10-19_394_Venison Slow Roasted w Chanterelles & Puntarelle w Paper Plane in the Modern Whiskey Blend_ Blood Orange & Rhubarb Amari_ Bénédictine_ Clove0001.JPG

Dined among Some of the Most Celebrated Artwork in the World

(在世界上最著名的艺术品旁用餐 10-19-2024)

2024-10-19_395_Br?lée Bread Pudding_ Pear & Grana Padano0001.JPGBruleed Bread Pudding, Pear, & Grana Padano


2024-10-19_386_Bar Rm-20001.JPGBar Rm (酒吧间)

2024-10-19_387_Kitchen-30001.JPGCookhouse (厨房)

2024-10-19_387_Kitchen-20001.JPGCulinary Workspace (烹饪工作间)


4-Course Tasting Menu (四道主厨精选尝试食谱)


2024 3-Michelin 11 Madison Park, NYC(大学四年级·纽约米其林三星—麦迪逊公园11号)

2024 3-Michelin Per Se, NYC(大学三年级·纽约米其林三星—本身法式餐厅)

2024 1-Michelin Le Pavillon, NYC(大学三年级·纽约米其林一星—凉亭法餐)

2024 1-Michelin Gramercy Tavern, NYC(大学三年级·纽约米其林一星—多谢酒馆)

2024 1-Michelin Estela, NYC(大学三年级·纽约米其林一星—星辰现代餐厅)


Eatery in US(舌尖上的美国)

USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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