


Alcazar Real in Seville, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城·城堡皇宫)


2024-06-05 National Attitude Day

Alcázar Real.jpg

【Schematic Nocturne (Nocturno esquemático)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            The fennel, a serpent, and rushes.

            Aroma, a sign, and penumbra.

            Air, earth, and solitariness.


            (The ladder lifts up to the moon.)

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——









【注】山谷城皇家王宫始建于10世纪伊斯兰时代,11—13世纪期间分别由阿拉伯王朝阿巴迪德“膜拜者”(Abbadid)和穆斯林帝国穆瓦希德“天主统一”(Almohads)发展成为更大的殿宇,直到13世纪中叶本土卡斯蒂利亚“城堡之地人”(Castilian)征服山谷城之后,该建筑群才逐渐实施重新修筑,并植入新型宫廷和御苑,尤其是14世纪西班牙佩德罗“磐石”一世(Pedro I)让穆德哈尔“可保留”(Mudejar)的华丽装饰风格登峰造极,1987年被世界科教文组织列为《世界遗产名录》。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Cadiz, the Oldest City in Spain(西班牙最古老的城市—堡垒城)

2024: Seville Cathedral, Spain(西班牙山谷城大教堂)

2024: Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain(西班牙山谷城·西班牙广场)

2024: Seville, Andalusia's Pearl in Spain(西班牙山谷城·漫游地明珠)

2022 GHCS Commencement, PA(2022届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)

2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars)

2024-06-05_01_Puerta del León or Lion's Gate_ the Main Entrance to Formerly the Site of the Islamic-Era Citadel of the City from the 10th Century0001.JPGPuerta del León or Lion's Gate, the Main Entrance to Formerly the Site of the Islamic-Era Citadel of the City from the 10th Century


2024-06-05_02_Patio del León w the Ancient Moorish Wall0001.JPGPatio del León w/ the Ancient Moorish Wall


2024-06-05_03_Arched Moorish Wall0001.JPG

Arched Moorish Thoroughfare (拱形阿拉伯通道)

2024-06-05_04_Gothic Palace_Fa?ade of King Don Pedro & Patio de la Montería Courtyard-10001.JPGGothic Palace, Fa?ade of King Don Pedro & Patio de la Montería Courtyard

(哥特式宫殿——磐石王宫正面和狩猎庭院 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_05_Gothic Palace_Casa de Contratación0001.JPGCasa de Contratación (交易之家)

2024-06-05_06_Gothic Palace Built by Alfonso X or the Wise (1252-1284) Representing the Triumph of Christian Ideology against the Mulin Past0001.JPGPatio de Banderas Built by Alfonso X (1252-1284) & Represented the Triumph of Christian Ideology against the Muslin Past


2024-06-05_07_Gothic Palace Chapel0001.JPG

Gothic Palace Chapel (哥特式宫殿礼拜堂)

2024-06-05_08_Gothic Palace Chapel_Virgen de la Antigua-Diego de Castillejo-20001.JPGAltarpiece of the Virgin de la Antigua from Diego de Castillejo @ Palace Chapel


2024-06-05_09_Sala de las Bóvedas Preserving Elements of Alfonso X's Gothic Palace in 13th Century-10001.JPG

Sala de las Bóvedas Preserving Elements of Alfonso X's Gothic Palace in 13th Century


2024-06-05_10_Doorway w Juxtaposition of the Colors & Patterns All Throughout the Complex-10001.JPGDoorway w/ Juxtaposition of the Colors & Patterns All Throughout the Complex


2024-06-05_11_Ornate Doorway0001.JPGOrnate Entry (华丽的门饰)

2024-06-05_12_Carlos V Ceiling Room0001.JPG

Carlos V Ceiling (自由王五世天花板)

2024-06-05_13_Elaborate & Distinctive Mudejar Style of Architecture Influenced by Muslim_ Jewish_ & Christian in Andalusia’s Colorful History0001.JPG

Elaborate & Distinctive Mudejar Style of Architecture Influenced by Muslim, Jewish, & Christian in Andalusia's Colorful History


2024-06-05_14_Decorated Window0001.JPG

Decorated Window (窗饰)

2024-06-05_15_Royal Bedroom0001.JPGRoyal Bedroom (皇家卧室)


Hallway to Vestíbulo (大堂过道)

2024-06-05_17_Vestíbulo-20001.JPGVaults (拱顶)

2024-06-05_18_Mudejar Decorations w Coffered Ceiling & Plasterwork in Salon del Techo de Carlos V (Charles V Ceiling Room)-10001.JPGMudejar Decorations w/ Coffered Ceiling & Plasterwork @ Charles V Ceiling Room


2024-06-05_19_Patio de Doncellas_Corridor0001.JPG

Corridor to Patio de Doncellas (少女庭院走廊)

2024-06-05_20_Patio de las Doncellas w the Marble Pavement Laid in 1581–15840001.JPG

Marble Pavement Laid in 1581–1584 @ Patio de Doncellas


2024-06-05_21_Doorway to Courtyard Decorated w Mixing Elements of the Renaissance Revival & Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudejar)0001.JPG

Doorway to Courtyard Decorated w/ Mixing Elements of the Renaissance Revival & Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudejar)


2024-06-05_22_Patio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens w a Reflection Pool in 14th Century-10001.JPG

Patio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens w/ a Reflection Pool in the 14th Century 


2024-06-05_23_Patio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens w a Reflection Pool in 14th Century-20001.JPGPatio de Doncellas or Courtyard of the Maidens


2024-06-05_24_South Portico of the Patio del Yeso (Courtyard of the Plaster)_ one of the Few Remaining Elements from the Almohad-Era Palace (End of the 12th Century)0001.JPG

South Portico of the Patio del Yeso (Courtyard of the Plaster), One of the Few Remaining Elements from the Almohad-Era Palace @ End of the 12th Century


2024-06-05_25_Spanish Mosaic Wall & Arched Window w Column Poster0001.JPG

Spanish Mosaic Wall & Arched Window w/ Column Plaster


2024-06-05_26_Cloister of the old Augustinian Monastery (Current National Parador)0001.JPGCloister of the Old Augustinian Monastery & Current National Parador


2024-06-05_27_Salón de los Tapices_View of panels I (Left)_ IX (Center)_ & XI (Right)-10001.JPG

Salón de los Tapices, View of Pa?os I (Left), IX (Center), & XI (Right)

(挂毯厅·左为磐石一世、中为九世、右为十一世的挂毯 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_28_Salón de los Tapices_View of Los Pa?os XII (Left )_ X (Center)_ & VII (Right)0001.JPGSalón de los Tapices, View of Los Pa?os XII (Left), X (Center), & VII (Right)


2024-06-05_29_Cuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room-10001.JPGCuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room (海军上将厅)

2024-06-05_30_Cuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room-20001.JPGCuarto del Almirante or Admiral's Room (海军上将厅)

2024-06-05_31_Chapterhouse_Altarpiece of Virgin of the Materials0001.JPGAltarpiece of Virgin @ Chapterhouse


2024-06-05_32_Chapterhouse_Model Ship0001.JPGModel Ship @ Chapterhouse (分会堂·模型船)

2024-06-05_33_Chapterhouse_ Altarpiece w a Triptych of Alejo Fernandez Virgen de los Mareantes (Madonna of the Seafarers)0001.JPG

Altarpiece w/ a Triptych of Alejo Fernandez Virgen de los Mareantes (Madonna of the Seafarers) @ Chapterhouse 


2024-06-05_34_Dome Ceiling in the Hall of Ambassadors w 16th-Century Coffered Ceiling of Octagonal & Star-Shaped Caissons-20001.JPG

Dome Ceiling in the Hall of Ambassadors w/ the 16th-Century Coffered Ceiling of Octagonal & Star-Shaped Caissons


2024-06-05_35_Detail of an Ornate Ceiling w Painted Wooden Mosaic0001.JPG

Detail of an Ornate Ceiling w/ Painted Wooden Mosaic


2024-06-05_36_Mudéjar Art on the Ceiling of the Entrance Hall0001.JPGMudéjar Art on the Ceiling of the Entrance Hall


2024-06-05_37_Carved Wooden Door0001.JPG

Carved Wooden Door (雕花木门)

2024-06-05_38_Double Door_Intricate Arabic Muslim Moorish Design0001.JPG

Double Door w/ Intricate Arabic Muslim Moorish Design


2024-06-05_39_Alcubilla Courtyard0001.JPGAlcubilla Courtyard (储水池庭院)

2024-06-05_40_Alcázar Gardens or Garden of the Poets0001.JPGGarden of the Poets (诗人花园)

2024-06-05_41_Stables0001.JPGStables (马厩)

2024-06-05_42_Stables_Altarpiece of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple0001.JPGAltarpiece of the Presentation of the Virgin @ Stables


2024-06-05_43_Portada Mannerist de Vermondo Resta0001.JPG

Portada Mannerist de Vermondo Resta (神圣保护者矫饰主义门饰)




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