


Agdir, the White City of Morocco(摩洛哥白城·阿加迪尔“堡垒”)


2024-06-07 National Donut Day


【In Vain I Migrate】

Abdellatif La?bi (1942-Now)

        I migrate in vain

        In every city I drink the same coffee

        and resign myself to the waiter's impassive face

        The laughter of nearby tables

        disturbs the evening's music

        A woman walks by for the last time


        In vain I migrate

        ensuring my own alienation

        I find the same crescent moon in every sky

        and the stubborn silence of the stars

        In my sleep I speak

        a medley of languages

        and animal calls

        The room where I wake

        is the one I was born in


        I migrate in vain

        The secret of birds eludes me

        as does my suitcase's magnet

        which springs open

        at each stage of the journey

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——



























1911年7月,德国向堡垒城派遣“黑豹”号炮艇(Gunboat Pather),试图挑战法国在摩洛哥的权利,这是继1905年之后第二次引发摩洛哥危机,法国和德国的紧张关系由此暴露无遗,深度强化了协约国与同盟国之间的国际冲突,预示着第一次世界大战的爆发。



Today in History(历史上的今天):

2015: Russian Tea Room, NYC(纽约城·俄罗斯茶馆)

2015 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2015年卡内基音乐厅金键盘音乐节)

2014 Spring Soccer Game III(春季足球之三)

2024-06-07_01_Agadir Bay Viewed from Agadir Oufla-10001.JPGAgadir Bay Viewed from Agadir Oufella

(从山顶堡垒俯瞰堡垒湾 06-07-2024)

2024-06-07_02_Port_Agadir Marina0001.JPGAgadir Marina (堡垒码头)

2024-06-07_03_Port_Commercial Port Viewed from the Hill to the Port0001.JPGCommercial Port Viewed from the Hill to the Port


2024-06-07_04_Port_Fishing Port as Seen from the Casbah0001.JPGFishing Port as Seen from the Kasbah


2024-06-07_05_Port_Marine Royale Port0001.JPGMarine Royale Port (皇家海军港)

2024-06-07_06_Fantasia_Colors of Morocco w Moroccan Dancers_ Acrobats_ & Magnificent Horses-10001.JPGFantasia in Colors of Morocco w/ Moroccan Dancers, Acrobats, & Magnificent Horses


2024-06-07_07_Fantasia_Acrobats in a Magic Worthy of the Arabian Nights-20001.JPGAcrobats in a Magic Worthy of the Arabian Nights


2024-06-07_08_Fantasia_Magnificent Horses0001.JPGMagnificent Horses (马术表演)

2024-06-07_09_Fantasia_Morocco's Royal Family0001.JPGMorocco's Royal Family (摩洛哥王室)

2024-06-07_10_Souk El Had_ the Lively Labyrinth of Local Life Lost in the Alleys of Colorful Textiles-10001.JPGLively Labyrinth of Local Life Lost in the Alleys of Colorful Textiles @ Souk El Had


2024-06-07_11_Souk El Had_ a Colorful Dance of Sounds_ Scents_ & Flavors @ Entrance 060001.JPGColorful Dance of Sounds, Scents, & Flavors @ Entrance of Souk El Had


2024-06-07_12_Souk El Had_9th Entrance of Bab Oujda Plaque0001.JPG

9th Entrance of Bab Oujda Plaque @ Souk El Had


2024-06-07_14_Mosque Ahl-e Iman_ a Sunni Mosque-10001.JPGMosque Ahl-e Iman, a Sunni Mosque 

(信仰之人清真寺·逊尼“合法”派伊斯兰“顺从”教 06-07-2024)

2024-06-07_13_Mosque Ahl-e Iman_Minaret-20001.JPG

Minaret of Mosque Ahl-e Iman (信仰之人清真寺·宣礼塔)

2024-06-07_15_Sand_ Sea_ & Winter Sun0001.JPGSand, Sea, & Winter Sun in the White City


2024-06-07_16_Maqām, a Muslim Shrine Constructed at a Site Linked to a Religious Figure0001.JPGMaqām, a Muslim Shrine Constructed at a Site Linked to a Religious Figure


2024-06-07_17_Tomb of Sidi Bouknadel_ the Man w Lanterns & Patron Saint of the Village of Founty Protected Fishermen0001.JPG

Tomb of Sidi Bouknadel, the Man w/ Lanterns & Patron Saint of the Founty Village for  Protecting Fishermen


2024-06-07_18_Vendor_Coeur de Nature for Perfumes0001.JPGCoeur de Nature for Perfumes (自然之心香水店)

2024-06-07_19_Hill of the Dld Casbah of Agadir Oufla_ the Fortress atop in 16th Century-30001.JPGHill of the Old Casbah of Agadir Oufla, the Fortress atop in 16th Century


2024-06-07_20_Kasbah of Agadir Oufla_Outer Wall Supported by Towers & Twisted Door Designed for Defensive Purposes0001.JPGKasbah of Agadir Oufla, Outer Wall Supported by Towers & Twisted Door Designed for Defensive Purposes


2024-06-07_21_Kasbah of Agadir Oufla_Walls-10001.JPGWalls of Kasbah of Agadir Oufla

(山顶城堡·城墙 06-07-2024)

2024-06-07_22_Kasbah of Agadir Oufla_Newly Renovated Tower After Earthquake in 19600001.JPGKasbah of Agadir Oufla, Newly Renovated Tower After Earthquake in 1960


2024-06-07_23_Kasbah of Agadir Oufla_Camel Ride for Tourists0001.JPG

Camel Ride for Tourists @ Kasbah of Agadir Oufla


2024-06-07_24_Kasbah of Agadir Oufla_Man in Traditional Blue Berber Garb Holding Baby Nubian Doeling0001.JPGMan in Traditional Blue Berber Garb Holding Baby Nubian Doeling @ Kasbah of Agadir Oufla


2024-06-07_25_Cable Car_ a Ride up the Agadir-10001.JPGCable Car, a Ride up the Agadir Oufla


2024-06-07_26_Rte Agadir Oufla_ the Winding Road Well Developed in Places_ Well Built_ Empty & Ensconced in Epic Scenery-20001.JPGWinding Road Well Developed in Places & Well Built, Empty & Ensconced in Epic Scenery @ Rte Agadir Oufla


2024-06-07_27_God-Motherland-King0001.JPGGod-Motherland-King (真主—祖国—国王地区)

2024-06-07_28_Slum0001.JPGSlums (贫民窟)

2024-06-07_29_Restaurant_Two Turkish Planes Dismantled for a Unique Transformation into a Restaurant & Cafe0001.JPGRestaurant w/ Two Turkish Planes Dismantled for a Unique Transformation into a Restaurant & Cafe


2024-06-07_30_Bldg_Capital of Amazigh Culture0001.JPGCapital of Amazigh Culture (自由人文化之都)

2024-06-07_31_Bldg_Regional Court of Accounts0001.JPGRegional Court of Accounts (地区审计法院)

2024-06-07_32_Bldg_Founty_ Residential Villa0001.JPGFounty, Residential Villa (丰盛区·居民别墅)

2024-06-07_33_Bldg_Royal Armed Forces0001.JPGRoyal Armed Forces (皇家武装部队)

2024-06-07_34_Bldg_Hay Mohammadi_ a New Urbanization Zone w a Villa Zone0001.JPGHay Mohammadi, the New Urbanization Zone


2024-06-07_35_Bldg_Shipyard Old Port0001.JPGShipyard Old Port (旧港造船厂)

2024-06-07_36_Bldg_High Founty w the New Court of Appeal0001.JPGHigh Founty w/ the New Court of Appeal


2024-06-07_37_Bldg_High Founty_ One of the Few Big Moroccan Cities where Tamazight_ One of Morocco's 2 Official Languages Spoken by More Than Half of the Population0001.JPGHigh Founty, One of the Few Big Moroccan Cities where Tamazight, One of Morocco's 2 Official Languages Spoken by More Than Half of the Population


2024-06-07_38_Bldg_Illigh_ a Residential area of Large Villas Housing the New Bourgeoisie-20001.JPGIlligh, a Residential area of Large Villas Housing the New Bourgeoisie


2024-06-07_39_Bldg_Municipal Hygiene Office0001.JPGMunicipal Hygiene Office (市卫生局)

2024-06-07_40_Bldg_Swiss Village_ the Oldest District of Villas-20001.JPGSwiss Village, the Oldest District of Villas


2024-06-07_41_Cellphone Tower0001.JPG

Cellphone Tower (手机信号塔)

2024-06-07_42_Higher Institute of Marine Fisheries ISPM0001.JPGHigher Institute of Marine Fisheries


2024-06-07_43_Vendor_Marina Shopping Center0001.JPGMarina Shopping Center (滨海购物中心)

2024-06-07_44_Inezgane_ a Suburb to the Larger Agadir0001.JPGInezgane, a Suburb to the Larger Agadir


2024-06-07_45_Founty or Bay of Palm Trees0001.JPGFounty @ Bay of Palm Trees (棕榈树海湾的丰盛区)

2024-06-07_46_Street_A Graffiti Art Wall @ Port-10001.JPGA Graffiti Art Wall @ Port (港口·涂鸦艺术墙)

2024-06-07_47_Street_Old & New Met in the Street w Moroccan Man Driving the Motorcycle w Cart0001.JPGOld & New Met in the Street w/ Moroccan Man Driving the Motorcycle w/ Cart



Roundabout (马路转盘)

2024-06-07_49_Vendor_Garlic Merchant0001.JPGGarlic Merchant (蒜贩子)

2024-06-07_50_Vendor_Wholesale Market for Vegetables & Fruits0001.JPGWholesale Market for Vegetables & Fruits


2024-06-07_51_Port Authority0001.JPGPort Authority (港务局)

2024-06-07_52_Food_Lunch w Poke Bowl & Yellowfin Taco0001.JPGLunch w/ Poke Bowl & Yellowfin Taco @ Aquamar Kitchen of Oceania Marina


2024-06-07_53_Dinner_Toscana-10001.JPGDinner @ Toscana of Oceania Marina

(晚餐于“大洋·滨海”号游轮托斯卡纳“挚爱、明亮、亲吻和拥抱”餐厅 06-07-2024)

2024-06-07_54_Dinner0001.JPGDinner (晚餐)


Morocco (出游摩洛哥)

Africa (漫游非洲)

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