


Trump Tower of Belle Epoque, NYC(纽约城·今非昔比的川普大厦)


2024-04-06 National Student-Athlete Day

Trump Tower0001.JPG

The Man Whose Pharynx Was Bad (1921)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The time of year has grown indifferent.

        Mildew of summer and the deepening snow

        Are both alike in the routine I know:

        I am too dumbly in my being pent.


        The wind attendant on the solstices

        Blows on the shutters of the metropoles,

        Stirring no poet in his sleep, and tolls

        The grand ideas of the villages.


        The malady of the quotidian ...

        Perhaps if summer ever came to rest*

        And lengthened, deepened, comforted, caressed*

        Through days like oceans in obsidian*


        Horizons, full of night's midsummer blaze;*

        Perhaps, if winter once could penetrate

        Through all its purples to the final slate,

        Persisting bleakly in an icy haze;


        One might in turn become less diffident,

        Out of such mildew plucking neater mould

        And spouting new orations of the cold.

        One might. One might. But time will not relent.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——





























【注】1983年落成的川普大厦曾经是“大首领·小号商”(Donald Trump)房地产帝国皇冠上闪耀的明珠,如今却由于诸多原因导致公寓销售下降而成为曼哈顿“弓岛”为数不多的最不受欢迎的豪华房产之一。自2021年起,川普集团失去其拥有权,现已转让给通用汽车金融服务公司(General Motors Acceptance Corporation or GMAC)。

也许性格使然,川普大厦被视为极其奢华富丽甚至自命不凡,是炫耀性消费的世外桃源。如果用酒品评判建筑,那么其室内设计并不像高端的凯歌香槟(Veuve Clicquot),反倒更像普通的麦芽酒(Malt Liquor)。业界认为,川普大厦的中庭彰显招摇,到处都是昂贵的精品店和华丽的黄铜,几乎没有空间可以闲逛。尽管如此,它依旧不失为富裕购物者的梦幻乐园。

The golden age was never the present age.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: 3-Michelin-Starred Per Se, NYC(纽约城米其林三星·本身法式餐厅)

2024: Columbus Circle, NYC(纽约城·鸽子环岛)

2024: Ornamental Arts in Central Park, NYC(纽约城·中央公园大众艺术)

2024: Herald Square, Newspaper Row in NYC(纽约城报社街区·先驱广场)

2024: New York Public Library Main Branch-II(纽约公共图书馆主分馆·内藏)

2024: New York Public Library Main Branch-I(纽约公共图书馆主分馆·外观)

2016: Third Marking Period of Seventh Grade(初二第三学制)

2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔十字架岛)

2012: 佛州迪斯尼世界神奇王国(Walt Disney Magic Kingdom, FL)

2011: 埃及尼罗河游轮(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt)

2011: 埃及宝石双神庙(Twin Temples of Abu Simbel, Egypt)

2011: 埃及爱岛神庙(Philae Temple—Isis, Osiris, and Horus, EGY)

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Expensive Boutiques & Gaudy Brass Everywhere, One of NYC's Least-Desirable Luxury Bldgs in Manhatten


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Massive Gilded Clock Installed Without NYC's Permission


2012-08-29_Trump Tower on Fifth Ave 第五大道·川普大厦-2M0001.JPGTrump Tower on 5th Ave

(第五大道上的川普大厦 08-29-2012)

2024-04-27_Bldg_Trump Tower_Tree Balcony0001.JPGGucci beneath Tree Balcony (绿树阳台下古驰“微小”店)

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Clock in Front by Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church by Trump Tower

(川普大厦前第五大道长老会教堂与时钟 04-06-2024)

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Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in Gothic Revival (1875)


2024-04-06_Trump Tower_Atrium-1M0001.JPGOstentatious Atrium (招摇的中庭 06-06-2024)

2024-04-06_Trump Tower_Atrium-20001.JPGFantasyland for the Affluent Shopper w/ Xanadu of Conspicuous Consumption 


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45 Wine & Whiskey (Formerly Trump Bar) Literally Pays an Ode to Donald Trump

(45届葡萄酒与威士忌“生命之水”即旧时的川普酒吧·字面意义上向前美国第45届总统“大首领·小号商”致敬 04-06-2024)

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Waterfall in the Atrium, Preposterously Lavish Showy, Even Pretentious 


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Full Body Enactments Performed by Trump Clown in Front of Trump Tower on 5th Ave


2024-04-06_Trump Clown-30001.JPGBodily Quoting Enactments Performed by Trump Clown


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Gestural Reenactments Performed by Trump Clown


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Pantomime by Trump Clown (川普小丑·哑剧)


USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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