


Biological cycle and financial cycle


Biological cycle and financial cycle


Biologically, humans peak at their twenties. Financially, humans often peak at their sixties in modern time. Why such a big delay? It is mainly due to the current institutional structure. Here I would like to discuss the issue from the perspective of electrical circuits.

An electric circuit usually contains a capacitor, which will generate a phase delay. The higher the capacity of the capacitor, the bigger the delay. More intuitively, you can imagine the heat capacity of a large body of water. If the environment is very cold and there is a lot of ice on the water, it would be very difficult and take a long time to heat up water. The heat capacity of water in low temperature is very high. In other words, the colder the environment, the bigger the delay.

Similarly, the colder the society, the bigger the delay from biological peak to financial peak. The old and cold people will hold on to political power as long as possible and exploit the youth as much as possible in the meantime.

In a society where youth are relentlessly exploited, fertility will be far below replacement rate. Such a society will inevitably decline.

The degree of delay from biological peak to financial peak is a measurement of coldness of a society. A cold society will inevitably decline.


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