


Chateau Lanessan & Wineries, FRA(法国阑珊“圣洁”酒庄及葡萄酒厂)


2024-06-17 National Apple Strudel Day

Lanessan Castle.jpg

【Sunset (Les Soleils Couchants)】

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

The sun set tonight in the clouds.

Tomorrow will come the storm, and the evening, and the night;

Then dawn, and its clarity of obstructed vapors;

Then the nights, then the days, not of time that flees!

All these days will pass; they will pass in crowds

On the face of the seas, on the face of the mountains,

On the silver rivers, on the forests where rolls

Like a confused hymn of the dead that we love.

And the face of the waters, and the brow of the mountains,

Wrinkled and not aged, and the woods always green

Will go rejuvenating; the river of the countryside

Will take ceaselessly from the mountains the flow it gives to the seas.

But I, bowing my head lower under each day,

I pass, and, cooled under this joyful sun,

I will soon go away, in the midst of the celebration,

Without anything lacking in the world, immense and radiant!

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——























【注】葡萄酒的生产历史可能始于公元48年之后,当时罗马人占领了圣艾美浓“热切使徒”(St. Emilion)镇后便开始建造葡萄园,旨在为士兵酿制葡萄酒。然而直到公元71年,古罗马著名作家普林尼“长者”(Pliny)才记录了波尔多“水边” 地区葡萄园第一手真实证据。


波尔多生产的葡萄酒中约有89%是红葡萄酒,其余部分则由像滴金酒庄(Chateau d'Yquem)的甜白葡萄酒、干白葡萄酒、玫瑰葡萄酒和起泡葡萄酒(Cremant de Bordeaux)组成,由8,500多家酒庄、60个产区的生产商生产。


波尔多红葡萄酒在英国传统上被称为干红葡萄酒(Claret),通常由多种葡萄混合而成,允许使用的葡萄无外乎赤霞珠“野生葡萄藤”(Cabernet Sauvignon)、品丽珠“法国的黑葡萄藤”(Cabernet Franc)、梅洛“黑鸟”(Merlot)、小维铎“小绿”(Petit Verdot)、马尔贝克“臭味”(Malbec)和佳美娜“赤红”(Carmenere);如今,马尔贝克和佳美娜因管理复杂而很少使用,恐怕只有像波尔多地区五级克拉—米隆“遗产—磨坊镇”(Chateau Clerc Milon)少数酒庄仍保留佳美娜葡萄。


1. 梅洛:种植面积最大的品种,常在圣艾美浓镇、波美侯“苹果”(Pomerol)镇及吉伦特河口右岸的产区占主导地位

2. 赤霞珠:种植面积第二大的品种,多在梅多克“中原”和吉伦特河口左岸其它地区生产的红葡萄酒中占主导地位

3: 品丽珠:种植面积第三大的品种


典型的左岸:15%梅洛 + 70%赤霞珠 + 15%品丽珠  

规范的右岸:70%梅洛 + 15%赤霞珠 + 15%品丽珠 

今天我去了吉伦特河口左岸、创立于1878年的阑珊“圣洁”酒庄,据说目前已由创始人第九代直系真传接管。于我而言,该酒庄徒有虚名,本以为来此可以深入酒窖探寻其历史文化,而实际上却是讲解员的长篇大论,我只能在睡意朦胧中梦游圣洁酒庄的酿造:苹果酸—乳酸发酵在传统的混凝土桶、葡萄酒在33%的新法国橡木桶、33%的一年法国橡木桶和33%的两年法国橡木桶,平均陈酿时间为12个月完成制酒过程:37%梅洛 + 52%赤霞珠 + 2.5%品丽珠 + 8.5%小维铎。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Bordeaux, Camino Francés in France(法国朝圣之路·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, La Belle Endormie of FRA(法国的睡美人·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Bordeaux, the Wine Capital of FRA(法国葡萄酒首府·波尔多“水边”)

2024: Fort Médoc Bolting the Estuary, FRA(法国梅多克堡·河口关卡)

2023: Juneteenth Weekend Dined @ Nectar, PA(宾州丹露轩六月节晚餐)

2022: Home Remediation—Stucco Replacement(灰泥外墙更新修复工程)

2015: Rhodes—Acropolis of Lindos, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—美都卫城)

2015: Rhodes—Grand Master of the Knights, GRC(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛大教长宫)

2015: Rhodes—Island of the Knights, Greece(希腊罗得“玫瑰”岛—骑士之岛)

2012: 摘草莓(Shady Brook Farm)

2024-06-17_13_Lanessan Castle Inpired by Tudor Revival in 18780001.JPGCh?teau Lanessan Inspired by Tudor Revival in 1878


2024-06-17_14_Parc du Ch?teau Lanessan0001.JPGParc du Ch?teau Lanessan (圣洁酒庄公园)

2024-06-17_15_ Ch?teau Lanessa_Vineyard0001.JPGVineyard of Ch?teau Lanessa (圣洁酒庄·葡萄园)

2024-06-17_16_Aging Cellars in Traditional Médoc Style-10001.JPGAging Cellars in Traditional Médoc Style

(传统梅多克风格的陈酿酒窖 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_01_Porte du Médoc & Médoc Arguably the Most Famous Red Wine District0001.JPG

Porte du Médoc & Médoc Arguably the Most Famous Red Wine District


2024-06-17_02_Ch?teau Desmirail, the 3rd Growths-10001.JPGCh?teau Desmirail, the 3rd Growth


2024-06-17_02_Ch?teau Desmirail 60% Cabernet Sauvignon+39%Merlot+1% Cabernet Franc0001.JPGCh?teau Desmirail:39% Merlot/60% Cabernet Sauvignon/1% Cabernet Franc


2024-06-17_03_Chateau d'Issan the 3rd Growths_62% Cabernet Sauvignon+38% Merlot0001.JPGChateau d'Issan the 3rd Growth: 38% Merlot/62% Cabernet Sauvignon


2024-06-17_04_Ch?teau d'Agassac,a 13th-Century Médoc Wine Estate_50% Merlot+47% Cabernet Sauvignon+3% Cabernet Franc-10001.JPGCh?teau d'Agassac,a 13th-Century Médoc Wine Estate: 50% Merlot/47% Cabernet Sauvignon/3% Cabernet Franc


2024-06-17_05_Margaux, a Wine Growing Commune & Appellation d'origine contr?lée within Haut-Médoc in Bordeaux, Centred on the Villa.JPGMargaux, a Wine Growing Commune & Appellation d'origine contr?lée within Haut-Médoc in Bordeaux, Centred on the Village of Margaux


2024-06-17_06_Margaux_ Rue de la Tremoille0001.JPGRue de la Tremoille @ Margaux (珍珠村·白杨树街)

2024-06-17_07_Ch?teau La Clotte-Cazalis_95% Semillon+5% Sauvignon Blanc0001.JPGCh?teau La Clotte-Cazalis: 95% Semillon/5% Sauvignon Blanc


2024-06-17_08_Bell Tower of Parish Church0001.JPG

Bell Tower of Parish Church (教区教堂的钟楼)

2024-06-17_09_Ambarès-et-Lagrave Water Tower-20001.JPGAmbarès-et-Lagrave Water Tower (砾石天空水塔)

2024-06-17_10_Mortagne-sur-Gironde_Church Saint-?tienne0001.JPGChurch Saint-?tienne @ Mortagne-sur-Gironde


2024-06-17_11_Bobard Tractor for Narrow Vineyards0001.JPG

Bobard Tractor for Narrow Vineyards


2024-06-17_17_Chateau du Retout_76% Cabernet Sauvignon+7%Merlot+16% Petit Verdot0001.JPGChateau du Retout: 7% Merlot/76% Cabernet Sauvignon/16% Petit Verdot


2024-06-17_18_Ch?teau d'Arcins Planted for the Templars in the 14th Century0001.JPGCh?teau d'Arcins Planted for the Templars in the 14th Century


2024-06-17_19_Chateau Durfort-Vivens, the 2nd Growths0001.JPGChateau Durfort-Vivens, the 2nd Growth


2024-06-17_21_Ch?teau Prieuré-Lichine Originally a Priory of Benedictine Monks, the 4th Growths0001.JPGCh?teau Prieuré-Lichine Originally a Priory of Benedictine Monks, the 4th Growth


2024-06-17_23_Chateau St Jacques La Chapelle0001.JPGChateau St Jacques La Chapelle (后继使徒小教堂酒庄)

2024-06-17_24_Ch?teau Belle-Vue_50% Cabernet Sauvignon+35% Merlot+15% Petit Verdot-10001.JPGCh?teau Belle-Vue: 35% Merlot/50% Cabernet Sauvignon/15% Petit Verdot

(美景酒庄·35%梅洛/50%赤霞珠/15%小绿 06-17-2024)

2024-06-17_25_Ch?teau Rauzan-Ségla, the 2nd Growths_61% Cabernet Sauvignon+35% Merlot+2% Cabernet Franc+2% Petit0001.JPGCh?teau Rauzan-Ségla, the 2nd Growth: 35% Merlot/61% Cabernet Sauvignon/2% Cabernet Franc/2% Petit Verdot


2024-06-17_26_Artisan Patissier0001.JPGArtisan Patissier (好手艺糕点师)

2024-06-17_27_Mimic Fort Médoc, Fronton of the Porte Royale, Featuring a Homage to Louis XIV the Sun King0001.JPGMimic Fort Médoc, Fronton of the Porte Royale, Featuring a Homage to Louis XIV the Sun King


2024-06-17_28_Monument to the Children Who Died for France in WWI0001.JPG

Monument to the Children Who Died for France in WWI


2024-06-17_29_Tall Pigeonnier0001.JPGTall Pigeonnier (高大的鸽舍)

2024-06-17_30_Castle of the Impossible Jungles0001.JPG

Ch?teau of the Impossible Jungles (不可思议的丛林酒庄)

2024-06-17_31_Guardhouse Protecting the Access Path to the Old Ch?teau0001.JPGGuardhouse Protecting the Access Path to the Old Ch?teau





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