


Chateau de Ferrand, Grand Cru in FRA(法国费朗酒庄·特级园)


2024-06-18 Sustainable Gastronomy Day

Ch?teau de Ferrand.jpg

【To My Daughter Adele (A ma fille Adèle)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

        As a child, you slept near me, pink and fresh,

        Like a baby Jesus dozing in his manger;

        Your pure sleep was so calm and lovely

        That you didn't hear the bird sing in the shadows;

        I, thoughtful, sucked in all the dark sweetness

        From the mysterious firmament.


        And I listened to the angels fly over your head;

        And I watched you sleep; and on your nappies

        I plucked the petals of jasmines and carnations noiselessly;

        And I prayed, watching over your closed eyelids;

        And my eyes were wet with tears, thinking about things

        That await us in the night.


        One day my turn will come to sleep; and my bed,

        Made of shadow, will be so dreary and so fierce

        Nor will I hear the bird sing;

        And the night will be dark; then, oh my dove,

        Tears, prayer and flowers, you will return to my grave

        What I did for your crib.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


























  • 70%梅洛“黑鸟”(Merlot)

  • 29%品丽珠“法国黑葡萄藤”(Cabernet Franc)

  • 1%赤霞珠“野生葡萄藤”(Cabernet Sauvignon) 


  • 烤肋排(Entrecote a la Bordelaise)配以红酒(赤霞珠)、洋葱和肉汁制成的酱汁;

  • 羊腿(Gigot d'Agneau)用百里香、欧芹、大蒜和橄榄油烤制而成;

  • 烤猪排(Cuit au Four Cotelette de Porc)配上红酒、红糖、丁香、肉豆蔻和苹果制成的酱汁;

  • 红酒鳗鱼(Lamproie a la Bordelaise)由七鳃鳗与腌火腿、红酒、各种新鲜香草以及韭菜、洋葱和大蒜等蔬菜一起炖制而成;

  • 小肉桂蛋糕(Cannele) 以朗姆酒和香草调味。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2025: Bordeaux, Port of the Moon in France(法国波尔多·月亮港)

2025: Saint-Emilion through Time, France(法国穿越时空的圣爱美浓)

2015: Ephesus the Ancient Trading Pl(土耳其以弗所“理想城”·古代贸易中心)

2015: Kusadasi the Aegean Resort, TUR(土耳其库萨达斯“鸟岛”·爱琴海避暑胜地)

2015: Seljuk the Sacred/Honored Place, Turkey(土耳其赛尔柱“雄辩”圣地)

2014: Last Day of Fifth Grade(小学五年级最后一天)

2013: 学期评估(Year-End Evaluation)

2024-06-18_26_A Bordeaux Wine Estate in the Saint-Emilion Appellation, Located on the Clay-Limestone Plateau o.JPGCh?teau de Ferrand, a Bordeaux Wine Estate in the Saint-Emilion Appellation Located on the Clay-Limestone Plateau of St-Hippolyte


2024-06-18_27_Chateau de Ferrand Vineyards, Terroir, Grapes, Winemaking葡萄园、土壤、葡萄、酿酒.JPGChateau de Ferrand Vineyards, Terroir, Grapes, Winemaking

(葡萄园、土壤、葡萄、酿酒 06-18-2024)

2024-06-18_28_Merlot & Cabernet Franc Wine Blends of High-Quality高品质梅洛和品丽珠葡萄酒混合酒0001.JPG

Merlot & Cabernet Franc Wine Blends of High-Quality


2024-06-18_29_Sculpture of Blue-Green Color Crystal Pen蓝绿色水晶笔雕塑0001.JPGSculpture of Blue-Green Color Crystal Pen


2024-06-18_30_Stainless Steel Wine Vats in a Row inside the Winery酿酒厂内一排排不锈钢酒桶0001.JPGStainless Steel Wine Vats in a Row inside the Winery


2024-06-18_31_Fermentation Tanks (Wooden Vats)发酵罐木桶-10001.JPGFermentation Tanks in Wooden Vats (发酵罐木桶 06-18-2024)

2024-06-18_32_One of the Oldest Chateaus in the Appellation产区最古老的酒庄之一0001.JPGOne of the Oldest Chateaus in the Appellation


2024-06-18_25_Wine Bottling Truck w Mobile Bottling Line带移动装瓶线的葡萄酒装瓶卡车0001.JPGLent Wine Bottling Truck w/ Mobile Bottling Line


Local Popular Cuisine当地流行美食.jpgLocal Popular Cuisine (当地流行美食)




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