


Bordeaux, Port of the Moon in France(法国波尔多·月亮港)


2024-06-18 International Picnic Day

Port of the Moon.jpg

【To the Imperious Beauty (A la belle impérieuse)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

                Love, panic

                Of reason,


                By the thrill.


                Let me say,

                Grant nothing.

                If I sigh,

                Sing is good.


                If I stay

                Sad, at your feet,

                And if I cry

                It's good, laugh.


                A man seems

                Often misleading.

                But if I tremble,

                Beautiful, be afraid.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——























【注】尽管波尔多“水边”在过去两千年里遭到多次掠夺和抢劫,但二十世纪财星高照好运相随,凭借葡萄酒出色的品质而在国际上享有盛誉。波尔多港因为自然形状又叫月亮港,是连接大西洋的加龙“多石”河(Garonne River)进行葡萄酒贸易扩张的门户,该河是波尔多最重要的贸易路线,让这座城市的财富和声望日益增长,2007年被联合国教科文组织纳入《世界遗产名录》。

今晚“大洋·滨海”号游轮经加龙河驶出吉伦特“圆润”河口(Gironde Estuary)进入大西洋,因此波尔多的告别宴新增了法式自助大餐。于我而言,除了食材有别,西式大锅饭都是如法泡制,吃自助餐考量更多的是底气,“撑死胆大的饿死胆小的”,既要敢于直面吊胃口的生猛海鲜,又要勇于正视豪放派的山吃海喝。秒拍各式摆盘后,我还是退居点餐厅享用晚饭。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2025: Chateau de Ferrand, Grand Cru in FRA(法国费朗酒庄·特级园)

2025: Saint-Emilion through Time, France(法国穿越时空的圣爱美浓)

2015: Ephesus the Ancient Trading Pl(土耳其以弗所“理想城”·古代贸易中心)

2015: Kusadasi the Aegean Resort, TUR(土耳其库萨达斯“鸟岛”·爱琴海避暑胜地)

2015: Seljuk the Sacred/Honored Place, Turkey(土耳其赛尔柱“雄辩”圣地)

2014: Last Day of Fifth Grade(小学五年级最后一天)

2013: 学期评估(Year-End Evaluation)

2024-06-17_01_Early 18th Century Onwards Placed as an Outstanding Example of Classical & Neo-Classical Trends w an Exceptional Urban & Arch.JPGPlace de la Bourse at the bank of Garonne RiverEarly 18th Century Onwards Placed as an Outstanding Example of Classical & Neo-Classical Trends w/ an Exceptional Urban & Architectural Unity


2024-06-17_02_Garonne River Flowing from the Central Spanish Pyrenees to the Gironde Estuary of Bordeaux0001.JPGGaronne River Flowing from the Central Spanish Pyrenees to the Gironde Estuary of Bordeaux


2024-06-17_03_Stone Bridge over the Garonne Completed in 18220001.JPGPont de Pierre over the Garonne Completed in 1822


2024-06-17_04_Basilica of Saint Michael of Bordeaux in Gothic Style Built between the End of 14th Century & the 16th Century, an UNESCO World Heri.JPGBasilique Saint-Seurin in Romanesque Built in the 11th Century


2024-06-17_05_Views of the Award Winning Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas0001.JPGViews of the Award-Winning Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas


2024-06-18_02_Sail away_ Approaching under Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas-1M0001.JPGSail away (启航 06-18-2024)

2024-06-18_03_Sail away_ Approaching under Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas-20001.JPGApproaching under Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas 


2024-06-18_04_Underpass of Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas0001.JPG

Underpass of Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas


2024-06-18_05_Rue Lucien Faure Dock @ Bassins à Flot Used for Submarine Base by Both the Italian Royal Navy & the German U-boats0001.JPGRue Lucien Faure Dock @ Bassins à Flot Used for Submarine Base by Both the Italian Royal Navy & the German U-boats during WWII


2024-06-18_06_La Cité Du Vin Ferry Terminal-10001.JPGLa Cité Du Vin Ferry Terminal (酒城渡轮码头 06-18-2024)

2024-06-18_07_View of the Cité du Vin_ a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines-40001.JPGView of the Cité du Vin, a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines


2024-06-18_08_Quai des Marques under Cité du Vin or City of Wine in 20160001.JPGQuai des Marques under Cité du Vin or City of Wine in 2016


2024-06-18_10_Crossing Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas0001.JPGOceania Nautica Run into the Sister Cruiseship of Oceania Marina Crossing Pont d'Aquitaine


2024-06-18_11_Crossing Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas0001.JPGPort of the Moon (月亮港)

2024-06-18_12_Pont d Aquitaine_ a Steel Suspension Bridge Completed in 19670001.JPGPont d'Aquitaine a Large Suspension Bridge over the Garonne


2024-06-18_13_Underpass of Pont d'Aquitaine-0001.JPG

Underpass of Pont d'Aquitaine (水边大桥通道)

2024-06-18_14_Mysterious Rig w No Name on the River Garonne0001.JPGMysterious Rig w/ No Name on the River Garonne


2024-06-18_15_Port Of Bassens-10001.JPGIndustrial Port of Bassens (宽港工业码头)

2024-06-18_16_Lunch of Surf & Turf Wagyu w Wagyu Beef Patty_ Lobster Medallions_ & Truffle Mayonnaise @ Waves of Oceania Marina0001.JPGLunch of Surf & Turf Wagyu w/ Wagyu Beef Patty, Lobster Medallions, & Truffle Mayonnaise @ Waves of Oceania Marina



Dinner (晚餐)

2024-06-18_151_Brie软牛奶乳酪0001.JPGBrie (软牛奶乳酪)

2024-06-18_152_Selection of Bordeaux Cold Cut精选波尔多冷切肉肠0001.JPGSelection of Bordeaux Cold Cut (波尔多冷切肉肠精选)

2024-06-18_153_Salmon & Shrimps Terrine三文鱼虾肉糜0001.JPGSalmon & Shrimps Terrine (三文鱼虾肉糜)

2024-06-18_154_Nicoise Salad尼斯“胜利”沙拉0001.JPGNicoise Salad (尼斯“胜利”沙拉)

2024-06-18_155_Egg Mimosa含羞草蛋0001.JPGEgg Mimosa (含羞草蛋)

2024-06-18_156_Nutrient-Dense Veggies营养丰富的蔬菜0001.JPGNutrient-Dense Veggies (营养丰富的蔬菜)

2024-06-18_157_Artisanal Bar手工艺酒吧0001.JPGArtisanal Bar (手工艺酒吧)

2024-06-18_158_Ratatouille焖菜杂烩0001.JPGRatatouille (焖菜杂烩)

2024-06-18_159_Roasted Lamb Leg Proven?al Style普罗旺斯风味烤羊腿0001.JPGRoasted Lamb Leg Proven?al Style


2024-06-18_160_Roasted Duck on Butter Brioche黄油奶油蛋卷烤鸭0001.JPGRoasted Duck on Butter Brioche (黄油奶油蛋卷烤鸭)

2024-06-18_161_Cassoulet Toulousain图卢兹卡酥来“石水”砂锅0001.JPGCassoulet Toulousain (图卢兹卡酥来“石水”砂锅)

2024-06-18_162_Traditional Beef Bourguignon传统红酒烩牛肉0001.JPGTraditional Beef Bourguignon (传统红酒烩牛肉)

2024-06-18_164_Grilled Sardines烤沙丁“红色”鱼0001.JPGLamproie a la Bordelaise (红酒鳗鱼)

2024-06-18_165_Sp?tzle鸡蛋面疙瘩0001.JPGSp?tzle (鸡蛋面疙瘩)

2024-06-18_166_Cheese Souffle奶酪蛋奶酥0001.JPG

Cheese Souffle (奶酪蛋奶酥)

2024-06-18_167_Chocolate Mousse & Assorted ?clair巧克力慕斯“气泡”与什锦闪电泡芙0001.JPGChocolate Mousse & Assorted ?clair


2024-06-18_168_Coconut Banana Cake椰子香蕉蛋糕0001.JPGCoconut Banana Cake (椰子香蕉蛋糕)




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