


Rouen, City of One Hundred Bells France(法国鲁昂·百钟之城)


2024-06-21 World Music Day


【The Genesis Of The Butterfly (Vere novo)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

    The dawn is smiling on the dew that covers

    The tearful roses; lo, the little lovers

    That kiss the buds, and all the flutterings

    In jasmine bloom, and periwinkle, of white wings,

    That go and come, and fly, and peep and hide,

    With muffled music, murmured far and wide.


    Ah, the Spring time, when we think of all the lays

    That dreamy lovers send to dreamy mays,

    Of the fond hearts within a billet bound,

    Of all the soft silk paper that pens wound,

    The messages of love that mortals write

    Filled with the intoxication of delight,

    Written in April and before the May time

    Shredded and flown, playthings for the wind's playtime,

    We dream that all white butterflies above,

    Who seek through clouds or waters souls to love,

    And leave their lady mistress in despair,

    To flit to flowers, as kinder and more fair,

    Are but torn love letters, that through the skies

    Flutter, and float, and change to butterflies.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
























  • 罗马帝国与不列颠“英国佬”之间的贸易基地,早在公元10世纪,维京“海盗”人变成诺曼“北方”人后,鲁昂便为诺曼底的省会。

  • 饱受战争洗礼,先因普法战争被普鲁士占领(1870—1871),后在英法百年战争(1337—1453)期间被英国统治长达30年之久,而最为著名的莫过于圣女贞德在此受审并被火刑处决。第一次世界大战,英国将鲁昂用作补给基地(1916—1917),城内设有许多部队医院;第二次世界大战,该城又被德国占领(1940—1944),尔后遭到严重破坏,约四分之一的古建被盟军炸毁。

  • 法国文学的滋生地,高乃依的《熙德》(Le Cid or Lord 1636)、福楼拜的《包法利夫人》(Madame Bovary 1857)及其弟子莫泊桑的《羊脂球》(Boule de Suif or The Dumpling 1880)、马洛的《苦儿流浪记》(Sans Famille or Nobody's Boy 1878)等深受中国读者的喜爱。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Le Havre, the Beautiful Concrete(法国勒阿弗尔·美丽的混凝土)

2024: Rouen Cathedral, Monet's Favorite(法国鲁昂大教堂·莫奈的最爱)

2019: The WNBA Controversy(浅评美国女职篮争议)

2015: A life of Religion in Meteora, Greeck(希腊曼代奥拉的宗教生活)

2014: Baltimore Natl Aquarium, MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆)

2012: Descriptive─Memoir(应用文─回忆录)

2010: 甜言蜜语(Sweet Nothings)

2009: 童声合唱(Children Choir)

2024-06-21_01_Pont Pierre-Corneille Completed in 19520001.JPGPont Pierre-Corneille over the Seine Completed in 1952


2024-06-21_02_Rouen Opera House Completed in 19620001.JPGRouen Opera House Completed in 1962


2024-06-21_04_Chapel Pride St. Romain in Renaissance Built in 1543 in Front of the Hall of the Canvas0001.JPG

Chapel Pride St. Romain in Renaissance (1543) in Front of the Hall of the Canvas


2024-06-21_09_Chapel Pride St. Romain against Market Hall Aux Toiles_ Long Considered the Largest Market in France0001.JPGChapel Pride St. Romain against Market Hall Aux Toiles, Long Considered the Largest Market in France


2024-06-21_10_Rue Général Leclerc Named in Homage to Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque_ Liberator of Paris0001.JPGRue Général Leclerc Named in Homage to Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, Liberator of Paris


2024-06-21_23_Fa?ade of the Bureau of Finance (1509) Remaining a Late Manifesto of the Louis XII Style.0001.JPGFa?ade of the Bureau of Finance (1509) Remaining a Late Manifesto of the Louis XII Style


2024-06-21_57_Rue Saint Romain Named after Saint Romain_ Archbishop of Rouen in the 7th Century0001.JPG

Rue Saint Romain Named after Saint Romain, Archbishop of Rouen in the 7th Century


2024-06-21_58_Rue Saint Romain w Medieval Historic Half-Timbered Bldg-10001.JPG

Rue Saint Romain w/ Medieval Historic Half-Timbered Bldg

(罗马圣人街上中世纪半木结构建筑 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_62_Rue Saint-Romain Between 1460 and 1466, Guillaume d'Estouteville had the archiepiscopal palace restored, o.JPG

Rue Saint-Romain Between 1460 and 1466, Guillaume d'Estouteville Restored the Archiepiscopal Palace on Plans of His Choice, Adding This Hotel Bldg


2024-06-21_63_2 Rue Saint Romain, Historial Jeanne d’Arc, the Natl Heroine of France Housed @ the Archdiocese of Rouen &.JPG

Historial Jeanne d’Arc, the Natl Heroine of France Housed @ the Archdiocese of Rouen & Dedicated to Joan of Arc @ 2 Rue Saint Romain

(罗马圣人街2号·历史上法国民族英雄圣女贞德博物馆,现藏于鲁昂大主教区,献给圣女贞德 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_63_7 Rue Saint Romain_Archdiocese Palace in Gothic & Renaissance Built in Middle Age0001.JPGArchdiocese Palace in Gothic & Renaissance Built in the Middle Ages @ 7 Rue Saint Romain


2024-06-21_65_12 Rue Saint Romain_ H?tel De La Cathédrale-10001.JPG

H?tel De La Cathédrale @ 12 Rue Saint Romain

(罗马圣人街12号·大教堂大厦 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_64_38 Rue Saint Romain_ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints0001.JPG

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints @ 38 Rue Saint Romain


2024-06-21_66_22 rue de la Cha?ne_ H?tel de la Houssaye0001.JPGH?tel de la Houssaye @ 22 Rue de la Cha?ne


2024-06-21_67_Rue des Chanoines w Timber-Framed Bldgs0001.JPG

Rue des Chanoines w/ Timber-Framed Bldgs by the Narrow Pathway


2024-06-21_67_Rue des Chanoines_Passage from Middle Ages0001.JPG

Passage from the Middle Ages @ Rue des Chanoines


2024-06-21_68_Rue des Chanoines_ an Old Cozy Street w Timber Framing Houses0001.JPG

Rue des Chanoines, an Old Cozy Street w/ Timber Framing Houses


2024-06-21_69_50 Rue Saint-Nicolas_Half-Timbered House0001.JPGHalf-Timbered House @ 50 Rue Saint-Nicolas


2024-06-21_72_Half-Timbering Bldg w Corbels0001.JPGHalf-Timbering Bldg w/ Corbels (带托臂的半木结构建筑)

2024-06-21_73_Medieval Historic Half-Timbered Bldg0001.JPG

Medieval Historic Half-Timbered Bldg (中世纪半木结构建筑)

2024-06-21_74_Medieval Architecture-10001.JPG

Medieval Architecture (中世纪建筑 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_75_Rue du Gros Horloge_ the Main Street in the Normandy Town0001.JPGRue du Gros Horloge, the Main Street in the Normandy Town


2024-06-21_76_23 Rue du Gros-Horloge_ the Traditional Wood Beamed Normandy Town Houses0001.JPG

Traditional Wood Beamed Normandy Town Houses @ 23 Rue du Gros-Horloge


2024-06-21_77_Primatial Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen in Gothic Completed in 18800001.JPG

Primatial Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen in Gothic Completed in 1880


2024-06-21_98_Historical Capital City of Normandy & the seat of the Exchequer of Normandy in the Middle Ages0001.JPG

Historical Capital City of Normandy & the seat of the Exchequer of Normandy in the Middle Ages


2024-06-21_78_Rue du Gros-Horloge0001.JPGRue du Gros-Horloge (大钟街)

2024-06-21_79_Gros-Horloge in a Renaissance Arch Crossing the Rue du Gros-Horloge-10001.JPG

Gros-Horloge in a Renaissance Arch Crossing the Rue du Gros-Horloge

(横跨大钟街的文艺复兴大钟拱门 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_83_Sculpture Representing Rouen's Coat of Arms0001.JPG

Sculpture Representing Rouen's Coat of Arms beneath Gros-Horloge


2024-06-21_84_Louis XV Fountain to Celebrate the Loves of the River God_ Alpheus_ & the Nymph Arethusa0001.JPGLouis XV Fountain to Celebrate the Loves of the River God, Alpheus, & the Nymph Arethusa


2024-06-21_85_Astronomic Clock & Fountain at Rue du Gros-Horloge (1389)0001.JPGAstronomic Clock & Fountain at Rue du Gros-Horloge (1389)


2024-06-21_86_Rue Massacre0001.JPG

Rue Massacre (屠杀街)

2024-06-21_87_Place du Lieutenant Aubert_ a City of Gingerbread Houses & Gothic Towers0001.JPGPlace du Lieutenant Aubert, a City of Gingerbread Houses & Gothic Towers


2024-06-21_88_Church of Saint Joan of Arc w the Complex Asymmetric Roof symbolizes the Fiery Flame Engulfed the Brave Virgin000.JPGChurch of Saint Joan of Arc w/ the Complex Asymmetric Roof Symbolizing the Fiery Flame Engulfed the Brave Virgin


2024-06-21_90_An Inverted Funeral Ship Served as the Transport of the final Journeys in the Middle Ages0001.JPGChurch of Saint Joan of Arc w/ an Inverted Funeral Ship Served as the Transport of the Final Journeys in the Middle Ages


2024-06-21_90_St Joan of Arc Church0001.JPGStained Glasses of St Joan of Arc Church


2024-06-21_91_Le B?cher de Jeanne d'Arc Adjacent to the Church of St. Joan of Arc, the Exact Place where Joan of Arc was.JPGLe B?cher de Jeanne d'Arc Adjacent to the Church of St. Joan of Arc @ Place du Vieux-Marché, the Exact Place where Joan of Arc was  burned @ the stake in 1431

(圣女贞德书店·毗邻旧集市广场上圣女贞德教堂,正是1431年圣女贞德被火刑处死的地方 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_92_Place du Vieux-Marché or Old Market Square0001.JPGPlace du Vieux-Marché or Old Market Square


2024-06-21_93_Old Market Square_Wemedia0001.JPGWemedia @ Old Market Square (市广场·自媒体)

2024-06-21_94_Poissonnerie des Halles or Fish Market0001.JPGPoissonnerie des Halles or Fish Market (鱼市)

2024-06-21_95_Poissonnerie des Halles_Seafood Marketplace0001.JPGPoissonnerie des Halles, Seafood Marketplace


2024-06-21_97_La Couronne_ the France's Oldest Inn Built in 1345-10001.JPGLa Couronne, France's Oldest Inn Built in 1345

(建于1345年的皇冠餐厅·法国最古老的客栈 06-21-2024)

2024-06-21_99_Courthouse in the Louis XII Style Completed in 15070001.JPGCourthouse in the Louis XII Style Completed in 1507


2024-06-21_101_72 Rue Jeanne d'Arc0001.JPG72 Rue Jeanne d'Arc (圣女贞德街72号)

2024-06-21_111_89 Rue Jeanne d’Arc0001.JPG89 Rue Jeanne d’Arc (圣女贞德街89号)

2024-06-21_109_106 Rue Jeanne-d'Arc0001.jpg106 Rue Jeanne-d'Arc (圣女贞德街106号)

2024-06-21_103_Donjon de Rouen_ Only Remaining of the Early 13th-Century Castle where Joan of Arc was imprisoned0001.JPG

Donjon de Rouen, the Only Remaining of the Early 13th-Century Castle where Joan of Arc was imprisoned


2024-06-21_104_Rouen Museum of Fine Arts-Meeting of Metropolitan Museums (RMM)0001.JPGRouen Museum of Fine Arts, Meeting of Metropolitan Museums (RMM)


2024-06-21_106_You love your mother almost unknowingly, and you don't realize the delpth of the roots of that love until.JPG

You love your mother almost unknowingly, and you don't realize the depth of the roots of that love until the last separation.


2024-06-21_107_Clock of the Rouen0001.JPG

Clock of the Rouen (鲁昂钟)

2024-06-21_108_Rouen-Rive-Droite_ a Large Railway Station Opened in 1847-10001.JPGRouen-Rive-Droite, a Large Railway Station Opened in 1847


2024-06-21_113_Archive Tower_ an Archival Repository Completed in 19650001.JPG

Archive Tower, an Archival Repository Completed in 1965


2024-06-21_114_The Confectioners0001.JPGThe Confectioners (糖果厂)




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