


St Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, NYC(纽约城·农场街光辉圣徒教堂)


2024-02-18 National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day

St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery0001.JPG

Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VI (1918)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        If men at forty will be painting lakes

        The ephemeral blues must merge for them in one,

        The basic slate, the universal hue.

        There is a substance in us that prevails.

        But in our amours amorists discern

        Such fluctuations that their scrivening

        Is breathless to attend each quirky turn.

        When amorists grow bald, then amours shrink

        Into the compass and curriculum

        Of introspective exiles, lecturing.

        It is a theme for Hyacinth alone.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——















【注】农场街光辉圣徒教堂最早由17世纪曼哈顿(意译“弓”)岛时任新荷兰殖民政府总督“磐石·沙丘”(Petrus Stuyvesant)建造的家庭祈祷室开始,之后发展成圣公会(Episcopal Church)教区教堂和基督教礼拜堂,被视为纽约城最古老的持续宗教活动场所。自19世纪以来,它同时还被用于社区艺术组织活动场所。


Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Church of Our Saviour, NYC(纽约城·救世主罗马天主教堂)

2024: Street Swimmers on Park Ave, NYC(纽约城·公园大道街头游泳者)

2024: World's Largest Grand Ctr Terminal,NYC(纽约世上最大的火车站)

2024: Shop for Mod Parka Post-Snow, NYC(纽约城·雪后选购棉猴大衣)

2024: Hutong in Awesome Setting, NYC(纽约城·非比寻常的“胡同”食府)

2024: 1-Michelin-Starred Estela, NYC(纽约城米其林一星·星辰现代餐厅)

2018 Teachers' Appreciation Dinner(2018年光华教师答谢晚宴)

2017 MathCounts Regional Competition(2017年初中数学分区赛)

2015: Chinese New Year Eve @ Lai Lai Garden(来来花园春节年夜饭)

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Lion, the Symbol of St. Mark (狮子·光辉圣徒教堂的象征)

2024-02-18_St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery in Georgian_ Federal Body_ & Greek Revival Steeple (1799)0001.JPGSt. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery in Georgian, Federal Body, & Greek Revival Steeple (1799)


2024-02-18_Egyptian Revival Pillars_ Replaced the Original Square Pillars & Installed as Part of Sanctuary Renovations in 1836-10001.JPGEgyptian Revival Pillars, Replaced the Original Square Pillars & Installed as Part of Sanctuary Renovations in 1836

(1836年翻新的圣殿·埃及复兴式立柱取代了原来方柱 02-18-2024)

2024-02-18_A Collection of Memorials within the Narthex Commemorating the Burials of Stuyvesant Family Members & Nicholas Fish (1758–1833), Officer During the Revolutio.JPGA Collection of Memorials within the Narthex Commemorating the Burials of Stuyvesant Family Members & Nicholas Fish, Officer During the Revolution



Stainglass (彩色玻璃)


Ornamental/Leaded Icon (圣像花窗)

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Apostle Paul Erected in 1904 in Memory of Frederick Samuel Tallmadge


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Calling of the Disciples–Follow Me (门徒的呼召·跟从我)

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St. Marcus (战神殉道圣徒)

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St. Mark (光辉圣徒)

2024-02-18_Bell from 1836 Cracked beyond Repair Because of the Fire in 19780001.JPGBell from 1836 Cracked beyond Repair Because of the Fire in 1978



Aspiration (《渴望》)


Inspiration (《激励》)

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Bust of Daniel Tompkins, the 6th Vice President of the USA


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Bust of Peter Stuyvesant, the Last Dutch Governor of the New Netherlands


2024-02-18_Plaque0001.JPGChurch Plaque (教堂牌匾)

2024-02-18_Stuyvesant Square_Sculpture_Bust of Peter Stuyvesant_ Peg-Leg Peter0001.JPGBust of Peter Stuyvesant, Peg-Leg Peter @ Stuyvesant Square



USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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