


Braga, the Religious Ctr of Portugal(葡萄牙宗教中心·马裤城)


2024-06-14 National Strawberry Shortcake Day


Odes (1933)

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        To be great, be whole: nothing that's you

        Should you exaggerate or exclude.

        In each thing, be all. Give all you are

        In the least you ever do.

        The whole moon, because it rides so high,

        Is reflected in each pool.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——











今天到访时正值为期两周的狂欢节,当地人先过完无价守护神的忌日(Saint Anthony's Day),然后再来庆祝神慈圣人的生日(S?o Jo?o de Braga),这些既是民众最受欢迎的庆典节日,也是天主教必不可少的朝圣活动,要不是亲临现场,很难想象每年六月,虔诚的信仰让葡萄牙举国上下如此灿烂满溢,令我禁不住感叹“天上人间,好时节、无过初夏”。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Porto, the 2nd Largest of Portugal(葡萄牙第二大城波尔图“海港”)

2024: Sé de Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙最古老的布拉加“马裤”城大教堂)

2024: Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙山上仁慈耶稣)

2024: Guimaraes, the Birthplace of Portugal(葡萄牙诞生地·名望城)

2015: Archaeological Site of Pompeii, Italy(意大利庞贝古城)

2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里“山羊”岛的柠檬)

2012: Descriptive─Fables(想象文─童话故事)

2024-06-14_117_Arco da Porta Nova, the Triumphal Arch Decorating the Western Entrance to the Medieval Wall of the City Opened in 1512 & Traditionally Used to Present the City's Keys to Dignitaries & Celebrities.JPGArco da Porta Nova, the Triumphal Arch Decorating the Western Entrance to the Medieval Wall of the City Opened in 1512 & Traditionally Used to Present the City's Keys to Dignitaries & Celebrities

(新拱门·装饰着中世纪城市城墙西入口的凯旋门,于1512年开放,传统上用于向政要和名人颁发城市钥匙 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_118_Arch of the New Gate in Baroque & Neoclassical Style_ the Western Entrance to the Medieval Wall of the City Opened in 1512-20001.JPG

Arch of the New Gate in Baroque & Neoclassical Style


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Tíbias de Braga (马裤城芦笛面包房)

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Igreja da Misericórdia or Church of Our Lady of Mercy, the Most Important Legacy of the Renaissance Period in the City Built in 1562


2024-06-14_Misericordia Church_Statues of Architectural Fragment in Renaissance Religious Bldg in 16th Century0001.JPGIgreja da Misericórdia, Statues of Architectural Fragment in Renaissance Religious Bldg in 16th Century


2024-06-14_122_Monument to Misericórdia  Representing the Waves from Merging Hands_ in Commemoration of the 500 Years of the Santa Casa da Misericordia_ Founded in 15130001.JPG

Monument to Misericórdia Representing the Waves from Merging Hands in Commemoration of the 500 Years of the Santa Casa da Misericordia Founded in 1513


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Plaque of Igreja da Misericórdia (慈悲圣母教堂·牌匾)

2024-08-16.JPGBraga Cathedral in Gothic, Moorish, Manueline, Baroque Style, the Seat of the Archdiocese of Braga & the Primate Archbishop of Portugal & Spain



Braga Cathedral, the South Side & the Portal in the Lateral Fa?ade in Original Romanesque


2024-06-14_119_S?o Jo?o de Braga_ the Oldest Sanjoanina & Most Popular Festival in Portugal Commemorating the Birth of St John the Baptist-10001.JPG

S?o Jo?o de Braga, the Oldest Sanjoanina & Most Popular Festival in Portugal Commemorating the Birth of St. John the Baptist

(马裤城神慈圣徒日·葡萄牙最古老的宗教节日和最受欢迎的庆典活动,纪念施洗者圣神慈诞生 06-14-2024)

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Rua Dom Gon?alo Pereira (仁慈葡萄牙天主教会高级主教街)

2024-06-14_172_Rua Dom Frei Caetano Brand?o0001.JPGRua Dom Frei Caetano Brand?o (仁慈葡萄牙天主教会高级教士街)

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Biscainhos Museum (低山脊博物馆)

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Silo de la Mémoire or Monument of Memory Silo in Honor of Francisco Salgado Zenha


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Railway Station (火车站)

2024-06-14_79_Statue of Pope John Paul II @ Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro0001.JPGStatue of Pope John Paul II @ Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro


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Cross in Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro


2024-06-14_76_Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro in Neoclassical Style0001.JPGSanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro in Neoclassical Style


2024-06-14_77_Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro w Silver Tabernacle on the Main Altar0001.JPG

Silver Tabernacle on the Main Altar of Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro





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