


Trad Climbing @ Montserrat Massif, Spain(西班牙·爬锯齿山)


2024-06-03 National Leave the Office Early Day

Montserrat Massif.jpg

【Hunter (Cazador)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            A tall pine forest!

            Above it, four doves flying.


            Four doves

            Flying, returning to their nests.

            Carry wounds 

            In their four shadows.


            Under the tall pine forest!

            Four doves on the ground are…

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——














【注】与希腊悬空寺(Meteora Monasteries)所在的山峰相似,西班牙锯齿山也是由砂岩组成,豪宕的自然美景无不成为传统登山热门胜地,要不是来去匆匆,我非得豁出去大展拳脚。

锯齿山的岩石是由沙子和粘土等天然水泥粘合的卵石组成,坚硬且耐侵蚀。然而,数百万年来的风雨却把这座山塑造成了独特的岩层,不乏出现像“针”、“小木乃伊”、“木乃伊”、“猫”、“大象”、“黑圣母”以及其它千奇百怪的巨石,这些构造刻画了独到的人文景观,引起全世界地质学家的兴趣。对了,巴塞罗那“船歌”圣家堂(Basílica de la Sagrada Família)的建筑石料就来自锯齿山。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Iconic Art @ Montserrat Abbey, Spain(西班牙·锯齿山修道院圣像)

2024: Monastery of Montserrat, Spain(西班牙·蒙特塞拉特“锯齿山”修道院)

2017 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2017年卡内基金色键盘音乐节)

2012届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2012 GHCS Commencement)

2024-06-03_Montserrat Range along Llobregat Red River Valley_ a Dramatic Chain of Serrated Limestone Mtn0001.JPGMontserrat Range along Llobregat/Red River Valley, a Dramatic Chain of Serrated Limestone Mtn


2024-06-03_02_Monistrol de Montserrat_ a Mountainous Country0001.JPGMonistrol de Montserrat, a Mountainous Country


2024-06-03_03_Magical Montserrat Massif_Steep Walking Path up to the Abbey from the Valley below0001.JPG

Steep Walking Path up to the Abbey from the Valley below


2024-06-03_04_Magical Montserrat Massif_Santa Cova Grotto about Halfway up the Mtn where the Original Statue of the Madonna was found in 880 AD0001.JPGSanta Cova Grotto about Halfway up the Mtn where the Original Statue of the Black Madonna was found in 880 AD


2024-06-03_05_Magical Montserrat Massif-10001.JPGSanta Maria de Montserrat Abbey & Roca de St. Jaume


2024-06-03_06_Santa Cova & Funicular Ride-10001.JPG

Ride to Santa Cova (开往圣洞的缆车)

2024-06-03_07_Santa Cova & Funicular Ride-20001.JPG

Funicular Ride (登山缆车)

2024-06-03_08_Plaza de Santa María_Catalonia's Heavenly Haven against Roca de St Jaume-10001.JPGPlaza de Santa María against Roca de St Jaume

(神慈圣徒岩石下圣母广场 06-03-2024)

2024-06-03_09_Magical Montserrat Massif_Montserrat Mountains of Roca de St Jaume_ the Famous Rock Formations Elephant & Mummy0001.JPGMontserrat Massif of Roca de St Jaume, the Famous Rock Formations Elephant & Mummy 


2024-06-03_10_Montserrat was destroyed in 1811 when the French invaded Catalunya. In 1844 the Monastery was rebuilt0001.jpg

Montserrat was destroyed in 1811 when the French invaded Catalunya. In 1844 the Monastery was rebuilt


2024-06-03_11_St. Michael’s Cross Lookout on a Craggy_ Sacred Mtn0001.JPGSt. Michael's Cross Lookout on a Craggy & Sacred Mtn


2024-06-03_12_Santa Cova de Montserrat0001.JPGSanta Cova de Montserrat (锯齿山圣洞)

2024-06-03_13_Hermitage of the Dolorosa of Montserrat0001.JPGHermitage of the Dolorosa (苦行隐修院)

2024-06-03_14_Magical Montserrat Massif_Chapel of the Santa Cova de Montserrat0001.JPGChapel of the Santa Cova de Montserrat


2024-06-03_15_Monastery of San Benito de Montserrat-10001.JPGSan Benito de Montserrat (锯齿山仁慈圣徒礼拜堂)

2024-06-03_16_Monastery of San Benito de Montserrat-20001.JPGBelfry of San Benito de Montserrat


2024-06-03_17_Monastery of San Benito de Montserrat-30001.JPGClose-up of San Benito de Montserrat


2024-06-03_18_Magical Montserrat Massif_0001.JPGCapella de l'?ngel (天使礼拜堂)

2024-06-03_19_Magical Montserrat Massif-20001.JPGCap de Mort iCap del Mono (死神头和猴头)

2024-06-03_20_Magical Montserrat Massif-30001.JPGMonolithic Rocks w/ Strange & Varied Forms over Millions of Years


2024-06-03_21_Tunnel0001.JPGTunnel (穿山隧道)

2024-06-03_22_Escargot Car0001.JPGEscargot Car (蜗牛车)

2024-06-03_23_Red Ginger-10001.JPG

Red Ginger Asian Fusion Restaurant @ Oceania Marina

(“大洋·滨海”号游轮红姜亚洲风味餐厅 06-03-2024)

2024-06-03_24_Food0001.JPGDining (餐饮)


2015: A Life of Religion in Meteora, Greece(希腊悬空人的宗教生活)



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