


Garachico of Tenerife, ESP(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·加拉奇科“小岛”镇)


2024-06-09 National Donald Duck Day


【Before The Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer)】 

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            But like love

            the archers

            are blind.


            Upon the green night,

            the piercing saetas

            leave traces of warm



            The keel of the moon

            breaks through purple clouds

            and their quivers

            fill with dew.


            Ay, but like love

            the archers

            are blind!

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——






















Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Spanish Tapas @ Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ESP(白雪岛圣十字架城·西班牙小吃)

2024: Puerto de la Cruz en Tenerife, Spain(西班牙白雪岛·十字架港城)

2024: San Cristóbal de La Laguna, ESP(西班牙白雪岛世界遗产·泻湖基督徒城)

2024: Tenerife of Chicharreros, Spain(西班牙特内里费“白雪”岛·狂欢鲭鱼)

2018: Charity Recital @ Brittany Pointe Estate(养老院义演)

2024-06-09_01_Vista0001.JPGVista of Garachico (小岛景深远眺)

2024-06-09_02_Castillo de San Miguel_Squat Stone Fortress by the Sea Built in the 16th Century-10001.JPGCastillo de San Miguel, Squat Stone Fortress by the Sea Built in the 16th Century


2024-06-09_03_Piscinas_ the Lava Pools-1M0001.JPGPiscinas, the Lava Pools (浴池·熔岩池 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_04_Plaza de Ramón Arocha0001.JPGPlaza de Ramón Arocha (保护·磐石广场)

2024-06-09_Plaza Juan González0001.JPGPlaza Juan González (“神慈·战争墙”广场)

2024-06-09_06_Bldg_Battlement of San Miguel0001.JPGBattlement of San Miguel (神慈圣徒城垛)

2024-06-09_07_Bldg_House w Traditional Wooden Balcony0001.JPG

Houses w/ Traditional Wooden Balcony (带传统木制阳台的房屋)

2024-06-09_08_Bldg w Balcony @ Plaza Juan González de la Torre0001.JPG

Plaza Juan González de la Torre (“神慈·战争墙”广场塔楼)

2024-06-09_09_Church of Santa Ana_ the Patron Saint of Garachico in 15200001.JPGChurch of Santa Ana, the Patron Saint of Garachico in 1520


2024-06-09_10_Church of Santa Ana w Facade Combining Elements from Plateresque & Renaissance Architecture-10001.JPG

Church of Santa Ana w/ Facade Combining Elements from Plateresque & Renaissance Architecture


2024-06-09_11_Church of Santa Ana in the 6-Storey Belltower0001.JPG

Church of Santa Ana in the 6-Storey Belltower


2024-06-09_12_Church of Santa Ana w a Ceiling Decorated in the Artesonado Style Influenced by Mudejar Culture0001.JPGChurch of Santa Ana w/ a Ceiling Decorated in the Artesonado Style Influenced by Mudejar Culture


2024-06-09_13_Church of Santa Ana w a Nave & 2 Side-Aisles0001.JPGChurch of Santa Ana w/ a Nave & 2 Side-Aisles


2024-06-09_14_Convento de Concepcionistas Franciscanas Built in 1542-20001.JPGConvent of Franciscan Conceptionists Built in 1542


2024-06-09_15_Convento de San Francisco Built in 1524 by the Seraphic Order & House of Culture Now-20001.JPGConvento de San Francisco Built in 1524 by the Seraphic Order & House of Culture Now


2024-06-09_16_Calle Esteban de Ponte_ an Old Cobbled Street0001.JPGCalle Esteban de Ponte, an Old Cobbled Street


2024-06-09_17_Plaza de Los Frailes-10001.JPGPlaza de Los Frailes (修道士广场 06-09-2024)

2024-06-09_18_Meson San Sebastian0001.JPGMeson San Sebastian (圣人酒店)

2024-06-09_19_Land of Eternal Spring @ the Foot of Cerro de los Roques Blancos or  Hill of the White Rocks0001.JPGLand of Eternal Spring @ the Foot of the White Rocks


2024-06-09_20_Mirador de Garachico0001.JPGMirador de Garachico (小岛观景台)

2024-06-09_21_Roque de Garachico or Rock of Garachico_ Tenerife Natural Monument-10001.JPGRock of Garachico, Tenerife Natural Monument


2024-06-09_21_Roque de Garachico or Rock of Garachico_ Tenerife Natural Monument-20001.JPGRock of Garachico in Detail, Tenerife Natural Monument


2024-06-09_22_Playa de Garachico0001.JPGPlaya de Garachico (小岛海滩)

2024-06-09_23_Puerta sin Puerta or Door without Door0001.JPGPuerta sin Puerta or Door without Door


2024-06-09_24_Statue of Lovers0001.JPGStatue of Lovers (雕塑《情侣》)

2024-06-09_25_Puerta de Tierra or Land Gate Leading to the Old Port of Garachico in the 16th Century0001.JPG

Land Gate Leading to the Old Port of Garachico in the 16th Century


2024-06-09_26_Freedom Square_1250001.JPGFreedom Square (自由广场)

2024-06-09_27_Freedom Square_Statue to the Venezuelan Liberator Simón Bolivar_ the Descendant of Garachico against the Spanish Empire for Indep0001.JPG

Freedom Square, Monument to the Venezuelan Liberator Simón Bolivar the Descendant of Garachico against the Spanish Empire for Independence


2024-06-09_28_Monumento al Motin del Vino as One night in 1666 torrents of wine flowed through Garachico0001.JPG

Monumento al Motin del Vino, the Canarian Winegrowers against the English Monopoly on Canarian Wine Production in 1666


2024-06-09_29_Bordered by the Rocky Coast0001.JPGGarachico Town Bordered by the Rocky Coast


2024-06-09_30_Casa Del Perfume Canario or Canarian Perfume House0001.JPGCanarian Perfume House (凶狗香水屋)

2024-06-09_31_Bldg_Door Lintel & Postsigns0001.JPGDoor Lintel & Postsigns (门楣和与路标)




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