


Le Havre, the Beautiful Concrete(法国勒阿弗尔·美丽的混凝土)


2024-06-21 National Smoothie Day

Le Havre.jpg

【My arm clasped your fragile waist

 (Mon bras pressait ta taille frêle)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

             My arm clasped your fragile waist

             that's supple as a reed;

             Your breast beat like the wing

             Of a young bird!


             In a long silence we contemplated

             The sky where the day was fading away.

             What was happening in our souls?

             Love! Love!


             Like an angel who reveals herself,

             You looked at me, in my night,

             With your beautiful star's gaze,

             Blinding me with light.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


















【注】勒阿弗尔“海港”城是印象派祖师意志坚强·莫奈“钱币”(Claude Monet)的家乡,二战结束时纳粹摧毁了其港口基础设施,而盟军为了彻底击败德军,干脆将商业区与工业区所在的市中心夷为废墟。

自2005年起海港城就被列入联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》,是一封献给现代主义的情书,比法国任何其它城市更能唤起战后涅磐重生的活力与乐观。的确,纯粹的空间感勾魂夺魄:纪念碑式极具说服力的自信,而旧城中少数幸存的遗迹也被巧妙地融入了漂亮的混凝土建筑物。虽然不计其数的单调民宅可能令人沮丧,但即使那些不同意法籍比利时建筑师伟大·佩雷“磐石”(Auguste Perret)“创新地发掘混凝土潜力”的游客照样可以在他打造的水泥城市里享受漫步的快乐。

今天是我第二次来海港城,说来奇怪,最想见识的竟然莫过于巴西著名建筑师神矛?尼迈尔“管家”(Oscar Niemeyer,1907—2012)生前打造的另一部巨作。2013年我曾去过巴西首都巴西利亚“红木炭火之地”,对他那超越时空的想象力早有领教

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Rouen Cathedral, Monet's Favorite(法国鲁昂大教堂·莫奈的最爱)

2024: Rouen, City of One Hundred Bells France(法国鲁昂·百钟之城)

2019: The WNBA Controversy(浅评美国女职篮争议)

2015: A life of Religion in Meteora, Greeck(希腊曼代奥拉的宗教生活)

2014: Baltimore Natl Aquarium, MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆)

2012: Descriptive─Memoir(应用文─回忆录)

2010: 甜言蜜语(Sweet Nothings)

2009: 童声合唱(Children Choir)

2024-06-21_00_Port Control Tower0001.JPGPort Control Tower (港口控制塔)

2024-06-21_01_North Dike Lighthouse by Le Havre Beach0001.JPGNorth Dike Lighthouse by Le Havre Beach


2024-06-21_02_A View from the Sea Showing the Church of St. Joseph behind the Residence de France Apartments & the Marina0001.JPGA View from the Sea Showing the Lantern Tower of the Church of St. Joseph behind the Residence de France Apartments & the Marina


2024-06-21_03_Seine Pilot Station over Canal de Tancarville0001.JPGSeine Pilot Station over Canal de Tancarville


2024-06-21_38_Gonfreville-l'Orcher-Pont VIII C?té over the Tancarville Canal0001.JPGGonfreville-l'Orcher-Pont VIII C?té over the Tancarville Canal


2024-06-21_04_Port of Le Havre0001.JPGPort of Le Havre (海港城码头)

2024-06-21_05_EDF Thermal Power Plant Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SGRE Production Site for Wind Turbines, Shipment of Rotora Blades, Turbines.JPG?lectricité de France Thermal Power Plant Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SGRE Production Site for Wind Turbines, Shipment of Rotora Blades, Turbines & Tower Segments for the 500 MW Offshore


2024-06-21_06_Fishing Boats & Motor Yachts @ Vauban Basin0001.JPGFishing Boats & Motor Yachts @ Vauban Basin


2024-06-21_10_Port Vauban0001.JPGPort Vauban (沃邦港)

2024-06-21_07_Pont des Docks or Docks Bridge0001.JPGPont des Docks or Docks Bridge (码头桥)

2024-06-21_08_Auban Bassin Build in the Early 1840’s0001.JPGAuban Bassin Build in the Early 1840's


2024-06-21_09_Horizon 360 Housing Commercial Retail  & Offices_ 82 Apts Equipped wi Terraces or Balconies_ including Duplexes on the Top 2 Floors0001.JPG

Horizon 360 Housing Commercial Retail & Offices, 82 Apts Equipped w/ Terraces or Balconies, Including Duplexes on the Top 2 Floors


2024-06-21_11_Roy Basin w Small Fishing Boats @ Anchor & in the Background Bldgs Typical of the Reconstruction0001.JPGRoy Basin w Small Fishing Boats @ Anchor & in the Background Bldgs Typical of the Reconstruction


2024-06-21_12_World Trade Ctr0001.JPGWorld Trade Ctr (世贸中心)

2024-06-21_13_Francis the Knight Footbridge, a Cable-Stayed Bridge w Fan System, Pedestrian Bridge, Steel Bridge, Steel Pylon & 2-Span Asymmetric.JPGFrancis the Knight Footbridge, a Cable-Stayed Bridge w Fan System, Pedestrian Bridge, Steel Bridge, Steel Pylon & 2-span Asymmetric Cable Stayed Structure


2024-06-21_14_Alta Tower w Twisting Concrete0001.JPG

Alta Tower w/ Twisting Concrete


2024-06-21_15_Downtown Rebuilt by Auguste Perret Listed as World Heritage by UNESCO_ the Lantern Tower of Saint Joseph Church0001.JPG

Downtown Rebuilt by Auguste Perret Listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, the Lantern Tower of Saint Joseph Church


2024-06-21_16_Bd de Strasbourg w Public Library & Town Hall0001.JPG

Bd de Strasbourg w/ Public Library & Town Hall


2024-06-21_17_City Hall w American-Like Skyscrapers0001.JPGCity Hall w/ American-Like Skyscrapers


2024-06-21_18_City Hall w General View of the Southern Facade & Tower Built in 1958 by Architects Auguste Perret & Jacques Tournant in Place of th.JPGCity Hall w/ General View of the Southern Facade & Tower Built in 1958 by Architects Auguste Perret & Jacques Tournant in Place of the Old One Razed in WWII

(市政厅南立面和塔楼全景·由建筑师 伟大·磐石和后继者·托尔南特“转折点”于1958年修建,取代了二战中被夷为平地的旧市政厅)

2024-06-21_19_Resistance Deportation Monument & the French Flags in City Ctr0001.JPGResistance Deportation Monument & the French Flags in City Ctr


2024-06-21_20_Gardens of the Town Hall w Stilt-Walkers0001.JPGGardens of the Town Hall w/ Stilt-Walkers


2024-06-21_21_City Hall_Wedding0001.JPGWedding @ City Hall (市政厅·婚礼)

2024-06-21_22_Cultural Ctr  Le Volcan  (The Volcano)_ a Theatre & a Multi-Purpose Hall-10001.JPGCultural Ctr  Le Volcan, a Theatre & a Multi-Purpose Hall

(火山文化中心·剧院和多功能厅 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_23_Memorial to the Victims of WWII Shellings0001.JPGMemorial to the Victims of WWII Shellings


2024-06-21_24_War Memorials0001.JPG

War Memorials (战争纪念碑)

2024-06-21_25_St Joseph Church Envisioned as a Beacon for the City after World War II Architecture Dedicated to the Victims of the Air Raids-10001.JPG

St Joseph Church Envisioned as a Beacon for the City after WWII Architecture Dedicated to the Victims of the Air Raids

(上帝必加添圣徒教堂·被视为二战后城市的灯塔,该建筑致力于纪念空袭受害者 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_26_Tower from the Inside w Colored Glass in the Facade & Modern Lighting0001.JPG

The Lantern Tower of St Joseph Church from the Inside w/ Colored Glass in the Facade & Modern Lighting


2024-06-21_27_Stained Glass & Spire Acting as a Memorial to the 5_000 Civilians Died in the Conflict of WWII0001.JPGStained Glass & Spire Acting as a Memorial to the 5,000 Civilians Died in the Conflict of WWII @ St Joseph Church


2024-06-21_28_Impressive Work w Raw Concrete Surfaces0001.JPG

Impressive Work w/ Raw Concrete Surfaces @ St Joseph Church


2024-06-21_29_Concrete Slab Shining w Light from the Colored Facade Glass0001.JPG

Concrete Slab Shining w/ Light from the Colored Facade Glass @ St Joseph Church



Pipe Organ of St Joseph Church (上帝必加添圣徒教堂·管风琴)

2024-06-21_32_Spiral Staircase Leading to the Organ0001.JPG

Spiral Staircase Leading to the Organ @ St Joseph Church


2024-06-21_31_Altar & Pulpit in the Ctr-10001.JPGAltar & Pulpit in the Ctr of St Joseph Church

(上帝必加添圣徒教堂·中殿的祭坛和讲坛 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_33_Baptismal Font0001.JPG

Baptismal Font of St Joseph Church


2024-06-21_34_Rue de Paris_ Artist Vincent Ganivet_ Container chains_ in the Line w the Hotel de Ville_ Docked Oceania Marina in the Background0001.JPGRue de Paris, Artist Vincent Ganivet, Container Chains, in the Line w/ the Hotel de Ville, Docked Oceania Marina in the Background


2024-06-21_35_Panorama  Listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site0001.JPGPanorama  Listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site w/ Innovative Utilization of Concrete's Potential


2024-06-21_36_Sculpture of Container Catena0001.JPGSculpture of Container Catena (雕塑《集装箱链》)

2024-06-21_37_Harbor Windbreak0001.JPGHarbor Windbreak (港口防风建筑)

2024-06-21_40_Saint-Roch Square Public Park_Sculpture of To Reach the Finish You Have to Start by Henk Vish0001.JPG

Saint-Roch Square Public Park, Sculpture of To Reach the Finish You Have to Start by Henk Vish


2024-06-21_41_Saint-Roch Square Public Park_Le Havre Entered the UNESCO Pantheon for the Modernity of Its Architecture0001.JPGSaint-Roch Square Public Park, Le Havre Entered the UNESCO Pantheon for the Modernity of Its Architecture


2024-06-21_43_Saint-Roch Square Public Park_The Moon Landed in Le Havre” by Arthur Gosse0001.JPG

Saint-Roch Square Public Park, The Moon Landed in Le Havre” by Arthur Gosse


2024-06-21_42_La Rolande by Robert Wlérick0001.JPG

La Rolande by Robert Wlérick


2024-06-21_44_Sculpture Up#3 by Baumann & Lang Set up for the 500-Year Celebrations of Le Havre-2M0001.JPGSculpture Up#3 by Baumann & Lang Set up for the 500-Year Celebrations of Le Havre

(鲍曼“同胞”与朗“高”为庆祝海港城500周年而创作的雕塑《溯流而上》第三幅作品 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_45_Ave Foch & Blvd Fran?ois I_A Series of Poles of Varying Sizes w chairs Salvaged from Various Districts0001.JPGAve Foch & Blvd Fran?ois I, A Series of Poles of Varying Sizes w/ Chairs Salvaged from Various Districts


2024-06-21_46_Sculpture of The Signal by Henri-Georges Adam0001.JPGSculpture of The Signal by Henri-Georges Adam


2024-06-21_47_Sculpture of the Birds Perched on Columns Themselves Placed on a Slab0001.JPGSculpture of the Birds Perched on Columns Themselves Placed on a Slab


2024-06-21_48_Statue East to the English Channel_ Until the End of the World0001.JPGStatue East to the English Channel, Until the End of the World


2024-06-21_49_Sculpture of Hand on Le Volcan Formed after the Architect’s Hand_ Oscar Niemeyer0001.JPGSculpture of Hand on Le Volcan Formed after the Architect's Hand by Oscar Niemeyer


2024-06-21_50_Oscar Niemeyer Library0001.JPGOscar Niemeyer Library (神矛·管家”图书馆)

2024-06-21_51_Halles Centrales_Fa?ade0001.JPGFa?ade of Halles Centrales (中央菜市场·正立面)

2024-06-21_52_Les Halles_ the Central Fresh Food Market0001.JPGLes Halles, the Central Fresh Food Market


2024-06-21_53_Les Halles_Stand_ Fruit_ & Vegetable Stall on the Market0001.JPGLes Halles, the Fruit Stand & Vegetable Stall


2024-06-21_54_Monet Staircase & Le Nice Havrais_ a Sheltered Belgian Government from 1914 to 1918_0001.JPGMonet Staircase & Le Nice Havrais, a Sheltered Belgian Government from 1914 to 1918


2024-06-21_55_Ch?teau des Montalets0001.JPGCh?teau des Montalets Built from the 11th and 12th Centuries


2024-06-21_56_Cape of La Hève Invaded by Myriads of Sails of All Colors @ the Bay & Providing a Very Pleasant Spectacle0001.JPGCape of La Hève Invaded by Myriads of Sails of All Colors @ the Bay & Providing a Very Pleasant Spectacle


2024-06-21_57_Monet_Impression, Sunrise 1872,  Depicting the port of Le Havre, One of the Most Famous Paintings.jpgMonet's Impression, Sunrise 1872,  Depicting the port of Le Havre, One of the Most Famous Paintings


Dinner.jpgDinner (晚餐)


2016: Le Havre, the Rebuilt City FRA(法国勒阿弗尔“避风港”·重建之城)

2013: Capital Brasilia, Brazil(巴西首都巴西利亚·巴西红木炭火之地)



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