


Bordeaux, Camino Francés in France(法国朝圣之路·波尔多“水边”)


2024-06-17 World Tessellation Day

Camino Francés.jpg

【Written Beneath a Crucifix (Ecrit au bas d'un crucifix)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

        You who weep, come to this God, for he weeps.

        You who suffer, come to him, for he cures.

        You who tremble, come to him, for he smiles.

        You who pass, come to him, for he remains.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——









1. 后继者使徒之路:Way of St. James

2. 法国之路:French Way

3. 执着使徒大教堂:Basilica of St Severinus

4. 神似使徒大教堂:Basilica of St Michael

5. 坚强使徒大教堂:Cathedral of St Andrew

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bordeaux, La Belle Endormie of FRA(法国的睡美人·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, the Wine Capital of FRA(法国葡萄酒首府·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Chateau Lanessan & Wineries, FRA(法国阑珊“圣洁”酒庄及葡萄酒厂)

2024: Fort Médoc Bolting the Estuary, FRA(法国梅多克堡·河口关卡)

2023: Juneteenth Weekend Dined @ Nectar, PA(宾州丹露轩六月节晚餐)

2022: Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

2015: Rhodes—Acropolis of Lindos, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—美都卫城)

2015: Rhodes—Grand Master of the Knights, GRC(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛大教长宫)

2015: Rhodes—Island of the Knights, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—骑士之岛)

2012: 摘草莓(Shady Brook Farm)

2024-06-17_00_Traffic & Trams on the Quai de la Douane or Customs Quay-20001.JPGTraffic & Trams on the Quai de la Douane or Customs Quay


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Street of the Flour Cellar toward Bordeaux Cathedral 

(通往波尔多大教堂的面粉房街 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_23_ Twin Spires of Bordeaux Cathedral Seen from the West along Rue des Frères Bonie_ the Cathedral in the Plantagenet or Angevine Gothic Style00.JPGTwin Spires of Bordeaux Cathedral Seen from the West along Rue des Frères Bonie, the Cathedral in the Plantagenet or Angevine Gothic Style


2024-06-17_28_North Transept & the Royal Portal w Tympanum & Voussoirs of the Royal Portal (1200–1250)0001.JPG

North Transept & the Royal Portal of Bordeaux Cathedral w/ Tympanum & Voussoirs of the Royal Portal Built in 1200–1250


2024-06-17_30_Massive Buttresses0001.JPGMassive Buttresses of Bordeaux Cathedral


2024-06-17_31_Spires of Bordeaux Cathedral0001.JPGTwin Spires of Bordeaux Cathedral (波尔多大教堂·双尖塔)

2024-06-17_32_Crowned a Steeple & Isolated from the Rest of the Cathedral to Protect the Cathedral from the Vibrations of the Bells0001.JPG

Crowned a Steeple & Isolated from the Rest of the Bordeaux Cathedral to Protect the Cathedral from the Vibrations of the Bells


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Pey Berland Tower w/ Our Lady of Aquitaine, Bordeaux Cathedral


2024-06-17_34_Chevet w Its Radiating Chapels0001.JPGChevet w/ Its Radiating Chapels, Bordeaux Cathedral


2024-06-17_35_Cathedral Choir0001.JPGAltar of Bordeaux Cathedral (波尔多大教堂·祭坛)

2024-06-17_36_Bordeaux Cathedral_Pipe Organ0001.JPGPipe Organ of Bordeaux Cathedral


2024-06-17_37_Bordeaux Cathedral_Chapel0001.JPGChapel of Bordeaux Cathedral (波尔多大教堂·小教堂)

2024-06-17_41_Rue Vital Carles to Saint Andre Cathedral0001.JPG

Rue Vital Carles to Saint Andre Cathedral


2024-06-17_53_Cours du Chapeau Rouge Located in the Heart of the Golden Triangle, the Most Bourgeois District of Bordeaux Presenting.JPG

Cours du Chapeau Rouge Located in the Heart of the Golden Triangle, the Most Bourgeois District of Bordeaux Presenting an Impressive Succession of Private Mansions


2024-06-17_54_Church of Our Lady of Bordeaux Built in a Baroque Style at the End of the 17th Century w the Statuary-Adorned West Front of a Masterp.JPG

Church of Our Lady of Bordeaux Built in a Baroque Style at the End of the 17th Century w/ the Statuary-Adorned West Front of a Masterpiece of Religious Art


2024-06-17_56_Barrel Vault of the Nave Pierced by the Eyeglasses of the High Windows0001.JPGBarrel Vault of the Nave Pierced by the Eyeglasses of the High Windows, Church of Our Lady of Bordeaux


2024-06-17_57_Organ Gallery Extended on the Sides by 2 Rounded Balconies w Harmonious Curves0001.JPGOrgan Gallery Extended on the Sides by 2 Rounded Balconies w/ Harmonious CurvesChurch of Our Lady of Bordeaux


2024-06-17_58_ Barrel Vault of the Nave Groined Vaults of the Side Aisles0001.JPG

Barrel Vault of the Nave Groined Vaults of the Side AislesChurch of Our Lady of Bordeaux


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Rue des Palanques (征收者路)

2024-06-17_157_Church of Saint Mary of the Bastide in a Pastiche Neo-Medieval Style Built in 1864-870001.JPG

Church of Saint Mary of the Bastide in a Pastiche Neo-Medieval Style Built in 1864-87


2024-06-17_159_Basilica of St Michael0001.JPGBasilica of St Michael at the Bank of Garonne River


2024-06-17_158_Basilica St Michael Flamboyant Gothic Church0001.JPG

Basilica St Michael Flamboyant Gothic Church


2024-06-17_160_Basilica of Saint Michael of Bordeaux in Gothic Style Built between the End of 14th Century & the 16th Century, an UNESCO World Heri.JPGBasilique Saint-Seurin in Romanesque Built in the 11th Century


2024-06-17_Basilique Saint-Seurin in Romanesque Built in the 11th Century0001.JPGFa?ade of Basilique Saint-Seurin (执着使徒大教堂·正立面)

2024-06-17_Basilique Saint-Seurin_Entrance0001.JPGEntrance of Basilique Saint-Seurin (执着使徒大教堂·入口)

2024-06-17_Basilique Saint-Seurin_Nave0001.JPGNave of Basilique Saint-Seurin (执着使徒大教堂·中殿)




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