


Iconic Art @ Montserrat Abbey, Spain(西班牙·锯齿山修道院圣像)


2024-06-03 Love Conquers All Day

Art of Santa María.jpg

【Farewell (Despedida)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            If I die,

            leave the balcony open.


            The little boy is eating oranges.

            (From my balcony I can see him.)


            The reaper is harvesting the wheat.

            (From my balcony I can hear him.)


            If I die,

            leave the balcony open! 

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——
















Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Trad Climbing @ Montserrat Massif, Spain(西班牙·爬锯齿山)

2024: Monastery of Montserrat, Spain(西班牙·蒙特塞拉特“锯齿山”修道院)

2017 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2017年卡内基金色键盘音乐节)

2012届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2012 GHCS Commencement)

2024-06-03_00_Sculpture of Abat Oliba or Bishop Oliba_ the Founder of Montserrat Monastery in 10250001.JPG

Sculpture of Abat Oliba or Bishop Oliba, the Founder of Montserrat Monastery in 1025


2024-06-03_01_Basilica of Montserrat_Christ and the Apostles on Plateresque Revival Fa?ade of the Basilica Built by Francisco de Paula del Villar y Carmona0001.JPGChrist and the Apostles on Plateresque Revival Fa?ade of the Basilica


2024-06-03_02_Approaching the Basilica of Montserrat from Plaza de Santa Maria_Windows0001.JPGWindows Decorated the Basilica of Montserrat from Plaza de Santa Maria


2024-06-03_03_Icons @ Abbey Courtyard0001.JPGIcons @ Abbey Courtyard (修道院庭院·圣像)

2024-06-03_04_Sculpture of Saint George St Jordi in the Subirachs Style from the Passion Fa?ade of La Sagrada Famili0001.JPG

Sculpture of Saint George in the Josep Maria Subirachs Style from the Passion Fa?ade of La Sagrada Famili


2024-06-03_05_Ariadne and Hermes_ by Josep Maria Subirachs (1985)0001.JPGAriadne and Hermes by Josep Maria Subirachs (1985)


2024-06-03_06_Sculpture of Saint0001.JPG

Sculpture of Saint (雕塑《圣徒》)

2024-06-03_07_Sculpture of a Stairway to Heaven0001.JPG

Sculpture of A Stairway To Heaven (雕塑《天堂的阶梯》)

2024-06-03_08_Atrium_Lamp w Inscriptions in Latin-20001.JPG

Atrium_Lamp w/ Inscriptions in Latin (带有拉丁铭文的中庭灯)

2024-06-03_09_Atrium_Lamp w Inscriptions in Latin-10001.JPGAdmiring the Interior Loggia (欣赏内部凉廊)

2024-06-03_10_Iron Sculpture of Saint Benedict0001.JPG

Iron Sculpture of Saint Benedict (圣本笃“祝福”铁雕)

2024-06-03_11_Tomb of Bernat II Vilamari0001.JPG

Tomb of Bernat II Vilamari (圣母之家的坚韧二世墓)

2024-06-03_12_Sculpture Benedictine0001.JPG

Sculpture Benedictine (雕塑《祝福》)

2024-06-03_13_Relief Featuring the Black Maddona Honoring the Centenary of the Proclamation of the Virgin as Patron Saint of Catalonia-10001.JPGRelief Featuring the Black Maddona Honoring the Centenary of the Proclamation of the Virgin as Patron Saint of Catalonia


2024-06-03_14_Frescoes along the Cloister0001.JPGRoma Aeterna, Frescoes along the Cloister


2024-06-03_15_Atrium_Giovanni dupré_ Pope Pius II piccolomini_ 1844-500001.JPG

Pope Pius II in 1844 (教皇庇护“恭敬”二世)

2024-06-03_16_Atrium_Pope Gregory VII0001.JPG

Pope Gregory VII (教皇格里高利“守望者”七世)

2024-06-03_17_Atrium_Tympanum of the Baptistery_ w Reliefs by Carles Collet0001.JPGTympanum of the Baptistery w/ Reliefs (洗礼堂门楣浮雕)

2024-06-03_18_Montserrat Museum0001.JPGGallery (画廊)

2024-06-03_19_Atrium_Cross Alpha Omega w Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega_ the first and the last.0001.JPGCross Alpha Omega w/ Revelation 1-11 in the King James Version I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last


2024-06-03_20_Pilgrims Visting Montserrat0001.JPGMural of Pilgrims Visting Montserrat


2024-06-03_21_Niche_Mosaics Executed by Santiago Padrós0001.JPG

Niches in Mosaics (壁龛镶嵌画)

2024-06-03_22_Virgin’s Chapel_Mural-30001.JPG

Mural @ Virgin's Chapel (圣母小教堂·壁画)

2024-06-03_23_Chapel of Santa Escolàstica-30001.JPGRose Windows @ Chapel of Santa Escolàstica


2024-06-03_24_Stairway Mosaics-10001.JPG

Mosaics @ Ave Maria Stairway (万福之路·楼梯镶嵌画)

2024-06-03_25_Stained Glass0001.JPG

Stained Glass Depicting the Finding of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem


2024-06-03_26_The Flight to Egypt by Josep Cusachs in Chapel of the Holy Family0001.JPG

The Flight to Egypt in the Chapel of the Holy Family


2024-06-03_27_The Montserrat Pieta0001.JPGThe Montserrat Pieta (《锯齿山圣母怜子图》)

2024-06-03_28_Ave Maria Path_A Representation of the Moreneta_ the Black Madonna_ Patroness of Catalonia0001.JPG

Ave Maria Path, a Representation of the Moreneta w/ the Black Madonna, Patroness of Catalonia





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