


Saint-Malo, the Corsair City in France(法国圣马洛·海盗城)


2024-06-20 National Vanilla Milkshake Day


【January 1st (1er janvier)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

         Child, you will be told later that the grandfather

         adored you; that he did his best on earth,

         That he had very little joy and much envy,

         That when you were little he was old,

         That he had no gruff words or morose airs,

         And that he left you in the season of roses;

         That he is dead, that he was a lenient fellow;

         That, in the famous winter of the great bombardment,

         He crossed Paris tragic and full of swords,

         To carry you heaps of toys, dolls,

         And puppets making a thousand buffoonish gestures;

         And you will be pensive under the deep trees.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——

















作为朗斯“腐臭”河口(Rance Estuary)中世纪的防御岛屿,圣马洛不仅控制着内流通道,而且还操纵湾外的公海水面。早在6世纪初,圣马洛因法国王室授权的海盗行径、为法国国王工作的私掠船、甚至有时是海上劫匪的家园而臭名昭著;19世纪,神慈·里什潘“富有”(Jean Richepin)的戏剧《海盗》和长发·居伊“尾巴”(Cesar Cui)的同名歌剧都刻画了这种“海盗”恶名。圣马洛的海盗不仅迫使经过英吉利海峡的英国船只进贡,还从更远的地方带来了财富。

后继者·卡地亚“运货者”(Jacques Cartier)住在圣马洛并由此启航开往北美洲圣劳伦斯“明亮”河,参观了魁北克“海峡”和蒙特利尔“皇家山”,因此被誉为加拿大的发现者;第一批定居南美洲福克兰群岛的法国殖民者也来自圣马洛,因此西班牙语衍生出马尔维纳斯群岛(Islas Malvinas),亦即法语版的圣马洛群岛(Malouines)。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Mont St-Michel, Wonder of the West(法国圣米歇尔山·西方奇迹)

2024: Dinard, Cannes of the North in France(法国迪纳尔·北方的戛纳)

2015: Mythology in Athens, Greece(希腊雅典“智慧女神”的神话故事)

2015: Cape Sounion, Temple of Poseidon GR(希腊苏尼翁岬·海神庙)

2014: Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland(心爱州大洋城海滨浮桥栈道)

2013: 四年级夏令营(Fourth Grade Summer Camp)

2012: Descriptive─Poster(应用文—壁报)

2010: 阳光精神(Be Positive)

2024-06-20_01_View of the Home of the Corsairs_ French Privateers_ & Sometimes Pirates0001.JPGGlimpse of the Home of the Corsairs, French Privateers, & Sometimes Pirates


2024-06-20_02_Waterfront View of Beach_ Townhouses_ & Skyline-10001.JPGWaterfront View of Beach, Townhouses, & Skyline


2024-06-20_03_Spire of Saint Vincent Cathedral in Romanesque & Gothic Constructed in the 12th Century-10001.JPGSpire of Saint Vincent Cathedral in Romanesque & Gothic Constructed in the 12th Century

(建于12世纪兼有罗马式与哥特式的征服使徒大教堂尖顶 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_04_Marina0001.JPGMarina (游艇码头)

2024-06-20_05_Corsair City due to its numerous corsairs who fought against enemy ships on behalf of the King0001.JPGCorsair City due to its numerous corsairs who fought against enemy ships on behalf of the King


2024-06-20_06_Monument Hommage aux Terre Neuvas0001.JPGMonument Hommage aux Terre Neuvas


2024-06-20_07_Tender Berthed @ Naye Ferry Terminal0001.JPGTender Berthed @ Naye Ferry Terminal


2024-06-20_08_St Louis Bastion To destroy this Axis stronghold, the Allies repeatedly attacked Saint-Malo for 2 weeks in 1944 until the Germans surr.JPGSt Louis Bastion To destroy this Axis stronghold, the Allies repeatedly attacked Saint-Malo for 2 weeks and destroyed at least 80% of historic bldgs in 1944 until the Germans surrendered

(名将圣徒堡垒·为了摧毁该轴心国据点,盟军在1944年对圣马洛进行了长达两周的反复攻击,直至德军投降,同时摧毁了至少80%的古城建筑 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_09_Monument to the French Naval Officer & Colonial Administrator Bertrand-Francois Mahé_ Count of La Bourdonnais (1699-1753)0001.JPGMonument to the French Naval Officer & Colonial Administrator Bertrand-Francois Mahé, Count of La Bourdonnais (1699-1753)


2024-06-20_10_A Historic Alley w Old Bldgs0001.JPGA Historic Alley w/ Old Bldgs (古老建筑林立的历史小巷)

2024-06-20_11_Tide Gauge0001.JPGTide Gauge (潮汐测量仪)

2024-06-20_12_Marégraphe & Solidor Tower0001.JPGMarégraphe & Solidor Tower (潮汐仪与战士塔)

2024-06-20_13_Fort National_ a Fort on a Tidal Island Built in 1689 Augmented the Defences of Saint-Malo's Port by the Great Military Architect 0001.JPGFort National, a Fort on a Tidal Island Built in 1689 Augmented the Defences of Saint-Malo's Port by the Great Military Architect Vauban


2024-06-20_13_Fort National_Islet Rock0001.JPGFort National, Islet Rock (国家堡垒·小岛岩)

2024-06-20_14_Fort National0001.JPGPanorama of Fort National (国家堡全景)

2024-06-20_15_Fort National_Close-up0001.JPGClose-up Fort National (国家堡近景)

2024-06-20_17_Fort Harbour_ the Last Fort Built to Protect Saint-Malo_ Facing Dinard0001.JPGFort Harbour, the Last Fort Built to Protect Saint-Malo Facing Dinard


2024-06-20_18_Petit Bé Fort_ Part of the Defenses Designed to Protect Saint-Malo from British and Dutch Fleets by Vauban in 1689-30001.JPGPetit Bé Fort, Part of the Defenses Designed to Protect Saint-Malo from British and Dutch Fleets by Vauban in 1707


2024-06-20_19_Dinard Maritime Company against Petit Bé Fort0001.JPGDinard Maritime Company against Petit Bé Fort


2024-06-20_20_Petit Bé Fort Accommodating up to 160 Men during Wartime  Built in 17070001.JPGPetit Bé Fort Accommodating up to 160 Men during Wartime Constructed in 1707


2024-06-20_21_Petit Bé Fort_ Part of the Defenses Designed to Protect Saint-Malo from British and Dutch Fleets by Vauban in 1689-10001.JPGClose-up of Petit Bé Fort (小堡近景)

2024-06-20_22_Le Buron Turret in the Bay of Saint-Malo0001.JPGLe Buron Turret in the Bay of Saint-Malo


2024-06-20_23_Grand Jardin Lighthouse Located in the Saint-Malo Pass off the Rance Estuary on the English Channel0001.JPGGrand Jardin Lighthouse Located in the Saint-Malo Pass off the Rance Estuary on the English Channel


2024-06-20_24_Oceania Marina in St Malo Docks0001.JPGOceania Marina Docked in St Malo Bay


2024-06-20_25_Pensive Woman on Rue de la Pie or Magpie Street0001.JPG

Pensive Woman on Rue de la Pie or Magpie Street


2024-06-20_26_Balue Lighthouse0001.JPG

Phare de la Balue (青年灯塔)

2024-06-20_27_Moidrey Mill0001.JPGMoidrey Mill (慈爱风车)

2024-06-20_28_Rue Saint-Michel in Pontorson0001.JPGRue Saint-Michel in Pontorson (熊仔桥城·天使长山街)

2024-06-20_138_Ramparts of Saint-Malo, a Granite Wall Surrounding the City of Privateers Built from the 12th Century by the Bishop.JPGRamparts of Saint-Malo, a Granite Wall Surrounding the City of Privateers Built since the 12th Century by the Bishop of Aleth Jean de la Grille



Dinner (晚餐)




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