


UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在)


2024-08-08 International Cat Day


【Humpback Whale】

Nancy Anne Miller

            You need a hump to

            be in tune with a curvy

            ocean, to rise like one in

            Notre Dame's Cathedral.


            You need a hump to let

            the ocean somersault a blub-

            bery body, keep weight out of

            the traffic of lighter species.


            You need a hump to sing

            the depth's mutterings, let it

            roll over, course off from

            a large wagging tongue.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




















Quo Fata Ferunt or Where Fates Are Carried!

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事)

2024: Hamilton, Costly Capital of Bermuda(百慕大哈密尔顿·最贵首府)

2020 Film Criticism—Webs of Intricacy(高三·影评—复杂网络)

2014: Punchliner on Carnival(嘉年华·妙语连珠)

2024-08-08_13_Kings Wharf Viewed from Gibbs Hill Lighthouse0001.JPGRoyal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas Berthed on the Left @ Kings Wharf 


2024-08-08_08_Sailboats & Yachts @ the Old Naval Dockyard0001.JPGSailboats & Yachts @ the Old Naval Dockyard


2024-08-08_04_Lighthouse @ Heritage Wharf_  the Island's Primary Cruise Ship Port0001.JPGLighthouse @ Heritage Wharf, the Island's Primary Cruise Ship Port


2024-08-08_56_Royal Caribbean Liberty of Seas Accommodating 3_634 Passengers Served by 1_360 Crew0001.JPGKings Wharf, Bermuda's Largest Cruise Port


2024-08-08_57_Royal Caribbean Liberty of Seas Berthed @ Royal Naval Dockyard0001.JPG

Royal Caribbean Liberty of Seas Accommodating 3,634 Passengers Served by 1,360 Crew

(皇家加勒比海·海洋自由”号游轮——3,634名乘客 + 1,360名船员 = 4994人)

2024-08-08_58_Clocktower Mall_ the Former Warehouse Commissioned by the Royal Navy in 18560001.JPGClocktower Mall, the Former Warehouse Commissioned by the Royal Navy in 1856

(钟楼购物中心·1856年由英国皇家海军委托建造的前仓库 08-08-2024)

2024-08-08_03_Royal Naval Dockyard_ the Principal Base of the Royal Navy in the Western Atlantic Between American Independence & the Cold War0001.JPGRoyal Naval Dockyard, the Principal Base of the Royal Navy in the Western Atlantic Between American Independence & the Cold War


2024-08-08_05_Ramparts & The National Museum of Bermuda_ Previously the Bermuda Maritime Museum & Commissioner’s House_ the Equivalent of Admiralty House0001.JPGRamparts & The National Museum of Bermuda, Previously the Bermuda Maritime Museum & Commissioner's House, the Equivalent of Admiralty House


2024-08-08_06_View of the Museum_ the Former Keep_ w the Commissioner's House on the Right_ from the Dockyard Harbor0001.JPGView of the Museum, the Former Keep, w/ the Commissioner's House on the Right, from the Dockyard Harbor


2024-08-08_60_Royal Naval Dockyard_Xiaohua-Meiyu-Lily-Syndee0001.JPGTreasured Flashback @ Royal Naval Dockyard

(皇家海军船坞·美好的珍存 08-08-2024)

2024-08-08_09_Casemates Prison_ Originally a Military Barracks for the Royal Marines_ Built in the 1830s0001.JPGCasemates Prison, Originally a Military Barracks for the Royal Marines, Built in the 1830s


2024-08-08_10_Shifting House (1837) & Ordnance House (1852)0001.JPGShifting House (1837) & Ordnance House (1852)


2024-08-08_54_Former Royal Navy Base @ Ireland Island began in 1815 & Now Jon Kaulkner Gallery_  Handmade in Bermuda0001.JPGFormer Royal Navy Base @ Ireland Island began in 1815 & Now Jon Faulkner Gallery_  Handmade in Bermuda


2024-08-08_55_Maritime Lane @ Royal Naval Dockyard0001.JPGMaritime Lane @ Royal Naval Dockyard


2024-08-08_10_Somerset Bridge_ the World's Smallest Working Drawbridge0001.JPGSomerset Bridge, the World's Smallest Working Drawbridge


2024-08-08_10_Summerset Drawbridge0001.JPGSummerset Drawbridge (夏暮吊桥)

2024-08-08_11_Old Style Bermudian Cottage0001.JPGOld Style Bermudian Cottage (老式百慕大小屋)

2024-08-08_12_Gibbs Hill Lighthouse_ the Tapered Cast-Iron Cylindrical Tower w Balcony & Lantern Constructed in 18460001.JPG

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the Tapered Cast-Iron Cylindrical Tower w/ Balcony & Lantern Constructed in 1846


2024-08-08_14_Riddell's Bay Golf & Country Club_ the Bermuda's Oldest Golf Course Opened in 19220001.JPGRiddell's Bay Golf & Country Club, Bermuda's Oldest Golf Course Opened in 1922


2024-08-08_15_Cross Bay w a Scenic View of Sailboats & Yachts0001.JPGCross Bay w/ a Scenic View of Sailboats & Yachts


2024-08-08_16_View of Homes & Coast in Southampton Parish0001.JPGView of Homes & Coast in Southampton Parish


2024-08-08_17_Luxury Houses on the Coast of Bermuda0001.JPGLuxury Houses on the Coast (海岸豪宅)

2024-08-08_18_Luxury Houses on the Coast of Bermuda0001.JPGLuxury Houses on the Coast (海岸豪宅)

2024-08-08_19_Ornamental Garden Formal Garden Mailbox0001.JPG

Ornamental Garden w/ Formal Mailbox


2024-08-08_20_View of Causeway Bridge & Airport0001.JPGView of Causeway Bridge & Airport


2024-08-08_26_LF Wade Intl Airport_  the Sole Airport Serving the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean0001.JPGLF Wade Intl Airport, the Sole Airport Serving the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean


2024-08-08_28_Bermuda Aquarium_ a Window into Bermuda's Rich Marine Life0001.JPGBermuda Aquarium, a Window into Bermuda's Rich Marine Life


2024-08-08_30_Old Railroad Bridge Abutments0001.JPGOld Railroad Bridge Abutments (旧铁路桥台)

2024-08-08_49_Grotto Bay Beach Resort @ Tucker?s Town001.jpgGrotto Bay Beach Resort @ Tucker?s Town


2024-08-08_50_St Paul's Church @ Paget Parish0001.JPGSt Paul's Church @ Paget Parish


2024-08-08_51_Stonehole Bay0001.JPGStonehole Bay (石洞湾)

2024-08-08_52_Horseshoe Bay Famous for Its Soft Pink Sand & Turquoise Waters0001.JPGHorseshoe Bay Famous for Its Soft Pink Sand & Turquoise Waters


2024-08-08_64_Horseshoe Bay0001.JPGUnforgettable Moment @ Horseshoe Bay

(马蹄湾·难忘时刻 08-08-2024)

2024-08-08_53_Horseshoe Bay w a Secluded Cave0001.JPG

Horseshoe Bay w/ a Secluded Cave Photographed by Dashi


2024-08-08_53_Natural Limestone Cliffs0001.JPG

Natural Limestone Cliff Cave (天然石灰岩崖洞)

2024-08-08_00_St. George_St. David's Light_ a 55-Foot Tall Landmark on the East End of Bermuda0001.JPGSt. David's Light, a 55-foot/17-m Tall Landmark on the East End of Bermuda @ St. George


2024-08-08_01_St. Regis Bermuda Resort_  a Haven by Soft White Sands of St. Catherine's Beach0001.JPGSt. Regis Bermuda Resort, a Haven by Soft White Sands of St. Catherine's Beach


2024-08-08_62_Achilles Bay Beach_Xiaohua-Meiyu-Syndee0001.JPGSt. Catherine's Beach (圣凯瑟琳海滩 08-08-2024)

2024-08-08_02_Fort St Catherine_ a Coastal Artillery Fort @ the North-East Tip of St. George's Is_ in the Imperial Fortress Colony of Bermuda Built in the 17th Century0001.JPGFort St Catherine, a Coastal Artillery Fort @ the North-East Tip of St. George's Is_ in the Imperial Fortress Colony of Bermuda Built in the 17th Century


2024-08-08_61_Achilles Bay Beach_Xiaohua-Meiyu-Lilan0001.JPG

Achilles Bay Beach (阿基里斯“痛苦”湾海滩 08-08-2024)


En Route to Bermuda via the Atlantic(经大西洋前往百慕大)

Retreat on Board @ Cape Liberty, NJ(新州自由海角港·退修会登船)



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