


西方世界正布下天罗地网, 马斯克在劫难逃


马斯克因为拒绝执行巴西大法官的裁决令, 他的 X 在巴西被封禁 ....

不过, 这与欧盟推出的 DSA 相比, 简直是小巫见大巫.

什么是 DSA? 

The DSA regulates online intermediaries and platforms such as marketplaces, social networks, content-sharing platforms, app stores, and online travel and accommodation platforms. Its main goal is to prevent illegal and harmful activities online and the spread of disinformation. It ensures user safety, protects fundamental rights, and creates a fair and open online platform environment.

如果网络平台监管不力, 任由虚假消息泛滥, DSA将会给予网络平台罚款处理. 罚款金额, 将会是网络平台全球总收入的 6%.

无独有偶, 远在天边的澳洲也立马跟进, 推出了澳洲版本的 DSA:

The Australian government wants to fine social media platforms up to 5% of their global revenue if they fail to stop the spread of misinformation under a revised legislative plan introduced Thursday, Reuters reports.

The planned law, which looks similar to the European Union's Digital Services Act (DSA), drew swift condemnation from X owner Elon Musk, who dubbed Australia's lawmakers “fascists” in a response posted on X.
The EU has been investigating X's role in spreading disinformation since December. Its law allows for fines of up to 6% of global annual revenue for confirmed breaches.

Should similar laws spread elsewhere, Musk's playbook for X could get costly. His tenure at the platform formerly known as Twitter has seen the self-professed “free speech absolutist” welcome divisive, hate-filled content while making it harder for users to verify quality info — the opposite of what laws like the DSA intend.

脱欧的英国, 在新上任的工党领导下, 更上一层楼! 对传播虚假新闻的网络平台, 不仅要重罚, 还会对谣言制造者与传播者, 追究刑事责任.

WOW ! 汗

看来, 整个西方世界 (估计美国加拿大很快也会跟进), 已经布下天罗地网, 马斯克的 X , 做为造谣传谣的大本营, 要在劫难逃了.呵呵

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