


Mont St-Michel, Wonder of the West(法国圣米歇尔山·西方奇迹)


2024-06-20 National Ice Cream Soda Day

Mont Saint-Michel.jpg

【I love a little child, and I'm an old fool

 (J'aime un petit enfant, et je suis un vieux fou)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)



    I want to go away.

    To go where?

    Wherever I want.

    Let us leave.


    I want to remain, Grandfather.

    Let us remain.




    Will it rain?

    I hope not.

    I want it to rain.


    To help my bean grow in my garden.

    It is God that makes the rain.

    OK! Well, I want God to do it.

    But what if he does not want to?


    I want it. If I want to do something God cannot prevent me.

    That is right but perhaps he will be annoyed,

    But let's forget about him.

    And make it rain?


    Come, take the gardener's watering-can, and we will make rain.


    On your bean.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




        • 爷爷?

        • 啥情况?

        • 我想走。

        • 什么地方?

        • 到我想去的地方。

        • 我们开路吧。

        • 爷爷,我想留下来。

        • 我们一起留下来吧。

        • 爷爷?

        • 什么事?

        • 天会下雨吗?

        • 我希望别介。

        • 我想要下雨。

        • 咋回事?

        • 我菜园的豆子会长大。

        • 上帝造雨。

        • 好吧!只好让上帝这么做。

        • 但如果祂不肯呢?

        • 我要做。如果我想弄坏玩具,上帝无法阻止我。

        • 所以…… 

        • 没错儿。祂也许会生气,


        • 为了下雨? 

        • 确实如此。

        • 好吧,我们从园丁雅克“后继者”手中接过喷壶,


        • 在哪里? 

        • 你的豆子上



六月份正值天使长山的旅游旺季,“大洋·滨海”号(Oceania Marina)游轮早在出发前一年就已经售罄全部游览票,而我在半年前才订好游轮,难怪从未在游轮组织的岸上旅游报价单上看到任何信息,于是我只能把希望寄托在退票上,也就是说侥幸船上有人因各种原因打消出游计划。为保险起见,我还是预购了另一条去迪南“好”城(Dinan)的岸上旅游,以防假如去不成天使长山,又不至于荒废滞留时间。常言道:瞎猫碰到死耗子,我果真撞上了大运,此时此刻眼望砸在手里的迪南游览票,心里竟没有丝毫遗憾,毕竟天使长山才是我这次出游法国的终极目标。



  • 游轮通常只允许至少提前两天退票,否则经济损失自负。我昨天因为无法确定今天能否拿到明天前往天使长山的通行证,所以没敢抛出手头早已买好去迪南的游览票,无奈错过了全额退款($134.25/3.5小时)的最后期限。

  • 有人也许疑惑为何雇用游轮岸上旅游而不选择当地旅游公司,毕竟后者比前者节省不少游费,况且像猫途鹰旅游指导(Tripadvisor)旗下的旅人(Viator)公司导游业务遍及西欧各地。在我看来,出国旅行要省心安逸,而门对门的服务可以保障轻松出宫按时回府,游轮提供的导游无论从服务质量还是语言水准大都算作上乘选择,由他们带队至少能优先登堂入室,立马消除热门景区排队的焦躁,现场直击常被忽略的建筑细节。如果不是随身地陪,普通导游价格确实便宜,但仅限于把游客送达目的地门口,剩下的内部观光全靠个人造化,只有事先做足功课或者背景知识殷实的游客才会见证物超所值,否则充其量到此一游。要知道从天使长山底爬到山顶海拔88米/289英尺、350级台阶绝对有捷径可循,如果现场有高人指点,避开客流高峰不说,关键还能了解景观背后的故事,对于绝无仅有的人生经历至关重要。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024:Saint-Malo, the Corsair City in France(法国圣马洛·海盗城)

2024: Dinard, Cannes of the North in France(法国迪纳尔·北方的戛纳)

2015: Mythology in Athens, Greece(希腊雅典“智慧女神”的神话故事)

2015: Cape Sounion, Temple of Poseidon GR(希腊苏尼翁岬·海神庙)

2014: Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland(心爱州大洋城海滨浮桥栈道)

2013: 四年级夏令营(Fourth Grade Summer Camp)

2012: Descriptive─Poster(应用文—壁报)

2010: 阳光精神(Be Positive)

2024-06-20_01_Mont Saint Michel_ a Symbol of French Identity & Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979-10001.JPGMont Saint Michel, a Symbol of French Identity & Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979

(圣米歇尔“天使长”山·法国身份的象征,于1979年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_02_Abbey_ a Masterpiece of Gothic Architecture w Soaring Vaulted Ceilings_ Intricate Stonework_ & Stunning Stained-Glass Windows0001.JPG

Benedictine Abbey, Masterpiece of Gothic Architecture w/ Soaring Vaulted Ceilings, Intricate Stonework, & Stunning Stained-Glass Windows


2024-06-20_02_Archangel Michael appeared in 3 dreams of Aubert_ Bishop of Avranches_ instructing him to build a chapel on a mountain.0001.JPGArchangel Michael Appeared in 3 Dreams of Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, Instructing Him to Build a Chapel on a Mountain


2024-06-20_02_Chevet_ a Semicircle of Pillars or Buttresses0001.JPGAfter the 3rd dream, the bishop listened. He built a small church on the island and consecrated it in 709


2024-06-20_02_During the 14th century, the abbey was protected behind a set of military constructions during the Hundred Years War. It hel.JPG

During the 14th century, the abbey was protected behind a set of military constructions during the Hundred Years War and held out against a 30-year siege.


2024-06-20_02_Spire w a Statue of Archangel Michael Crowning the Church & Soaring to a Height of 157 Meters in 18790001.JPG

Spire w a Statue of Archangel Michael Crowning the Church & Soaring to a Height of 157-m/516-ft in 1879


2024-06-20_02_Stone Houses of the Medieval Village0001.JPGStone Houses of the Medieval Village


2024-06-20_03_Perches aplenty from which to think clearly or at least to get lost in thought.0001.JPGPerches Aplenty to Think Clearly or at Least to Get Lost in Thought


2024-06-20_04_Ramparts & Bldgs0001.JPGRamparts & Bldgs (城墙与房舍)

2024-06-20_05_Mont St Michel Drawbridge Served as the Imposing Gateway-10001.JPG

Drawbridge Served as the Imposing Gateway

(吊桥·雄伟的门户 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_06_Post Office0001.JPGPost Office (邮局)

2024-06-20_07_Grande-Rue_ the Main Thoroughfare_ Winding Its Way towards the Abbey_ Flanked by Charming Medieval Houses0001.JPG

Grande-Rue or the Main Thoroughfare, Winding Its Way towards the Abbey, Flanked by Charming Medieval Houses


2024-06-20_08_Boutique Les Lutins or Elves Shop0001.JPGBoutique Les Lutins or Elves Shop (精灵商店)

2024-06-20_09_Maison de l'Artichaut or House of the Artichoke-10001.JPG

Maison de l'Artichaut or House of the Artichoke

(朝鲜蓟之家 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_10_Mont St Michel Single Street-10001.JPG

Mont St Michel Single Street (天使长山单行道街)

2024-06-20_11_Mont St Michel Single Street-20001.JPG

Mont St Michel Single Street (天使长山单行道街)

2024-06-20_12_Mont St Michel Single Street-30001.JPG

Mont St Michel Single Street (天使长山单行道街)

2024-06-20_13_Mont St Michel Single Street-40001.JPG

Mont St Michel Single Street (天使长山单行道街)

2024-06-20_60_Saint Peter Parish Church_Fa?ade0001.JPGFa?ade of Saint Peter Parish Church


2024-06-20_61_Saint Peter Parish Church_Main Nave & Altar0001.JPGMain Nave & Altar of Saint Peter Parish Church


2024-06-20_14_H?tel Les Terrasses Poulard against the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel0001.JPGH?tel Les Terrasses Poulard against the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel


2024-06-20_15_Divine Islet Home to Mont Saint-Michel0001.JPGDivine Islet Home to Mont Saint-Michel


2024-06-20_15_Hearing God’s Voice Easier When Set Apart from the Sometimes Mind-Numbing Crush of Humanity0001.JPGHearing God's Voice Easier When Set Apart from the Sometimes Mind-Numbing Crush of Humanity


2024-06-20_16_Bell Tower of St Peter Dedicated to the Patron Saint of Fishermen Dating from the 15th & 16th Centuries0001.JPGBell Tower of St Peter Dedicated to the Patron Saint of Fishermen Dating from the 15th & 16th Centuries


2024-06-20_17_Entrance Gatehouse of the Merveille0001.JPG

Entrance Gatehouse of the Merveille (神奇圣地入口门楼)

2024-06-20_18_Brownstone Cylindrical Corner Lookout Tower Partly Covered in Yellow Moss against Blue Sky0001.JPG

Brownstone Cylindrical Corner Lookout Tower Partly Covered in Yellow Moss against Blue Sky


2024-06-20_19_Fortress wal Dating back to 708 AD when Bishop Aubert of Avranches Selected the Deserted island as the Site for an oratory d.JPGFortress wal Dating back to 708 AD When Bishop Aubert of Avranches Selected the Deserted Island as the Site for an Oratory Dedicated to the Archangel Michael


2024-06-20_20_Jigsaw Puzzle of Architecture of Door0001.JPG

Jigsaw Puzzle of Door Architecture


2024-06-20_21_Entrance-10001.JPGEntrance Architecture (入口建筑)

2024-06-20_22_Citerne Viewed from Terrasse Saut-Gauthier0001.JPGCiterne Viewed from Terrasse Saut-Gauthier


2024-06-20_23_Stone Pathway0001.JPG

Stone Pathway (石路)

2024-06-20_24_Guards Room_Inner Grand Degré Dating back to 1540-10001.JPG

Guards Room, Inner Grand Degré Dating back to 1540



Door (大门)


Door (大门)


Door (大门)


Door (大门)


Door (大门)

2024-06-20_30_A Secret Corridor0001.JPG

A Secret Corridor (秘道)

2024-06-20_31_Western Fa?ade of the Abbey Church_Forecourt & Entrance Door to the Abbey Labyrinth0001.JPG

Western Fa?ade of the Abbey Church, Entrance Door to the Abbey Labyrinth


2024-06-20_32_Chancel in Gothic Flamboyant Style between 1446 & 1521 & the Simplicity of the Romanesque Nave Complemented by This Elegant.JPG

Chancel in Gothic Flamboyant Style between 1446 & 1521 & the Simplicity of the Romanesque Nave Complemented by This Elegant Adaptation


2024-06-20_33_Pipe Organ0001.JPGPipe Organ (管风琴)

2024-06-20_34_Choir Vertically w Less Thick Pillars & the Narrower Spans_ Giving the Impression of an Element Soaring up to the Sky0001.JPG

Choir Vertically w/ Less Thick Pillars & Narrower Spans, Giving the Impression of an Element Soaring up to the Sky


2024-06-20_34_Each Span Composed of 3 Floors_Arcades_ Triforium or Stands_ & High Windows0001.JPGEach Span Composed of 3 Floors, Arcades, Triforium or Stands, & High Windows


2024-06-20_35_Vault of the Nave w a Frame of Pillars & Archways0001.JPG

Vault of the Nave w/ a Frame of Pillars & Archways


2024-06-20_36_Spiritual Presence w the Cross as the Heart of Mont Saint-Michel0001.JPG

Spiritual Presence w/ the Cross as the Heart of Mont Saint-Michel


2024-06-20_37_Polychromed Madonna Carved in the 13th Century from Limestone0001.JPG

Polychromed Madonna Carved in the 13th Century from Limestone


2024-06-20_38_Choir- South0001.JPG

South Choir (唱诗席·南侧)

2024-06-20_39_Tranquil Cloister Emboding the Link between the People & God0001.JPGTranquil Cloister Embodying the Link between the People & God


2024-06-20_40_View of the Cloister w Verdant Gardens Added to the Enchantment of Abbey's Architectural Masterpiece0001.JPGView of the Cloister w/ Verdant Gardens Added to the Enchantment of Abbey's Architectural Masterpiece


2024-06-20_41_A Gallery of the Cloister0001.JPG

A Gallery of the Cloister (修道院画廊)

2024-06-20_42_Chapel of Our Lady of the Underworld0001.JPG

Chapel of Our Lady of the Underworld (冥界圣母教堂)

2024-06-20_43_Salle d’Accueil_ the Welcoming or Reception Room for Pilgrims w a Vault in a Large Central Frame Reminiscent of the Nave0001.JPGSalle d’Accueil, the Welcoming or Reception Room for Pilgrims w a Vault in a Large Central Frame Reminiscent of the Nave


2024-06-20_44_ Refectory w Bright but No Visible Windows0001.JPGRefectory w/ Bright but No Visible Windows


2024-06-20_45_Saint Aubert, Bishop of Avranches in the 8th Century, saw in dreams Archangel Michael, who ordered him to build a sanctuary.JPGFresco of Saint Aubert, Bishop of Avranches in the 8th Century, saw in dreams Archangel Michael, who ordered him to build a sanctuary on Mount Tomb


2024-06-20_46_Narrow Medieval Windows0001.JPGNarrow Medieval Windows (狭窄的中世纪窗户)

2024-06-20_47_Medieval Floor Tiles Set into the Floor of the Crypt0001.JPGMedieval Floor Tiles Set into the Floor of the Crypt


2024-06-20_48_St Martin Chapel_ a Very Austere Style Crypt0001.JPG

St Martin Chapel, a Very Austere Style Crypt


2024-06-20_49_Saint-Etienne Chapel_Cross Alpha Omega w Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega_ the First and the Last0001.JPG

Saint-Etienne Chapel, Cross Alpha Omega w/ Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last


2024-06-20_50_Saint-Etienne Chapel_ the Chapel of the Dead0001.JPGSaint-Etienne Chapel, the Chapel of the Dead


2024-06-20_51_Salle des Chevaliers_ the the Grandiose Knights’ Hall-10001.JPGSalle des Chevaliers, the the Grandiose Knights' Hall

(宏伟的骑士大厅 06-20-2024)

2024-06-20_52_Salles des H?tes or Hosts' Room w 2 Naves for Tables & 2 Big Fireplaces for Cooked Food & Latrines on the Northern Wall0001.JPGSalles des H?tes or Hosts' Room w/ 2 Naves for Tables & 2 Big Fireplaces for Cooked Food & Latrines on the Northern Wall


2024-06-20_53_Almonry w Its Romanesque Vault0001.JPGAlmonry w/ Its Romanesque Vault (带有罗马式拱顶的圣器库)

2024-06-20_54_Artwork w 5 New Layers of Color Representing the 5 Continents on the Globe & Associated to Each of the Figure Ambassadors.JPG

Artwork w/ 5 New Layers of Color Representing the 5 Continents on the Globe & Associated to Each of the Figure Ambassadors for the Values of Freedom


2024-06-20_55_Hermits were inspired to establish their community after an apparition of the Archangel Michael appeared to them0001.JPGHermits were inspired to establish their community after an apparition of the Archangel Michael appeared to them.


2024-06-20_56_Merveille, the Gothic Part of the Abbey Built in the 13th Century w the Clergy atop, the Nobility in the Middle, & the Peop.JPGMerveille, the Gothic Part of the Abbey Built in the 13th Century w/ the Clergy atop, the Nobility in the Middle, & the People @ the Bottom

(修道院的哥特式神奇宝地·建于13 世纪,顶部为神职人员,中间为贵族,底部为民众)

2024-06-20_57_Merveille, the Monk Living Area Contributing to Reinforcement of the Defensive Character of the Mount, Protecting the North.JPG

Merveille, the Monk Living Area Contributing to Reinforcement of the Defensive Character of the Mount, Protecting the Northern Flank of the Abbey


2024-06-20_58_Tidy Refuge Monks Tucked into0001.JPG

Tidy Refuge Monks Tucked into (僧侣们躲进圣洁的避难所)

2024-06-20_59_A Sentinel Post on Medieval City Fortifications0001.JPGA Sentinel Post on Medieval City Fortifications


2024-06-20_62_Ferris Wheel Walked by 5-6 Prisoners_ Laboring to Power the Immense Mechanisms to Lift Food & Supplies into the Abbey Bldgs0001.JPG

Ferris Wheel Walked by 5-6 Prisoners, Laboring to Power the Immense Mechanisms to Lift Food & Supplies into the Abbey Bldgs


2024-06-20_63_Grande Roue or Treadwheel Crane Standing as a Reminder of the Tumultuous Period of the French Revolution0001.JPG

Grande Roue or Treadwheel Crane Standing as a Reminder of the Tumultuous Period of the French Revolution


2024-06-20_64_Outdoor Medieval Water Tap w Fleur-de-Lis French Lily & Shell of Saint James Coats of Arms in Inner Court of Saint Michael's Abbey0.JPG

Outdoor Medieval Water Tap w/ Fleur-de-Lis French Lily & Shell of Saint James Coats of Arms in Inner Court of Saint Michael's Abbey


2024-06-20_65_A View of Tombelaine or Light Tomb Island from Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey0001.JPGA View of Tombelaine or Light Tomb Island from Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey


2024-06-20_66_River Cousenon Flowing into the Sea on the Northern Side of the Island, Demarcating the Boundary Between the Duchies of Brit.JPGRiver Cousenon Flowing into the Sea on the Northern Side of the Island, Demarcating the Boundary Between the Duchies of Brittany & Normandy


2024-06-20_67_Causeway Bridge0001.JPGCauseway Bridge (铜锣桥)

2024-06-20_68_Divine Appointment of All on Tide-Washed Land0001.JPGDivine Appointment of All on Tide-Washed Land


2024-06-20_69_Vast Sandbanks Surrounding the Island Notorious for Its Hazardous Waters & Shifting Sandy Banks0001.JPG

Vast Sandbanks Surrounding the Island Notorious for Its Hazardous Waters & Shifting Sandy Banks


2024-06-20_70_Bay of Mont Saint-Michel Renowned for its Distinctive Hues & expansive Vistas w Treacherous Quicksand_ Especially @ High Tide0001.JPGBay of Mont Saint-Michel Renowned for Its Distinctive Hues & expansive Vistas w/ Treacherous Quicksand, Especially @ High Tide


2024-06-20_71_Suffolk Sheep_ a Polled_ Black-Faced Breed Raised Primarily for its Meat_in Tidal Marsh0001.JPGSuffolk Sheep w/ a Polled, Black-Faced Breed Raised Primarily for Its Meat, in Tidal Marsh


2024-06-20_72_European Jackdaw-10001.JPGEuropean Jackdaw (欧洲寒鸦)

2024-06-20_73_Omelettes Cooking on a Wood Fire at La Mère Poulard0001.JPGOmelettes Cooking on a Wood Fire at La Mère Poulard





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