


2024 Alphabet City, Loisaida NYC(大学四年级·纽约字母城下东区)


2024-09-14 National Cream Filled Donut Day

Alphabet City.jpg

【Autumn Refrain (1932)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

       The skreak and skritter of evening gone

       And grackles gone and sorrows of the sun,

       The sorrows of sun, too, gone... the moon and moon,

       The yellow moon of words about the nightingale

       In measureless measures, not a bird for me

       But the name of a bird and the name of a nameless air

       I have never—shall never hear. And yet beneath

       The stillness of everything gone, and being still,

       Being and sitting still, something resides,

       Some skreaking and skrittering residuum,

       And grates these evasions of the nightingale

       Though I have never—shall never hear that bird.

       And the stillness is in the key, all of it is,

       The stillness is all in the key of that desolate sound.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















【注】沿着中城麦迪逊“勇士”广场(Madison Square)走进曼哈顿下东区,廉价的酒吧、朴实的客栈、亲民的饭店等陆续进入视线,街道均以字母ABCD命名,这正是纽约著名的字母城。字母城紧靠东河,公寓楼林立,有许多大型公共住房项目,西裔移民主导社区,感觉如同身置东岸的皇后区或布碌仑“美溪”;美国著名的歌星麦当娜出道前曾住过这里,而从与ABCD大街相关昵称的今昔演化上,不难看出它的风华蝶变:

  • 马路: A大道  B大道  C大道  D大道

  • 从前:冒险、勇敢、疯狂、死亡 

  • 如今:富裕、小资、舒适、体面

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024 3-Michelin 11 Madison Park(大四·米其林三星—麦迪逊公园11号)

2024-09-14_05_11 Madison Ave0001.JPGA Long Line of People outside Eleven Madison Park to Buy Cookies on Madison Ave 


2024-09-14_09_Interior of 11 Madison Park0001.JPGLunch @ Eleven Madison Park, 3-Starred Michelin Restaurant

(麦迪逊公园11号·米其林“神赐”三星午餐 09-14-2024)

2024-09-14_01_YXT_ a Chinese Healthy Living Center on Fifth Avenue in New York Ctr0001.JPG

Yi Xin Tang (YXT), a Chinese Healthy Living Center on Fifth Avenue in New York Ctr


2024-09-14_00_Walovi_ the China's Best Herbal Tea0001.JPGWalovi, the China's Best Herbal Tea @ YXT


2024-09-14_02_YXT Health Herbs Acupuncture0001.JPGHealth Herbs Acupuncture @ YXT (一心堂·健康草药针灸)

2024-09-14_03_Marble Collegiate Church in Romanesque Revival Constructed in 1851 & NRHP0001.JPG

Marble Collegiate Church in Romanesque Revival Constructed in 1851 & Natl Register of Historic Places


2024-09-14_04_5th Ave @ 29th St-1M0001.JPG

View of Empire State Bldg from 5th Ave @ 29th St

(从第五大道和29街观看帝国大厦 09-14-2024)

2024-09-14_23_Ave A_ the Western Border of Alphabet City in the East Village0001.JPGAve A, Adventurous then vs. Affluent now, the Western Border of Alphabet City in the East Village


2024-09-14_22_Ave B or East End Ave0001.JPGAve B or East End Ave, Brave then vs. Bourgeois now


2024-09-14_21_Ave C or Loisaida Ave in Recognition of the Puerto Rican Heritage of the Neighborhood0001.JPGAve C or Loisaida Ave, Crazy then vs. Comfortable now, in Recognition of the Puerto Rican Heritage of the Neighborhood


2024-09-14_20_754 E 6th St @ Ave D w Many of the Larger Public Housing Projects in Alphabet City-10001.JPGAve D, Dead then vs. Decent now, w/ Many of the Larger Public Housing Projects in Alphabet City

(曾经“死亡”、现为“体面”的D大道·字母城包含许多大型公共住房项目 09-14-2024)



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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