


Seville, Andalusia's Pearl in Spain(西班牙山谷城·漫游地明珠)


2024-06-05 Festival of Popular Delusions Day


【Absent Soul (Alma ausente)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

    Neither the bull nor the fig tree knows you,

    Neither the horses nor the ants in your house,

    Neither the baby knows you nor the afternoon,

    Because you have died forever.


    Neither the back of the stone knows you

    Nor the black satin where you rest forever.

    Neither your silent memory knows you

    Because you have died forever.


    The autumn will come with shells,

    Grapes, fog and clustered mountains,

    But no one will want to look at your eyes

    Because you have died forever.


    Because you have died forever,

    Like all the dead of the Earth,

    Like all the dead who are forgotten

    In a pile of lifeless dogs.


    Nobody knows you. No. But I sing of you.

    I sing of your way of being and of your grace.

    The distinguished maturity of your knowledge.

    Your appetite for death and of the taste of your mouth,

    The sadness that your brave joy had.


    It will take a long time to be born again, 

    An Andalusian so clear, so rich in adventure.

    I sing of his elegance with my words that moan

    And I remember a sad breeze through the olive trees.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——


































【注】塞维利亚“山谷”城是西班牙安达卢西亚“漫游地”省府,约以70万的人口列居西班牙第四大城市,既是西班牙南部文化、政治、经济和艺术领域最美的都会,又是欧洲最大的历史中心。老城内有被载入联合国科教文组织《世界遗产名录》的阿尔卡萨尔“城堡”皇宫建筑群、大教堂和西印度群岛总档案馆,大谷河边还有黄金塔!由于深受阿拉伯教化,圣十字区(Barrio de Santa Cruz)充斥着狭窄弯曲的街道、文化景观的公园和底蕴丰厚的建筑,而纯净区(Barrio de Triana)则创造出弗拉门戈“流浪者”西班牙舞蹈和音乐。自从打败统治山谷城500多年的摩尔“穆斯林”人之后,山谷城重新赋予天主教色彩,譬如大教堂的吉拉尔达“威武”(Giralda)塔兼容了伊斯兰和天主教穆德哈尔“可保留”(Mudejar)的文萃遗风。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Cadiz, the Oldest City in Spain(西班牙最古老的城市—加的斯“堡垒”城)

2024: 2024: Seville Cathedral, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城大教堂)

2024: Alcazar Real in Seville, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城·城堡皇宫)

2024: Plaza de Espana in Seville, Spain(西班牙塞维利亚“山谷”城·西班牙广场)

2022 GHCS Commencement, PA(2022届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼)

2013届宾州光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement·Potpourri)

2009: 繁星─朋友(Friends & Stars)

2024-06-05_Gothic Palace_Fa?ade of King Don Pedro & Patio de la Montería Courtyard-20001.JPGReal Alcázar de Sevilla, Fa?ade of King Pedro I & Patio de la Montería & the UNESCO World Heritage Site


2024-06-05_Christendom’s Largest Gothic Church w a Marvelous Edifice Boasting Christopher Columbus’ Sepulcher & the Giralda_ an Iconic Arab Minaret0001.JPGCathedral of Saint Mary of the See, Christendom's Largest Gothic Church w/ a Marvelous Edifice Boasting Christopher Columbus' Sepulcher & the Giralda, an Iconic Arab Minaret as well as the UNESCO World Heritage Site


2024-06-05_General Archive of the Indies in the 16th-Century Renaissance Style0001.JPGGeneral Archive of the Indies in the 16th-Century Renaissance Style @ the UNESCO World Heritage Site


2024-06-05_A Relic of a Bygone Era of Wonder & Amazement for Other Countries Culture & Technology-10001.JPGPlaza de Espa?a in Regionalism Architecture Mixing Elements of the Baroque Revival, Renaissance Revival, & Moorish Revival (Neo-Mudéjar) Styles of Spanish Architecture

(西班牙广场·地域主义建筑融合了巴洛克复兴、文艺复兴和摩尔“阿拉伯”复兴/新可保留的风格元素 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_Calle de los Alemanes-10001.JPGCalle de los Alemanes (德国佬街)

2024-06-05_Monument of the Immaculate Conception0001.JPG

Monument of the Immaculate Conception (圣母无染原罪纪念碑)

2024-06-05_Costurero de la Reina & Monument to Simon Bolivar0001.JPG

Monument to Simon Bolivar in Front of Queen's Sewing Box


2024-06-05_Costurero de la Reina or Queen's Sewing Box in in the 19th-Century Neomudéjar Style0001.JPG

Costurero de la Reina or Queen's Sewing Box in the 19th-Century Neomudéjar Style 


2024-06-05_Statue_El Cid, Warlord of the Medieval Spanish Kingdom of Castille & Most Celebrated Hero of Spain Exemplified by his Leading of the Chr.JPG

El Cid, Warlord of the Medieval Spanish Kingdom of Castille & Most Celebrated Hero of Spain Exemplified by his Leading of the Christian Armies During the Reconquista


2024-06-05_Edificio Cristina in a Fusion Between Neocolonial Architecture and Art Deco0001.JPGEdificio Cristina in a Fusion Between Neocolonial Architecture and Art Deco


2024-06-05_El Arenal_ a Low-Lying_ Sandy Area & Previously the Main Home of the Sevillan Underworld_ & the Site of the Notorious Brothel0001.JPGEl Arenal, a Low-Lying, Sandy Area & Previously the Main Home of the Sevillan Underworld, & the Site of the Notorious Brothel


2024-06-05_Apartamentos Puerta de la Maestranza in a Yellow & White Bldg w Arched Windows0001.JPGApartamentos Puerta de la Maestranza in a Yellow & White Bldg w/ Arched Windows


2024-06-05_Guadalquivir River0001.JPG

Guadalquivir River, the Only Navigable River in Spain


2024-06-05_Torre del Oro_ the Fortress & Prison During the Middle Ages Dodecagonally in 12th Century0001.JPG

Torre del Oro, the Fortress & Prison During the Middle Ages Dodecagonally in the 12th Century


2024-06-05_Monument to Juan Sebastian Elcano Departure from Seville in 1519 around the World for the 1st Time aboard the Nao Victoria on the Magellan Exped.JPG

Monument to Juan Sebastian Elcano Departure from Seville in 1519 around the World for the 1st Time aboard the Victoria on the Magellan Expedition to the Spice islands


2024-06-05_Monument to Christopher Columbus w a Pillar Representing a Spanish Galleon, Symbolic of How the Spaniards' Conquer, Colonization, & Trad.JPG

Monument to Christopher Columbus @ Gardens of Murillo


2024-06-05_Gardens of Murillo_Monument to Christopher Columbus-10001_1.JPG

Monument to Christopher Columbus w/ a Pillar Representing a Spanish Galleon, Symbolic of How the Spaniards Conquer, Colonization, & Trade w/ the Rest of Its Empire


2024-06-05_Gardens of Murillo_Puerta de la Alcoba0001.JPGPuerta de la Alcoba @ Gardens of Murillo


2024-06-05_Gardens of Murillo_Double Royal Wooden Doors Surround by Tiles0001.JPG Double Royal Wooden Doors Surrounded by Tiles @ Gardens of Murillo


2024-06-05_Plaza de Alfaro_Callejón del Agua from the 12th Century @ Jewish Quarter0001.JPG

Callejón del Agua or Water Alley from the 12th Century @ Plaza de Alfaro, Barrio de Santa Cruz


2024-06-05_Plaza de Alfaro_Fa?ade of Traditional Spanish House0001.JPG

Fa?ade of Traditional Spanish House @ Plaza de Alfaro


2024-06-05_Plaze de San Cruz_Plaque0001.JPGSign of Plaza Santa Cruz (十字架广场·路牌)

2024-06-05_Plaza Santa Cruz_Andalusia House0001.JPG

Andalusia House @ Calle Rodrigo Caro


2024-06-05_Plaza Santa Cruz_Gallivanting around Houses in Andalusian Yellow0001.JPG

Gallivanting around Houses in Andalusian Yellow 


2024-06-05_Plaze de San Cruz_Cross of the Serpent in the Former Jewish Quarter of the Medieval City0001.JPG

Cross of the Serpent in the Former Jewish Quarter of the Medieval City


2024-06-05_Plaza Santa Cruz_Ornate Iron Cross & Lanterns0001.JPGOrnate Iron Cross & Lanterns (华丽的铸铁十字架和灯笼)

2024-06-05_Plaza de Alfaro_Rectangular Tower0001.JPG

Rectangular Tower (矩形塔)

2024-06-05_History of the Jewish Quarter0001.JPG

Fountain of the Jewish Quarter (犹太区喷泉)

2024-06-05_Plaza de la Alianza_Barrio Santa Cruz, or Parish of the Holy Cross in the Oldest Part of the City, Being Within the City Walls Built by.JPG

Plaza de la Alianza, Barrio Santa Cruz, or Parish of the Holy Cross in the Oldest Part of the City, Being Within the City Walls Built by the Romans in the 1st Century 


2024-06-05_Palacio de San Telmo Built on Land Owned by the Tribunal of the Holy Office (the Infamous Spanish Inquisitors) in Spanish Baroque in 17540001.JPGPalacio de San Telmo Built on Land Owned by the Tribunal of the Holy Office or the Infamous Spanish Inquisitors in Spanish Baroque in 1754


2024-06-05_Pantheon of Illustrious Sailors_ a Mausoleum & Memorial to All the Mariners of the Spanish Navy n the 18th-Century Romanesque0001.JPGPantheon of Illustrious Sailors, a Mausoleum & Memorial to All the Mariners of the Spanish Navy in the 18th-Century Romanesque


2024-06-05_Plaza de Espa?a_Neighborhood0001.JPGNeighborhood around Plaza de Espa?a


2024-06-05_Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla w Principal Fa?ade in Baroque Style of the 18th-Century0001.JPGPlaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla w Principal Fa?ade in Baroque Style of the 18th-Century


2024-06-05_Statue _Curro Romero in the Bullring of the Real Maestranza0001.JPG

Bronze Statue of Curro Romero in the Bullring of the Real Maestranza


2024-06-05_Statue Equestrian of Maria de las Mercedes_ Princess of Asturias0001.JPGStatue Equestrian of Maria de las Mercedes, Princess of Asturias


2024-06-05_Plaza Virgen de los Reyes or the Virgin of the Kings Square0001.JPGPlaza Virgen de los Reyes or the Virgin of the Kings Square


2024-06-05_Plaza Virgen de los Reyes三王圣母广场_Palacio Arzobispal or Archbishop's Palace_18th Century Seville Baroque0001.JPGPalacio Arzobispal or Archbishop's Palace, 18th Century Seville Baroque @ Plaza Virgen de los Reyes


2024-06-05_Plaza Virgen de los Reyes_Convent of the Incarnation0001.JPGConvent of the Incarnation @ Plaza Virgen de los Reyes


2024-06-05_Calle de los Alemanes-20001.JPGPlaza del Cabildo (市政厅广场)

2024-06-05_Naturalmente_Outdoor0001.JPGOutdoor of Naturalmente (天然餐厅·户外)


Indoor of Naturalmente (天然餐厅·室内)

2024-06-05_Casa Robles w a Lunch of Tapas_Potato Salads_ Fish Nuggets_ Spanish Garlic Noodles_ & Andalusian Desserts-10001.JPGCasa Robles w/ a Lunch of Tapas, Potato Salads, Fish Nuggets, Spanish Garlic Noodles, & Andalusian Desserts

(白栎餐厅·午餐包括西班牙小吃:土豆沙拉、鱼块、西班牙蒜蓉面条和漫游地甜点 06-05-2024)

2024-06-05_Abanicos or Spanish Hand Fans0001.JPGAbanicos or Spanish Folding Hand Fans (西班牙折叠手扇)

2024-06-05_Paseo de las Delicias or Walk of Delights_ the Main Entry Way from Cadiz into the City of Seville0001.JPG

Paseo de las Delicias or Walk of Delights, the Main Entry Way from Cadiz into the City of Seville





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