


2024 Guanghua Loong New Year Gala(2024年宾州光华龙年春晚)


2024-01-28 Natl Daisy Day

The Beginning (1947)

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

    So summer comes in the end to these few stains

    And the rust and rot of the door through which she went.


    The house is empty. But here is where she sat

    To comb her dewy hair, a touchless light,


    Perplexed by its darker iridescences.

    This was the glass in which she used to look


    At the moment's being, without history,

    The self of summer perfectly perceived,


    And feel its country gayety and smile

    And be surprised and tremble, hand and lip.


    This is the chair from which she gathered up

    Her dress, the carefulest, commodious weave


    Inwoven by a weaver to twelve bells …

    The dress is lying, cast-off, on the floor.


    Now, the first tutoyers of tragedy

    Speak softly, to begin with, in the eaves.

—— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? —— ? ——





























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2024: Potpourri Simmered from Guanghua Gala(宾州光华龙年春晚花絮)

2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-5(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第五场比赛)

2017 CNY Gala @ CGCC(2017年神州基督教会春晚联欢)

2017: Conn-Selmer Band Clinic(智慧—升护乐队技术指导)

2009: 巴拿马运河(Panama Canal)

2008: 双圣徒岛(Saint Thomas)

2024-01-28_00_Dragon_ Flower-Drum_ Sleeve Dance-20001.JPGOpening w/ Loong, Flower-Drum, Sleeve Dance


2024-01-28_00_Dragon_ Flower-Drum_ Sleeve Dance-30001.JPGOpening w/ Loong, Flower-Drum, Sleeve Dance


2024-01-28_Speech_Jun Ma0001.JPGDr. Jun Ma, the Principal of Guanghua Chinese School


2024-01-28_Speech_Consul Xu0001.JPGConsul Zhaohui Xu from the Consulate General of the PRC in New York


2024-01-28_Speech_Wei Chen0001.JPGWei Chen, Chair of PA Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian American & Pacific Islander Affairs


2024-01-28_Award-10001.JPGBest Teaching Srv Award (最佳教育奖)

2024-01-28_Best Teammates0001.JPGBest Teacher & Management Award

(最佳教师与校务管理奖 01-28-2024)

2024-01-28_PVSA0001.JPG2022-2023 President's Volunteer Service Award


2024-01-28_Master of Ceremonies-10001.JPGMaster of Ceremonies (司仪)

2024-01-28_01_Dance w China in the Light0001.JPGChildren Dance w/ "China in the Light"


2024-01-28_02_Drama w Ants & a Watermelon0001.JPGKGA Straight Play w/ "Ants & a Watermelon"


2024-01-28_03_Violin Ensemble w Jingle Bells in Allegro0001.JPGViolin Ensemble w/ "Jingle Bells" in Allegro


2024-01-28_04_Fashion Show w Darling You are Beautiful0001.JPGGPCCC Fashion w/ "Darling, You Are Beautiful"


2024-01-28_05_Ballet w Les Sylphides-10001.JPGBallet in "Les Sylphides" (芭蕾舞·《仙女们》)

2024-01-28_06_Han Dynasty Dance w Land of Splendid-10001.JPGHan Dynasty Dance in "The Land of Splendid"


2024-01-28_07_Choir w Happy New Year0001.JPGG1A Choir w/ "Happy New Year"


2024-01-28_08_Recite w Chinese-10001.JPGRecite w/ "Chinese" (诗朗诵·《中国话》)

2024-01-28_09_Choir w Farewell0001.JPGChildren Choir w/ "Farewell" (儿童小合唱·《送别》)

2024-01-28_10_Sq Dance w Tennessee Waltz & Quizas Tango-10001.JPGSq Dance in "Tennessee Waltz & Quizas Tango"


2024-01-28_11_Talk Show w Is Chinese Hard to Learn0001.JPGG7A Talk Show w/ "Is Chinese hard to learn?"


2024-01-28_12_Performance Singling in Pulling Radish-20001.JPGG2A Performance Singling in "Pulling Radish"


2024-01-28_13_Sign Language Song in Listen to Me_ Thank You0001.JPGG3A Sign Language Song in "Listen to Me, Thank You"


2024-01-28_14_Dance Yoga in Big Fish0001.JPGDance Yoga in "Big Fish" (舞韵瑜伽·《大鱼》)

2024-01-28_15_Recite w China0001.JPGRecite w/ "China" (诗朗诵·《我的中国》)

2024-01-28_16_Dunhuang Dance w Rebound Lute0001.JPGDunhuang Dance w/ "Rebound Lute"


2024-01-28_17_Cheongsam Show w Pavilion in a Chinese Painting0001.JPGGPCCC Cheongsam Show w/ "Pavilion in a Chinese Painting"


2024-01-28_18_Recite w the Gift from Time0001.JPGRecite w/ "Embrace Sunshine" (诗朗诵·《拥抱阳光》)

2024-01-28_19_Recite w the Gift from Time0001.JPGG4A Recite w/ "Gift from Time"


2024-01-28_20_Ballroom w Waltz-Salsa Dance-10001.JPGBallroom w/ Waltz (交谊舞·《华尔兹》)

2024-01-28_20_Ballroom w Waltz-Salsa Dance-20001.JPGBallroom w/ Salsa Dance (交谊舞·《调味舞》)

2024-01-28_21_Performance Singing w Practise Book for Kids & Youth0001.JPGG6B Performance Singing in "Practise Book for Kids & Youth"


2024-01-28_22_Dunhuang Dance in Kalavinka (a Beautiful Sound)0001.JPGDunhuang Dance in "Kalavinka", a Beautiful Sound Bird


2024-01-28_23_Three & Half Sentences w Happy New Year0001.JPGG6A Three & Half Sentences w/ "Happy New Year"


2024-01-28_24_Choir w a Thanksful Heart0001.JPGChoir in "A Thankful Heart" (合唱·《感恩的心》)

2024-01-28_25_Recite w Autumn Rain-20001.JPGRecite in "Autumn Rain" (诗朗诵·《秋天的雨》)

2024-01-28_26_Choir w Those Times Past0001.JPGGentlemen's Semichoir in "Those Times Past"


2024-01-28_27_Dance Yoga in Inside Flow0001.JPGDance Yoga w/ "Inside Flow"


2024-01-28_28_Dunhuang Dance w Long Silk Flying Apsaras0001.JPGDunhuang Dance in "Long Silk Flying Apsaras"


2024-01-28_29_Han & Tang Dance w Ladies w Flowers Handscroll0001.JPGHan & Tang Dance in "Ladies w/ Flower's Handscroll"


2024-01-28_30_Female Chorus w Vineyard Nocturne0001.JPGLadies' Chorus w/ "Vineyard Nocturne"


2024-01-28_31_Recite w Mother Is A Kind Of Time0001.JPGRecite in "Mother Is A Kind Of Time"


2024-01-28_32_Dunhuang Dance w Celestial Musician & Dancer0001.JPGDunhuang Dance w/ "Celestial Musician & Dancer"


2024-01-28_33_Dance w Our Wild Land0001.JPGDance in "Our Land" (舞蹈·《我们的田野》)

2024-01-28_34_Tibetan Dance w Kandze Tap0001.JPGTibetan Dance in Kandze Tap (藏舞·甘孜踢踏)

2024-01-28_35_CHoir w Cheers My Friend0001.JPGChoir w/ "Cheers, My Friend"


2024-01-28_36_Finale w Unforgettabe Tonight0001.JPGFinale w/ "Unforgettable Tonight" (谢幕·《难忘今宵》)


2011: 宾州光华中文学校春晚节目策划(Stage Production of GHCS Gala, PA)

2012: 筹备“宾州光华中文学校龙年春节联欢会”有感

2014年宾州光华马年晚(2014 Guanghua Horse New Year Gala)

The 2015 Year of Goat Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过羊年)

The 2016 Year of Monkey Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过猴年)

The 2017 Year of Rooster Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过鸡年)

The 2018 Year of Dog Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过狗年)

2023 Guanghua Rabbit New Year Gala(2023年宾州光华兔年春晚)


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