


Bordeaux, La Belle Endormie of FRA(法国的睡美人·波尔多“水边”)


2024-06-17 National Take Your Cat to Work Day

Bordeaux La Belle Endormie.jpg

【More Strong Than Time (Plus fort que le temps)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

    Since I have set my lips to your full cup, my sweet,

    Since I my pallid face between your hands have laid,

    Since I have known your soul, and all the bloom of it,

    And all the perfume rare, now buried in the shade;


    Since it was given to me to hear on happy while,

    The words wherein your heart spoke all its mysteries,

    Since I have seen you weep, and since I have seen you smile,

    Your lips upon my lips, and your eyes upon my eyes;


    Since I have known above my forehead glance and gleam,

    A ray, a single ray, of your star, veiled always,

    Since I have felt the fall, upon my lifetime's stream,

    Of one rose petal plucked from the roses of your days;


    I now am bold to say to the swift changing hours,

    Pass, pass upon your way, for I grow never old,

    Fleet to the dark abysm with all your fading flowers,

    One rose that none may pluck, within my heart I hold.


    Your flying wings may smite, but they can never spill

    The cup fulfilled of love, from which my lips are wet;

    My heart has far more fire than you can frost to chill,

    My soul more love than you can make my soul forget.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






























波尔多而言,要不是德国海军军官“领主·安全”(Henri Salmide)违抗纳粹头目希特勒炸毁月亮港的命令,引爆了为摧毁战时这个最重要港口而储存的弹药库,同时拯救了大约3,500名法国人性命,波尔多可能会遭受更大的破坏。

1.《康边“捷径”停战协定》:Armistice de Compiègne

2.霸王行动: Operation Overlord

3.龙骑兵行动:Operation Dragon

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bordeaux, Camino Francés in France(法国朝圣之路·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, the Wine Capital of FRA(法国葡萄酒首府·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Chateau Lanessan & Wineries, FRA(法国阑珊“圣洁”酒庄及葡萄酒厂)

2024: Fort Médoc Bolting the Estuary, FRA(法国梅多克堡·河口关卡)

2023: Juneteenth Weekend Dined @ Nectar, PA(宾州丹露轩六月节晚餐)

2022: Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

2015: Rhodes—Acropolis of Lindos, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—美都卫城)

2015: Rhodes—Grand Master of the Knights, GRC(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛大教长宫)

2015: Rhodes—Island of the Knights, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—骑士之岛)

2012: 摘草莓(Shady Brook Farm)

2024-06-17_40_Opera House & Ballet National de Bordeaux Built Entirely of Wood & Inaugurated in 17800001.JPGOpera House & Ballet National de Bordeaux Built Entirely of Wood & Inaugurated in 1780


2024-06-17_50_Grand Theatre of Bordeaux in a Neo-Classical Facade @ Place de la Comédie-10001.JPGGrand Theatre of Bordeaux in a Neoclassical Fa?ade @ Place de la Comédie

(喜剧广场·新古典主义外观的波尔多大剧院 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_Opera Natl Bordeaux-10001.JPGInterior of Opera Natl Bordeaux (波尔多国家歌剧院内景)

2024-06-17_Opera Natl Bordeaux-20001.JPGAuditorium of Opera Natl Bordeaux (波尔多国家歌剧院·坐席)

2024-06-17_Opera Natl Bordeaux_Atrium0001.JPGLobby of Opera Natl Bordeaux (波尔多国家歌剧院·大厅)

2024-06-18_104_Ceiling0001.JPGAtrium Ceiling, Grand Theatre of Bordeaux


2024-06-18_103_Portico w 12 Corinthian Style Colossal Columns0001.JPG

Portico w/ 12 Corinthian Style Colossal Columns, Grand Theatre of Bordeaux


2024-06-18_105_Grand Staircase Served as a Model for the Grand Staircase of the Opéra Garnier in Paris-10001.JPGGrand Staircase Served as a Model for the Grand Staircase of the Opéra Garnier in Paris, Grand Theatre of Bordeaux

(波尔多大剧院·大楼梯是巴黎卡尼尔“守卫”歌剧院大楼梯的模型 06-17-2024)

2024-06-18_111_Le Quatrième Mur of  an Invisible Theater Separating the Actors from the Audience0001.JPG

One Michelin-Starred Le Quatrième Mur of an Invisible Theater Separating the Actors from the Audience inside Grand Theatre of Bordeaux


2024-06-18_112_A Gloriously Simple, Understated Score Focusing on 1st-Rate Ingredients, High-Flying Tech.JPGA Gloriously Simple, Understated Score Focusing on 1st-Rate Ingredients, High-Flying Technique, a Side Dish, & a Jus in One-Michelin-Starred Le Quatrième Mur

(米其林“神赐”一星的第四堵墙餐厅·以其简单朴素专注于一流的食材、高超的烹饪技术、独特的配菜肉汁而著称 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_11_21-Metre (69-ft) Rostral Columns Facing the Garonne Erected in 1829 Symbolizing Commerce & Standing for.JPG21-m/69-ft Rostral Columns Facing the Garonne Erected in 1829 Symbolizing Commerce & Standing for Navigation @ Place des Quinconces

(梅花广场·建于1829年、面向加龙“多石”河21米/69英尺高的船头柱,象征着商业与航海 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_06_54_Meter-Tall Monument to the Girondins in Memory of the Girondists, Fallen Victims of the Reign of Ter.JPG54-m/177-ft-Tall Monument to the Girondins in Memory of the Girondists, Fallen Victims of the Reign of Terror During the French Revolution @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-18_114_Liberty Statue @ the Top of the Column of the Girondins0001.JPG

Liberty Statue @ the Top of the Column of the Girondins, Monument to the Girondins @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-17_07_A Large Pedestal Framed w 2 Basins Decorated w Bronze Horses & Troops, & Surmounted by a Large Column w.JPGA Large Pedestal Framed w/ 2 Basins Decorated w/ Bronze Horses & Troops, Surmounted by a Large Column w/ a Statue Representing the Spirit of Liberty, & Triumph of the Concorde in Roman Divinity, the Monument to the Girondins @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-17_09_City of Bordeaux Sitting on the Prow of a Ship w a Cornucopia-Base the River Dordogne @ L & the Garonne @ R-100.JPGCity of Bordeaux Sitting on the Prow of a Ship w/ a Cornucopia-Base the River Dordogne @ L & the Garonne @ R, Monument to the Girondins @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-17_10_A Rooster (Allegory of France) towards the River  Surrounded by 2 People Symbolizing History & Eloquence0001.JPGA Rooster (Allegory of France) towards the River  Surrounded by 2 People Symbolizing History & Eloquence, Monument to the Girondins @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-18_115_Myriad Sculptures & a Riot of Horses0001.JPGMyriad Sculptures & a Riot of Horses, Monument to the Girondins @ Place des Quinconces


2024-06-18_116_The Impressive Bronze Fountains Depicting the Triumphs of the Republic & the Concorde Anchoring the Pl.JPGThe Impressive Bronze Fountains Depicting the Triumphs of the Republic & the Concorde Anchoring the Place des Quinconces


2024-06-18_119_Flower Basket-10001.JPGFlower Basket @ Jardin Public

(公共花园·花篮 06-17-2024)

2024-06-18_120_Place du Champ de Mars_Fountain in the Public Park Jardin Public0001.JPGFountain @ Place du Champ de Mars, the Public Park or Jardin Public


2024-06-18_122_Statue of Rosa Bonheur as a Painter of Animals0001.JPGStatue of Rosa Bonheur as a Painter of Animals in the Jardin Public


2024-06-18_123_Botanic Garden0001.JPGBotanic Garden, Jardin Public (公共花园·植物园)

2024-06-18_124_Administrative Pavilion Museum_Plaque0001.JPG

Plaque of Administrative Pavilion Museum, Jardin Public


2024-06-18_121_Southern Magnolia0001.JPGSouthern Magnolia of Jardin Public (公共花园·南方木兰花)

2024-06-17_03_Maritime Stock Exchange Hotel0001.JPGMaritime Stock Exchange Hotel (海事交易所大厦)

2024-06-17_04_Statue Marthe Adéla?de Modeste Testa, an Ethiopian Woman Enslaved, Purchased by Bordeaux Merchants & Subsequently Freed after Living.JPG

Statue Marthe Adéla?de Modeste Testa, an Ethiopian Woman Enslaved, Purchased by Bordeaux Merchants & Subsequently Freed after Living on 3 Continents


2024-06-17_15_Fountain @ Stock Exchange Square for Minerve Protecting the Arts & Mercury Favoring the Commerce of the City0001.JPG

Fountain @ Stock Exchange Square for Minerve Protecting the Arts & Mercury Favoring the Commerce of the City


2024-06-17_29_Statue of Gloria Victis Glory to the Vanquished0001.JPG

Statue of Gloria Victis or Glory to the Vanquished


2024-06-17_31_Statue of Jacques Chaban Delmas_ the Prime Minister in the Pompidou Government on the Pey-Berland Square opposite the Rohan Palace0001.JPGStatue of Jacques Chaban Delmas, the Prime Minister in the Pompidou Government on the Pey-Berland Square opposite the Rohan Palace


2024-06-17_35_Lamp on City Hall0001.JPG

Lamp on City Hall (市政厅·路灯)

2024-06-17_36_Rue de L'Hotel-de-Ville_Plaque0001.JPG

Historic Plaque of Rue de L'Hotel-de-Ville


2024-06-17_42_Sculpture of Francisco Goya on Cervantes Institute Spanish Cultural Ctr_ Bulls_ Milkmaids_ & a Lasting Presence in Bordeaux0001.JPGSculpture of Francisco Goya on Cervantes Institute Spanish Cultural Ctr, Bulls, Milkmaids, & a Lasting Presence in Bordeaux


2024-06-17_55_Statue of the Spanish Painter Francisco de Goya  @ Place du Chapelet0001.JPG

Statue of the Spanish Painter Francisco de Goya @ Place du Chapelet


2024-06-17_48_Le Pressoir d'Argent, the Michelin-starred Restaurant’s Name & Signage Inspired by the Dining Room’s Centerpiece w a Rare Christofle.JPGLe Pressoir d'Argent, the 2-Michelin-starred Restaurant’s Name & Signage Inspired by the Dining Room's Centerpiece w/ a Rare Christofle Solid Silver Lobster Press


2024-06-17_49_Place de la Comédie_Jaume Plensa’s Stunning Sculpture of Larger-Than-Life0001.JPG

Sanna @ Place de la Comédie, the Jaume Plensa's Stunning Sculpture of Larger-Than-Life


2024-06-18_117_Statue du Marquis de Tourny0001.JPGStatue du Marquis de Tourny (雕像《“比武”总督》)

2024-06-18_125_Statue of a Joan of Arc Natl Heroine0001.JPG

Statue of a Joan of Arc Natl Heroine


2024-06-18_126_Wallace Fountain near Museum of Contemporary Art0001.JPG

Wallace Fountain near the Museum of Contemporary Art


2024-06-17_71_View of the Cité du Vin_ a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines-30001.JPGView of the Cité du Vin, a Futuristic Bldg Famous for Its Fine Wines


Dinner.jpgDinner Dishes @ Grand Dining of Oceania Marina





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