


Guimaraes, the Birthplace of Portugal(葡萄牙诞生地·名望城)


2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day


I Am A Shepherd (Sou um guardador de rebanhos)

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        I am a shepherd.

        The sheep are my thoughts

        And all my thoughts and sensations.

        I think with my eyes and ears,

        My feet and hands

        My nose and mouth.


        To think of a flower is to see it and smell it,

        And to eat a fruit is to know its meaning.


        And so, on a very hot day,

        Sad at enjoying it so much,

        I lie flat in the grass,

        I close my hot eyelids,

        I feel my body, lying down in reality,

        I recognize the truth, and I'm happy.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——




















【注】素有葡萄牙摇篮之称的吉马良斯名望”与12世纪葡萄牙民族的兴起息息相关,第一任国王尊贵·领主(Afonso Henriques)于1110年便在此出生。古城北部城堡和南部修道院建筑群等历史遗址保存完好,反映出中世纪定居点向现代城镇的演变;以底层花岗岩、上层半木结构为特色的建筑类型主要基于15—19世纪持续使用传统建筑材料和技术工艺,并推广到非洲和新大陆的葡萄牙殖民地。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Braga, the Religious Ctr of Portugal(葡萄牙宗教中心·马裤城)

2024: Sé de Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙最古老的布拉加“马裤”城大教堂)

2024: Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga, Portugal(葡萄牙山上仁慈耶稣)

2015: Archaeological Site of Pompeii, Italy(意大利庞贝古城)

2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里“山羊”岛的柠檬)

2012: Descriptive─Fables(想象文─童话故事)

2024-06-14_05_Gardens & Fountain @ Fair Field in Front of Santos Passos Church-20001.JPG

Gardens & Fountain in Front of Santos Passos Holy Steps Church @ Fair Field 


2024-06-14_06_Santos Passos Holy Steps Church Portuguese Baroque w Rococo Influences in 1767-17850001.JPG

Santos Passos Church Portuguese Baroque w/ Rococo Influences in 1767-1785


2024-06-14_08_Convento de Santo António dos Capuchos w the Cloisters_ the High choir0001.JPGConvento de Santo António dos Capuchos w/ the Cloisters &  the High Choir


2024-06-14_09_Statue of Afonso Henriques the 1st King of Portugal in the Old City Center0001.JPG

Statue of Afonso Henriques the 1st King of Portugal in the Old City Center


2024-06-14_10_Palace of the Dukes of Braganza w the Main Entrance & Ramp Showing the 2 Floors & Entrance0001.JPGPalace of the Dukes of Braganza w/ the Main Entrance & Ramp Showing the 2 Floors & Entrance


2024-06-14_12_Palace of the Dukes of Braganza_Front Fa?ade of the Palace w Its Main Gate0001.JPGFront Fa?ade of the Palace w/ Its Main Gate of Palace of the Dukes of Braganza


2024-06-14_12_Palace of the Dukes of Braganza_Courtyard0001.JPGCourtyard @ Palace of the Dukes of Braganza


2024-06-14_Guimar?es Castle Built in the 10th Century to Defend the Monastery from Attacks by Moors & Norsemen0001.JPGGuimar?es Castle Built in the 10th Century to Defend the Monastery from Attacks by Moors & Norsemen


2024-06-14_13_Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Renowned for Its Distinctive Baroque Style w Rococo Influences Evident in Certain Elements0001.JPG

Entrance to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Renowned for Its Distinctive Baroque Style w/ Rococo Influences Evident in Certain Elements Built in 1704


2024-06-14_13_Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church w a Stone Arch Enriched by 2 Side Altars0001.JPGOur Lady of Mount Carmel Church w/ a Stone Arch Enriched by 2 Side Altars


2024-06-14_15_Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (1704) Santa Estefania Home0001.JPGOur Lady of Mt. Carmel then & Santa Estefania Home now


2024-06-14_15_Santa Estefania Home_ a Religious Institution as a Children's Home0001.JPGSanta Estefania Home, a Religious Institution as a Children's Home


2024-06-14_16_Entrance to the Lar de Santa Estefania_ Former Convento do Carmo0001.JPGEntrance to the Lar de Santa Estefania, Former Convento do Carmo


2024-06-14_18_Chapel of the Virgin Mary_ Our Lady Azulejos Tile Panel0001.JPGOur Lady Azulejos Tile Panel @ Chapel of the Virgin Mary


2024-06-14_19_Jardim do Carmo0001.JPGJardim do Carmo (神园庭院)

2024-06-14_20_City Council_ Former Antigo Convento de Santa Clara Monastery Blending Between Manueline and Renaissance Styles Found in 15600001.JPGCity Council, Former Antigo Convento de Santa Clara Monastery Blending Between Manueline and Renaissance Styles Found in 1560


2024-06-14_21_Rua de Santa Maria0001.JPG

Rua de Santa Maria (圣母街)

2024-06-14_24_Arch over Calle Santa María0001.JPG

Arch over Calle Santa María (圣母街拱门)

2024-06-14_27_Medieval Bldgs on the Baroque Street toward Santiago Square0001.JPG

Medieval Bldgs on the Baroque Street toward Santiago Square


2024-06-14_28_Aparthotel Largo da Oliveira w a Ground Floor in Granite & a Half-Timbered Structure0001.JPG

Aparthotel Largo da Oliveira w/ a Ground Floor Granite & a Half-Timbered Structure


2024-06-14_31_Oliveira Square_  Victory of Portugal @ the Battle of Río Salado_M0001.JPGOliveira Square, Victory of Portugal Symbolized for the Battle of Río Salado


2024-06-14_34_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_ a Collegiate Church0001.JPG

Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira,a Collegiate Church


2024-06-14_33_Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira Found in the 14th Century0001.JPG

Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira Found in the 14th Century


2024-06-14_32_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_Bell Tower w Manueline Features0001.JPG

Bell Tower w/ Manueline Features @ Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira


2024-06-14_34_Our Lady of Oliveira Church in an Austere & Purely Gothic Style0001.JPG

Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira in an Austere & Purely Gothic Style


2024-06-14_35_Our Lady of Oliveira ChurchArches of the Cloister & the Portal of the Chapter Hall_ a Work of Excellent Constructive Technique_M0001.JPGCathedral of Our Lady Oliveira w/ the Cloister & the Portal the Chapter Hall, a Work of Excellent Constructive Technique

(橄榄树圣母大教堂·回廊及进入主教座堂全体教士厅的大门,建筑工艺精湛 06-14-2024)

2024-06-14_36_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_Testimony to Portugal's Finest Romanesque-Mudéjar Ensemble0001.JPG

Testimony to Portugal's Finest Romanesque-Mudéjar Ensemble @ Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira


2024-06-14_37_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_Organ0001.JPGPipe Organ @ Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira


2024-06-14_38_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_Romanesque Chancel w Side Chapels Adorned w Colorful Motifs0001.JPGRomanesque Chancel w/ Side Chapels Adorned in Colorful Motifs @ Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira


2024-06-14_39_Our Lady of Oliveira Church w Altarpiece of the High Altar Dating from the 2nd Half of the 18th Century0001.JPG

Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira w/ Altarpiece of the High Altar Dating from the 2nd Half of the 18th Century


2024-06-14_40_Our Lady of Oliveira Church_Portable Pedal Organ by Estey Organ Co0001.JPG

Portable Pedal Organ by Estey Organ Co @ Cathedral of Our Lady Oliveira


2024-06-14_43_Torre dos Almadas_ the Surviving Section of a Very Large House Built Most Probably in the 16th Century0001.JPGTorre dos Almadas, the Surviving Section of a Very Large House Built Most Probably in the 16th Century on the Left


2024-06-14_44_R. Rainha Dona Maria II0001.JPGR. Rainha Dona Maria II (葡萄牙好母亲二世大街)

2024-06-14_46_Chapel of St Michael the Angel & St Crispim w the Current Facade Dating from 1852 Containing Archaic Features_ Still of Rococc0001.JPG

Chapel of St Michael the Angel & St Crispim w/ the Current Facade Dating from 1852 Containing Archaic Features, Still of Rococo


2024-06-14_46_Chapel of St Michael the Angel & St Crispim w 2 19th-Century Angle Altarpieces  & the Chancel w Wooden Roof in a Open Skylight0001.JPGChapel of St Michael the Angel & St Crispim w/ Two 19th-Century Angle Altarpieces  & the Chancel w/ Wooden Roof in an Open Skylight


2024-06-14_04_Chapel of Saint Francis0001.JPGMisericórdia Church w/ Plain Walls Embellished by Gilded Carde Features around Religious Icons


2024-06-14_51_Misericórdia Church_Fa?ade0001.JPG

Fa?ade of Misericórdia Church (慈悲教堂·正面观)

2024-06-14_48_Misericórdia Church_Main Altarpiece & the 18th Century Pulpits  w a Single w a Barrel-Vaulted Nave & Rectangular Chancel0001.JPGMisericórdia Church, Main Altarpiece & the 18th Century Pulpits w/ a Single, a Barrel-Vaulted Nave, & Rectangular Chancel


2024-06-14_49_Misericórdia Church_Iberian Organ0001.JPG

Iberian Organ @ Misericórdia Church


2024-06-14_54_Chapel of the Steps of the Passion of Christ @ Misericórdia Square0001.JPGChapel of the Steps of the Passion of Christ @ Misericórdia Square


2024-06-14_54_Chapel of the Steps of the Passion of Christ w Jesus Stripped of His Clothes0001.JPG

Chapel of the Steps of the Passion of Christ w/ Jesus Stripped of His Clothes


2024-06-14_52_Misericórdia Church w Plain Walls Embellished w Gilded Carde Features around Religious Icons0001.JPGMisericórdia Church w/ Plain Walls Embellished in Gilded Carde Features around Religious Icons


2024-06-14_53_Casa Mota-Prego0001.JPGCasa Mota-Prego (厚—钉之家)

2024-06-14_54_Misericórdia Square Starting a Maze of Alleys Leading to Picturesque Squares Surrounded by Bldgs of the 14th Century0001.JPGMisericórdia Square Starting a Maze of Alleys Leading to Picturesque Squares Surrounded by Bldgs of the 14th Century


2024-06-14_55_Monument to Joao Franco_ Politician $ Prime minister of Portugal in 19060001.JPG

Monument to Joao Franco, Politician $ Prime minister of Portugal in 1906


2024-06-14_56_Entrance to Palace Santiago or Museum Alberto Sampaio0001.JPGEntrance to Palace Santiago or Museum Alberto Sampaio


2024-06-14_57_Ristorante nella Media0001.JPGRistorante nella Media (平均水平餐厅)

2024-06-14_59_ Medieval Palace @ R. Dr. António Mota Prego0001.JPGMedieval Palace @ R. Dr. António Mota Prego


2024-06-14_60_Pra?a De S?o Tiago0001.JPGPra?a De S?o Tiago or Saint James Square (后继圣人广场)

2024-06-14_03_Headquarters of the Martins Sarmento Society0001.JPG

Museu Arqueológico Martins Sarmento



Postsigns (路标)

2024-06-14_25_Galinheira Meticulously Molded from Premium Clay & Crafted Using Traditional Glazing Methods0001.JPG

 Ceramic Woman and a Girl Meticulously Molded from Premium Clay & Crafted Using Traditional Glazing Methods


2024-06-14_26-Traditional Bakery0001.JPGTraditional Bakery (传统糕点)




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