


Archcathedral Basilica of Santiago, ESP(西班牙大主教区圣殿)


2024-06-15 World Juggling Day

Metropolitan Archcathedral Basilica of Santiago de Compostela.jpg

Died at Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer)

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            Four moon night

            And a single tree,

            With a single shadow

            And a single bird.


            I search in my flesh

            Traces of your lips.

            The spring kisses the wind

            Without touching it.


            I carry the No that you gave me,

            In the palm of the hand,

            Like a wax lemon

            Almost white.


            Four moon night

            And a single tree.

            At the tip of a needle,

            My love is spinning!

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
























  • 完好保留了12世纪以200个圣经人物为特色的荣耀门廊,被视作中世纪雕塑的瑰宝;

  • 几百年来一直是欧洲四条后继使徒朝圣之路(Way of St. James)的终点,基督教朝圣者们都由此去瞻仰后继使徒之墓;

  • 建在使徒墓上的四大教堂之一,类似于梵蒂冈城的圣彼得“磐石”、印度钦奈(Chennai)的圣托马斯“双”和土耳其伊兹密尔(?zmir)的圣约翰“神赐”等三座大教堂。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: La Coruna, the Glass City of Spain(西班牙拉科鲁亚“王冠”玻璃城)

2024: Hostal dos Reis Católicos, ESP(西班牙欧洲最美的酒店·天主教皇旅馆)

2024: Santiago de Compostela, Spain(西班牙“星野的后继使徒”城)

2018: A Thankful Note to English Writing Class(感谢便笺)

2014: Jim Thorpe, PA(宾州吉姆索普“明路”镇)

2012: Descriptive─Commentary Speech(应用文─解说辞)

2024-06-15_34_Western Fa?ade in Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque Completed in 1211 w Maximilian Sta.JPG

Western Fa?ade in Romanesque, Gothic, & Baroque Completed in 1211 w/ Maximilian Staircase in Renaissance in the 17th Century

(西立面为罗马式、哥特式和巴洛克式星野的后继使徒大教堂·1211年建成,配有17世纪文艺复兴时期的大楼梯 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_34_Saint James Dressed as a Pilgrim on the Fa?ade0001.JPGSaint James Dressed as a Pilgrim on the Fa?ade


2024-06-15_38_Large Glass Windows Illuminating the Old Romanesque Fa?ade between the Bell & Ca.JPGLarge Glass Windows Illuminating the Old Romanesque Fa?ade between the Bell & Carrara Towers


2024-06-15_39_Cathedral Museum0001.JPGCathedral Museum (大教堂博物馆)

2024-06-15_58_Square of the Romanesque Fa?ade das Pratarías Keeping the Trace of Its 2nd Churc.JPG

Square of the Romanesque Fa?ade das Pratarías Keeping the Trace of Its 2nd Church, Built between 1103 and 1117


2024-06-15_56_Close-up of the Ancient Clock on Berenguela Tower or Tower of the Trinity0001.JPG

Close-up of the Ancient Clock on Berenguela Tower or Tower of the Trinity


2024-06-15_58_Clock Tower or Torre da Berenguela Tower of the Trinity w  Lantern in 14C0001.JPGClock Tower or Torre da Berenguela Tower of the Trinity w/ Lantern in the 14th Century


2024-06-15_59_Clock Tower @ L0001.JPGPlaza de Inmaculada (纯洁广场)

2024-06-15_61_Concha de Platerías_ the Largest Scallop in Santiago0001.JPG

Concha de Platerías, the Largest Scallop in Santiago


2024-06-15_61_Concha de Platerías, a Marker Indicating the Route of the Way of St. James, a Major Pilgrimage Route.JPG

Concha de Platerías, a Marker Indicating the Route of the Way of St. James, a Major Pilgrimage Route of Medieval Christianity from the 10th Century Onwards


2024-06-15_63_Treasure Tower, the Library & the Chapter @ the Cathedral against Casa do Cabido.JPG

Treasure Tower, the Library & the Chapter @ the Cathedral against Casa do Cabido Completed in 1758 in the Baroque Style


2024-06-15_64_Romanesque Fa?ade das Pratarías Keeping the Trace of Its 2nd Church Built betwee.JPGRomanesque Fa?ade das Pratarías Keeping the Trace of Its 2nd Church Built between 1103 and 1117


2024-06-15_66_Porta Real-10001.JPG

Porta Real or Royal Gate (皇家之门 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_67_Puerta del Perdon or Holy Gate, an Access from the Quintana Square Opened Only in Jacobean Holy Years or Ano Xacobeo Every 7 Years.JPG

Puerta del Perdon or Holy Gate, an Access from the Quintana Square Opened Only in Jacobean Holy Years or Ano Xacobeo Every 7 Years



Holy Door Location (圣门位置)

2024-06-15_66_Forgiveness Door as all christian sins are forgiven when one passes through it.JPG

Forgiveness Door, a Symbolic Gateway Forgiving, where, upon Passing through, All One's Sins by God


2024-06-15_66_Holy Door or Door of Forgiveness0001.JPG

Holy Door or Door of Forgiveness (圣门·宽恕之门)

2024-06-15_66_Cross Alpha Omega w Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Ome.JPGCross Alpha Omega w/ Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last


2024-06-15_Pórtico da Gloria_ a Jewel of the 14th-Century Medieval Roman Sculpture0001.JPGPórtico da Gloria, a Jewel of the 14th-Century Medieval Roman Sculpture


2024-06-15_71_Main Altar w Swinging Botafumeiro Dispensing Clouds of Incense-10001.JPG

Main Altar w/ Swinging Botafumeiro Dispensing Clouds of Incense

(主祭坛·配有摆动着散发香云的巨大香炉 06-15-2024)

2024-06-15_72_Main Altar under an Enormous Baldachin w a Sumptuously Decorated Statue of St Ja.JPGMain Altar under an Enormous Baldachin w/ a Sumptuously Decorated Statue of St James from the 13th Century for the Pilgrims to Embrace the St's Mantle via a Narrow Passage


2024-06-15_103_High Altar_St James w His Pilgrim's Staff & Reliquary Containing Bones of St Ja.JPG

High Altar, St James w/ His Pilgrim's Staff & Reliquary Containing Bones of St James the Apostle in a Silver Casket & the Real Reason behind El Camino de Santiago


2024-06-15_73_Barrel-Vaulted Nave & the Groin-Vaulted Aisles & Double-faceted Baroque Organ w.JPG

Barrel-Vaulted Nave & the Groin-Vaulted Aisles & Double-faceted Baroque Organ w the En Chamade Pipes (Trumpets) Protruding outwards from Its Lower Part


2024-06-15_77_High Altar_2 Tiers of Spectacular Ornamental Displays0001.JPG

High Altar, 2 Tiers of Spectacular Ornamental Displays


2024-06-15_77_High Altar_Angelic Statues0001.JPG

High Altar w/ Angelic Statues (主祭坛上天使雕像)

2024-06-15_77_High Altar_More Like a Structure than a Fa?ade0001.JPGHigh Altar, More Like a Structure Than a Fa?ade


2024-06-15_77_High Altar_One of the Several Giant Angels Supporting the Roof0001.JPGHigh Altar, One of the Several Giant Angels Supporting the Roof


2024-06-15_79_Solomonic or Twisted Columns of the Baroque Altarpiece0001.JPG

Solomonic or Twisted Columns of the Baroque Altarpiece


2024-06-15_80_Solomonic Column or Barley-Sugar Column_ a Helical Column Characte0001.JPGSolomonic Column or Barley-Sugar Column, a Helical Column Character


2024-06-15_74_Pipe Organ Considered as the Largest_ Most Complex_ & Resonant in Spain0001.JPGPipe Organ Considered as the Largest, Most Complex, & Resonant in Spain


2024-06-15_74_PipeOrgan Created in the 17th Century, One of the Jewels of Spanish Baroque Hamm.JPGPipe Organ Created in the 17th Century, One of the Jewels of Spanish Baroque Hammer Organ Bldg


2024-06-15_75_Communion Chapel0001.JPGCommunion Chapel (圣餐礼拜堂)

2024-06-15_76_Communion Chapel w Skylight of the Octagon0001.JPGCommunion Chapel w/ Skylight of the Octagon


2024-06-15_85_Largest Romanesque Church w Magnificent Organ0001.JPGLargest Romanesque Church w/ Magnificent Organ


2024-06-15_87_13th-Century Baroque Main Altarpiece w Lavish Gilded Wood0001.JPG

13th-Century Baroque Main Altarpiece w/ Lavish Gilded Wood


2024-06-15_89_Entrance to the Tomb of Saint James the Glorious0001.JPG

Entrance to the Tomb of Saint James the Glorious


2024-06-15_90_Entrance to the Tomb of Saint James the Glorious0001.JPG

The Passage to the Tomb of Saint James the Glorious


2024-06-15_92_Reliquary in the Cathedral Crypt0001.JPG

Reliquary in the Cathedral Crypt



Priest (牧师)

2024-06-15_97_Ornate Chapel Containing a Huge Double Organ & the Scallop Shells w Their Cross.JPG

Ornate Chapel Containing a Huge Double Organ & the Scallop Shells w/ Their Cross of St James behind the Hanging Candlebra & in Each of the 4 Corners


2024-06-15_100_Botafumeiro_ a Famous Thurible Foreground w the Baroque Pillar0001.JPG

Botafumeiro, a Famous Thurible Foreground w/ the Baroque Pillar


2024-06-15_101_Pulley Mechanism under the Transept Dome  Swinging Botafumeiro Dispensing Cloud.JPGPulley Mechanism under the Transept Dome  Swinging Botafumeiro Dispensing Clouds of Incense


2024-06-15_104_Chapel of Mondragón or Chapel of the Piety or of the Holy Cross for its Strikin.JPGChapel of Mondragón or Chapel of the Piety or of the Holy Cross for its Striking Terracotta Altarpiece





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