


Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙山上仁慈耶稣)


2024-06-14 National Bourbon Day

Bom Jesus do Monte.jpg


Ricardo Reis, Heteronym of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        Don't try to build in the space you suppose

        Is future, Lydia, and don't promise yourself

        Tomorrow. Quit hoping and be who you are

        Today. You alone are your life.

        Don't plot your destiny, for you are not future.

        Between the cup you empty and the same cup

        Refilled, who knows whether your fortune

        Won't interpose the abyss?

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——













【注】位于布拉加“马裤”城东郊的山上仁慈耶稣圣殿(Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga)前后耗时600多年,主要采用巴洛克“不规则”风格,体现了欧洲创造圣山的传统。仁慈耶稣建筑群以山西坡的十字架苦路为中心,一系列小教堂里有描绘耶稣受难的雕塑,还有喷泉、寓言雕塑和整齐的花园,其至高点的仁慈耶稣教堂则建于1784年—1811年间,以墙壁、石阶、喷泉、雕像和其它装饰元素组成的五感阶梯则被视为最具代表性的巴洛克作品。苦路是为了纪念耶稣在十字架上的受难和死亡,前后设有14个站点,每个站点都描绘了耶稣前往加略山“骷髅地”(Calvary)旅程中的一个瞬间,并透过神圣的艺术、祈祷和反思来呈现宗教信仰。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Porto, the 2nd Largest of Portugal(葡萄牙第二大城波尔图“海港”)

2024: Braga, the Religious Ctr of Portugal(葡萄牙宗教中心·马裤城)

2024: Sé de Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙最古老的布拉加“马裤”城大教堂)

2024: Guimaraes, the Birthplace of Portugal(葡萄牙诞生地·名望城)

2015: Archaeological Site of Pompeii, Italy(意大利庞贝古城)

2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里“山羊”岛的柠檬)

2012: Descriptive─Fables(想象文─童话故事)

2024-06-14_80_Braga Viewed from Bom Jesus do Monte0001.JPGBraga Viewed from Bom Jesus do Monte


2024-06-14_80_View over the City of Braga from Santuario do Bom Jesus do Monte_ Good Jesus of the Mount Sanctuary0001.JPGView over the City of Braga from Santuario do Bom Jesus do Monte or Good Jesus of the Mount Sanctuary


2024-06-14_99_Stairway & Church of Bom Jesus do Monte_  Baroque Stairway Climbing 116 Meters-381 Ft-10001.JPGStairway & Church of Bom Jesus do Monte, Baroque Stairway Climbing 116-m/381-ft

(山上仁慈耶稣阶梯和教堂·攀登116米/381英尺巴洛克式阶梯 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_115_Fa?ade in the Neo-Classical_ 2 Sculptural Figures of the Prophets_ Jeremiah and Isaiah_ & 4 Evangelists0001.JPGFa?ade in the Neo-Classical, 2 Sculptural Figures of the Prophets, Jeremiah and Isaiah, & 4 Evangelists


2024-06-14_87_Fa?ade of the church of Bom Jesus Built in 17220001.JPG

Main Entrance of the Church of Bom Jesus Built in 1722


2024-06-14_88_Main Altar in a Huge Representation of Calvary w Life-Size Figures0001.JPGMain Altar in a Huge Representation of Calvary w/ Life-Size Figures


2024-06-14_89_Baroque Pipe Organ0001.JPG

Baroque Pipe Organ (巴洛克管风琴)

2024-06-14_90_Main Altarpiece Dedicated to the Crucifixion0001.JPG

Main Altarpiece Dedicated to the Crucifixion


2024-06-14_91_Court of Evangelists0001.JPGCourt of Evangelists (传道者公寓)

2024-06-14_95_Chapel of Stations of Cross0001.JPGChapel of Stations of Cross (耶稣受难像礼拜堂)

2024-06-14_85_Equestrian Statue of Saint Longinus_ the Roman Soldier Pierced Jesus in His Side w His Lance on the Cross0001.JPGEquestrian Statue of Saint Longinus, the Roman Soldier Pierced Jesus in His Side w/ His Lance on the Cross


2024-06-14_86_Largo do Pelicano0001.JPGLargo do Pelicano or Moisés Ground


2024-06-14_96_Via Sacra-10001.JPGVia Sacra (圣道 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_97_Moses Terrace_Pelican Fountain0001.JPGPelican Fountain @ Moses Terrace (拯救露台·鹈鹕喷泉)

2024-06-14_98_3 Theological Virtues of Faith_ Hope_ & Charity_ Each w Its Fountain0001.JPG3 Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, & Charity, Each w/ Its Fountain


2024-06-14_97_Fountain of Pelican0001.JPG

Fountain of Pelican (鹈鹕喷泉)

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Fountain of Cherubs (小天使喷泉)

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Fountain of the Faith (信仰喷泉)

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Fountain of the Hope (希望喷泉)

2024-06-14_98_Fountain of the Hope-20001.JPGConfidence Statue @ Three Virtues Stairway


2024-06-14_100_Presence of Several Fountains along the Stairways w the Idea of Purification of the Faithful0001.JPG

Presence of Several Fountains along the Stairways w/ the Idea of Purification of the Faithful


2024-06-14_101_Fountain of the Five Holy Wounds0001.JPGFountain of the Five Holy Wounds (五道圣伤喷泉)

2024-06-14_102_5 Fountains Representing 5 Virtues & 5 Senses of Sight_ Smell_ Hearing_ Touch_ &  Taste_Sight0001.JPG

5 Fountains Representing 5 Virtues & 5 Senses w/ Smell, Hearing, Touch, Taste, & Sight


2024-06-14_103_5 Fountains Representing the Different Senses of Sight_ Smell_ Hearing_ Touch_ &  Taste_Hearing0001.JPG

Fountain of Hearing (听觉喷泉)

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Fountain of Smell (嗅觉喷泉)

2024-06-14_105_5 Fountains Representing the Different Senses of Sight_ Smell_ Hearing_ Touch_ &  Taste_Taste0001.JPG

Fountain of Tasting (味觉喷泉)

2024-06-14_106_5 Fountains Representing the Different Senses of Sight_ Smell_ Hearing_ Touch_ &  Taste_Touch0001.JPG

Fountain of Touch (触觉喷泉)

2024-06-14_112_Capela de S Pedro0001.JPGCapela de S Pedro (磐石圣徒礼拜堂)

2024-06-14_92_Wedding_Bridemaids0001.JPGWedding Bridemaids (婚礼伴娘)

2024-06-14_93_Wedding_Bride w Father0001.JPGBride w/ Father (新娘与父亲)

2024-06-14_94_Bom Jesus Funicular0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2024-06-14_94_Gardens of the Sanctuary of the Good Jesus0001.JPGBom Jesus Funicular (仁慈耶稣缆车站)

2024-06-14_82_Artificial Cave in Bom Jesus do Monte0001.JPGGardens (花园)

2024-06-14_84_Hotéis Bom Jesus0001.JPGHotéis Bom Jesus (仁慈耶稣酒店)

2024-06-14_81_Juper Fountain0001.JPGJupiter Fountain (众神之王喷泉)

In Guimar?es there were seven chapels dedicated to the Steps of the Passion of Christ, and at the moment there are only five remaining. These sequentially represent the steps of Jesus from his condemnation to death, through the crucifixion, death on the cross, and deposition in the tomb. These chapels were built in 1727 and 1728 by the Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora da Consola??o and Santos Passos. The set of chapels constituted a processional religious itinerary followed annually by believers at the time of Lazarus or Passion Sunday and the other Sundays of Lent.

  • 1st Step - Largo República do Brasil

    It represents when Jesus falls for the first time.

  • 2nd Step - Rua Alfredo Guimar?es

    It represents the meeting between Jesus and his mother.

  • 3rd Step - Rua de Santa Maria

    It represents when Jesus falls for the second time and Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.

  • 4th Step - Largo Martins Sarmento

    It represents Jesus being comforted by the women of Jerusalem.

  • 5th Step - Largo da Misericórdia

    It represents when Jesus is stripped of his clothes.

吉马良斯有七座教堂专门纪念耶稣受难的足迹,目前仅剩五座。这些教堂依次代表了耶稣从被判死刑到被钉十字架、死在十字架上、被埋葬在坟墓中的历程,由安慰和圣阶圣母教堂兄弟会于 1727年和1728年建造,为每年在受难日和大斋期等其它星期日的信徒们提供宗教游行路线。

  • 第一阶梯——巴西“战争”共和国广场:代表耶稣第一次跌倒的情景

  • 第二阶梯?——阿尔弗雷多·吉马良斯街:代表耶稣与母亲的会面

  • 第三阶梯——圣母街:代表耶稣第二次跌倒,西蒙帮助耶稣背起十字架的情景

  • 第四阶梯——马丁斯·萨尔门托广场:代表耶稣受到耶路撒冷妇女的安慰

  • 第五阶梯——慈悲广场:代表耶稣被剥去衣服的情景




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