


Lava Pool @ Porto Moniz, Portugal(葡萄牙风车港·熔岩泳池)


2024-06-11 National Corn on the Cob Day

Porto Moniz.jpg

【Crown Me with Roses (Coróname de rosas)】 

Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

            Crown me with roses,

            Crown me really

            With roses -

            Roses that burn out

            On a forehead burning

            So soon out!

            Crown me with roses

            And with fleeting leafage.

            That will do.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——














这里不但有很多珍稀生态物种,譬如:森林岛柳桉(Madeira Cheesewood)、森林岛冬青(Madeira Holly)、小型铃兰树(Clethra arborea)、野生橄榄树(Olea maderensis)、森林岛长趾鸽(Madeira Long-Toed Pigeon)等,而且90%的月桂林属于原始森林,1999年联合国教科文组织特将现存最大的史前月桂林列入《世界自然遗产名录》。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Camara de Lobos, the Pearl Portugal(葡萄牙大西洋明珠·海狮窝镇)

2024: Madeira, Hawai'i in Portugal(葡萄牙的夏威夷·马德拉“森林”岛)

2015: Sixth Grade Year-End Awards Ceremony(初一年终颁奖典礼)

2024-06-11_94_Ilheus da Ribeira da Janela_ Amazing Ocean Rock Formation0001.JPGIlheus da Ribeira da Janela, Amazing Ocean Rock Formation


2024-06-11_114_Epic Coastal Spot w Truly Remarkable Rock Formations0001.JPGEpic Coastal Spot w/ Truly Remarkable Rock Formations


2024-06-11_95_Harbor0001.JPGHarbor (海港)

2024-06-11_96_Madeira Aquarium_ the Old S?o Jo?o Batista Fort0001.JPGMadeira Aquarium, the Old St. John the Baptist Fort


2024-06-11_106_Seascape0001.JPGPorto Moniz Seascape (风车港镇海景)

2024-06-11_Mole Islet Remains of a Surtseyan Cone_ Object of Marine Erosion & Resulted from a Submarine Eruption after the Drainage of Delta-Type Lava0001.JPGMole Islet Remains of a Surtseyan Cone, an Object of Marine Erosion & Resulted from a Submarine Eruption after the Drainage of Delta-Type Lava


2024-06-11_115_Ilheú Mole Having Its Origins in a Surtseyan Eruption Characterized by Occurring in Shallow Places (Sea or Lakes)0001.JPGIlheú Mole Having Its Origins in a Surtseyan Eruption Characterized by Occurring in Shallow Places


2024-06-11_107_Rocky Coastline0001.JPG

Rocky Coastline (岩石海岸线)

2024-06-11_109_Crag Nature0001.JPGCrag Nature (怪石嶙峋的自然景观)

2024-06-11_110_Lava Pool0001.JPGLava Pools (熔岩池)

2024-06-11_111_Volcanic Rock0001.JPGVolcanic Rock (火山岩)

2024-06-11_99_Natural Swimming Pools0001.JPGTown's Ex-libris, Natural Lava-Formed Swimming Pools


2024-06-11_113_Nature Pool & Falls0001.JPGNature Pool & Falls (天然泳池和瀑布)

2024-06-11_98_Igreja Matriz do Porto Moniz w Laurissilva Forest0001.JPGIgreja Matriz do Porto Moniz by Laurissilva Forest


2024-06-11_117_Aerial View of Coastal Town w Red Roofs & Rugged Shoreline0001.JPGAerial View of Coastal Town w/ Red Roofs & Rugged Shoreline


2024-06-11_119_Neighborhood0001.JPGNeighborhood (居民区)


Porto Moniz, the City of Whalers. For 40 years, the activity has been prohibited. Cetaceans are now only visited by tourists. 


2024-06-11_Restaurante Salgueiro-30001.JPG

Lunch @ Restaurante Salgueiro (柳树餐厅·午饭)

2024-06-11_Lunch_Porta do Convento Tinto Cabernet Sauvignon0001.JPG

Porta do Convento Tinto Cabernet Sauvignon


2024-06-11_Lunch_Bolo de Caco0001.JPGBolo de Caco (橄榄油面包)

2024-06-11_Lunch_Sopa de Trigo or Wheat Soup0001.JPGSopa de Trigo or Wheat Soup (小麦汤)

2024-06-11_Lunch_Black Scabbardfish Filete de Espada w Banana0001.JPGBlack Scabbardfish Filete de Espada w/ Banana


2024-06-11_Lunch_Passion Fruit Pudding0001.JPGPassion Fruit Pudding (百香果布丁“蛋白胨”)


Scabbardfish w/ Spawning Restricted to Certain Areas, such as Madeira, the Canary Islands, & Possibly Further South



Black Scabbardfish: €5,99/Kg (黑带鱼:每公斤5.99欧元) 




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