


Belém Complex in Lisbon, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·贝伦建筑群)


2024-06-13 National Weed Your Garden Day

Monastery of the Hieronymites & Tower of Belém.jpg

【Every Day Without Joy Was Not Yours (Cada dia sem gozo n?o foi teu)】

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

        Every day without joy was not yours

        (The day you didn't enjoy wasn't yours):

        You just had to stay with it. How much alive

        Without enjoying it, you don't live.


        It doesn't matter if you love, drink, or smile:

        Just the reflection of the sun on the water

        From a pond, if you're grateful.


        Happy is he to whom, for having in minimal things

        Your pleasure stated, not a single day denies it

        The natural adventure!

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
















【注】贝伦“面包房”建筑群是由圣热罗尼米“圣名”修道院(Monastery of the Hieronymites)和贝伦塔组成,坐落在里斯本“附魔港”塔霍“滴”(Tagus)河畔,前者始建于1502年,是葡萄牙曼努埃尔(Manueline)“晚期哥特式”的光辉典范;而后者大约创立在1514年,除了为纪念探险家“乌鸦·母鹿”(Vasco da Gama)的远征之外,还同时保卫了附魔港,两侧的瞭望塔具有伊斯兰“服从神旨”建筑风格的肋状穹顶。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Monastery of Sao Vicente de Fora, Portugal(葡萄牙圣文生修道院)

2024: Lisbon's Sacred Sites, Portugal(葡萄牙里斯本·附魔港圣地)

2024: Capital's Historic Charm, Portugal(葡萄牙首都·历史魅力)

2016: Overview of Seventh Grade(初二巡礼)

2012: Descriptive─Letter(应用文─书信)

2024-06-13_92_Jerónimos Monastery_Fernando Pessoa Buried & Influenced by Islamic Architecture-10001.JPGJerónimos Monastery, Fernando Pessoa Buried & Influenced by Islamic Architecture

(深受伊斯兰“服从神旨”建筑的影响的圣名修道院——我最热爱的葡萄牙诗人“冒险者·法人”下葬之地 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_90_16th Century Fortress Finely Carved Details & Shields Bearing the Templar Cross & Classified as a UNES-10001.JPGJerónimos Monastery, the 16th Century Fortress Finely Carved Details & Shields Bearing the Templar Cross & Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

(联合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》圣名修道院·16世纪堡垒,雕刻精美,盾牌上刻有圣殿骑士十字勋章 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_92_Entrance to the Main Church & Cloister Commemorating Vasco de Gama's Voyage to India in 1498 n the spot where they set sail on their.JPGEntrance of Jerónimos Monastery to the Main Church & Cloister Commemorating Vasco de Gama's Voyage to India in 1498 @ the Spot Where They Set Sail on Their Voyage


2024-06-13_89_Gothic & Manueline architecture Completed in 70 Years & Opened in 14950001.JPGJerónimos Monastery w/ Manueline Architecture Completed in 70 Years & Opened in 1495


2024-06-13_91_Church of Santa Maria @ South Portal of the Ornate Manueline-10001.JPG

Church of Santa Maria @ South Portal of the Ornate Manueline, Jerónimos Monastery

(圣名修道院的圣玛丽亚教堂·华丽的葡萄牙晚期哥特式南门 06-13-2024)

1996-06-01_Belém Tower in 16C-20001.JPGBelém Tower, the 16th-Century Fortification Served as a Point of Embarkation & Disembarkation for Portuguese Explorers & as a Ceremonial Gateway to Lisbon

(面包房塔前身着葡萄牙民族服装·16世纪的防御工事,既是葡萄牙探险家上下船的地方,也是通往里斯本“附魔港”的庆典门户 06-01-1996)

2024-06-13_100_Belém Tower Containing Bastion Terrace w Its Moorish Bartizan Turrets & Cupolas from the Northwest-10001.JPGBelém Tower Containing Bastion Terrace w/ Its Moorish Bartizan Turrets & Cupolas from the Northwest

(面包房塔·内有堡垒露台,西北方向还有摩尔“穆斯林”式炮塔楼和圆屋顶 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_98_Belém Tower_ the 16th-Century Fortification Served as a Point of Embarkation & Disembarkation for Portuguese Explorers & as a Ceremonial Gateway to Lisbon_M1000.JPG

Belém Tower w/ the Inner Cloister of the Tower Displaying the Back Side of the Niche of the Virgin & 2 Turrets.

(面包房塔·塔内回廊背面展示圣母壁龛和2个炮塔 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_94_Monument to the Discoveries0001.JPG

Monument to the Discoveries (航海/发现者纪念碑)

2024-06-13_109_Eastern Profile of Monument of the Discoveries0001.JPGEastern Profile of Monument of the Discoveries


2024-06-13_109_in the Form of the Prow of a Caravel Used in the Early Portuguese Exploration on Ramps Joined at the River's Edge w the Figure of Henry the Navigator o.JPG

Monument of the Discoveries in the Form of the Prow of a Caravel Used in the Early Portuguese Exploration on Ramps Joined at the River's Edge w/ the Figure of Henry the Navigator

(航海纪念碑·以早期葡萄牙探险中使用的轻快帆船船头模式,在河边的斜坡上与航海家领主引航 06-13-2024)

2024-06-13_110_ Museum of Art_ Architecture & Technology0001.JPGMuseum of Art, Architecture & Technology


2024-06-13_88_Belém National Palace0001.JPGBelém Palace or the National Palace of Belém 


2024-06-13_88_Belém National Palace_ the Current Official Residence of the President0001.JPGBelém Palace, the Current Official Residence of the President of the Portuguese Republic, the Head of State of Portugal


2024-06-13_93_Belém Cultural Ctr_the Largest Bldg w Cultural Facilities in Portugal0001.JPGBelém Cultural Ctr, the Largest Bldg w Cultural Facilities in Portugal


2024-06-13_93_Belém Cultural Ctr0001.JPGBelém Cultural Ctr (面包房文化中心)

2024-06-13_102_Lusit?nia Biplane @ Monument to Gago Coutinho & Sacadura Cabral_ the Early Portuguese Aviation Pioneers0001.JPGLusit?nia Biplane @ Monument to Gago Coutinho & Sacadura Cabral, the Early Portuguese Aviation Pioneers


2024-06-13_960001.JPGRotor Alouette by the Tagus River


2024-06-13_87_National Cordage_ Former Rope-Making Factory_ now an Exhibition Ctr0001.JPGNational Cordage, Former Rope-Making Factory & Now an Exhibition Ctr


2024-06-13_106_Portvgalia Belem_ a Traditional Chain of Restaurants Dating Back 90 Years & Famous for Their Local Steak Dishes & Exceptional Seafood0001.JPGPortvgalia Belem, a Traditional Chain of Restaurants Dating Back 90 Years & Famous for Their Local Steak Dishes & Exceptional Seafood


2024-06-13_101_Trafaria Cereals Cargo Terminal (Trafaria) Quay_ Cargo Transportation Portugal Lisbon and Tagus Valley Trafaria0001.JPGTrafaria Cereals Cargo Terminal (Trafaria) Quay, Cargo Transportation Portugal Lisbon & Tagus Valley Trafaria


2024-06-13_51_Urban Art @ Santos Train Station0001.JPGUrban Art @ Santos Train Station


2024-06-13_111_25 April Bridge_ a Suspension Bridge Connecting the Capital Lisbon to the Municipality of Almada on the Left Bank of the Tagus River0001.JPG25 April Bridge (Carnation Revolution), a Suspension Bridge Connecting the Capital of Lisbon to the Municipality of Almada on the Left Bank of the Tagus River


2024-06-13_112_Christ the King (Almada) Outstretched Arms of the Christ the King Sanctuary_ Projected Towards the City of Lisbon0001.JPG

Sanctuary of Christ the King-Portugal Inspired by the Christ the Redeemer Statue of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil





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