


Why did China not produce harmful native religions


169 reads in Nov. 12; 172-Dec-18, 183-Dec-31, 2018.

 Why did China not produce harmful native religions

Frank   Oct. 2, 2014, in  Canada Updated Dec. 29, 31, 2018. Jan. 3, 5, 7, 2019.


Please look at video Germany Begin Destroying Islamic Mosques Spreading Extremism: How Germany Tackled Immigration Crisis: July 24, 2024, Germany starts to ban radical Islamic mosques known for spreading extremist ideologies as strategy to promote peace, tolerance, and security within the country.

The humanized action of Germany has too late to uproot the fatal harm of the harmful religions due to that they have dehumanized human world into the inhuman state of individualistic values; individualistic social elements and its dehumanized people in warlike genes; which inspired me to repost this article in 10 years ago here to show people that in 2400 years ago, China has started to kill the buds of the harmful religions.

Throughout history, the life of people of Germany has been in wars threats; but the life of people of China has enjoyed peace for a relatively longer time.

In China, 771BC-221BC once fell into 550 years of wars between vassal states as that of European aristocracies of independent economies of war machines. The facts show that the nature of some people of China is no difference with people in the west; once society lost control, the animal instinct would drive people to make disaster ruining own life also.

But, when people in the West have been in killing until this moment; people of China have been enjoying relatively longer prosperous life and since 2000 years ago developed the Silk Road provides life necessaries and humanized culture to the inhuman West and promoted modern economics, helped the West out of barbaric Dark Ages; but they developed much barbaric one again, from mutually bloodbaths in home place to kill people all over the world, colonial occupation and plunder, slave trade and opium trafficking, they did whatever evil most.

Due to the people of China are able to learn lessons, sum up experiences, and take measures to avoid the repeating of mistakes. Significantly; since ancient time China has been choosing quality people on power.

China introduces and funds the humanized religion

Buddhism of ancient India teaches people to be kind, to be self-disciplined, to be good to others, which is good for culturing people to be humanized governable; and the government of China specially sent people to India to invite it into China, and the government funded the construction of Buddhist temples. It said that there about 30% of vocabularies in Mandarin today were evolved from the Buddhist Teachings of ancient India.

As my view, the vocabularies for interpersonal communications are the carriers for the wisdoms and philosophies in daily life. In China, people are not only using them for daily communications, but also used them as handily available wisdoms for avoiding mistake in dealing with some problems in daily life and social governance.

In contrast, in Europe, it never thinks of controlling ideologies to culture people as people in humanized quality; but allows people freely fabricating various ideologies or Gods brainwash people to tear humanity and society hatred apart and made the economy and society hatred fragmented; by such way planted seeds for conflicts in cultural killing to have created individualistic social elements and individualistic values.

The individualistic values dehumanized people in the inhuman individualistic quality ungovernable in warlike genes to regard selfish gains at the expense of others as a matter of course; regard fighting for being No.1 and superpower as a matter of course; for which regard provoking wars to loot and kill othters as a matter of course. 

Please look at the killing of Russian-Ukrainian and Palestinians and Israelis, they all have sound reasons that must kill each other, but the nature is that the civilization is not humanized; they criticize China for choosing entrepreneurs and scientists, etc., as lawmakers in Technocratic Democracy as autocracy as illegitimacy; while touts that making policy by quality uncertain people fighting as dead enemies in wild inhuman manner as humane way as democracy as legitimacy, by which way grants power to reckless one as personal crutches to kill by State Apparatus.      --- July 25, 2024

The valuable values of the civilization of China

People appreciate the 5,000 years continuous civilization of China, however, most of people have overlooked the nature of the civilization, the valuable point, is not in the length of time, but, in the continuously documented historical facts – the facts in success and failure, which made valuable references, so that the future generations can avoid to repeat mistakes with lesser Detour.

The accumulation of experiences is wisdom.

In April 18, 2023, the President of European Commission Ms. von der Leyen, in the speech at the European Parliament Plenary on the need for a coherent strategy for EU-China relations, who soberly indicates that: “for centuries China have helped to shape world civilization; and in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years and transformed into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress.”

Please remember that the achievements of China were made based on the destroyed ruins with huge war reparations from a century long killing and looting of Western allies and US tamed Japan; which started since 1840 British armed selling opium after government of China banned opium trade that started in 1773.

The achievement of China should be attributing to the rational social governance of China, since ancient time China has been choosing quality people on power. Today it is entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance and top leadership is 7 members politburo, no one allowed free talks without meeting consensus; by which ensured social governance in collective wisdoms in grouped discussion and largely avoided personal dictatorship.

Now China integrates the hatred fragmented countries to melt down feuds to build a life of peaceful coexistence. The US economic strategist David Goldman said:”the United States have tended to look at these places (global south) as baggage; so we don't take them seriously. The Chinese take them seriously and the longest the biggest challenge to American influence in the world long term is China's ability to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy. You're talking about people going from making $2 a day which is misery and degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity.

To save the lives of our families, the way out is to learn about China by quality entrepreneurs, scientists, professors, economists etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliance to make policy by human way from the inhuman democratic play.

Because all of us have certain intellectual flaws, only the people, whose achievements proved quality are able to reason properly in more correct and less incorrect ways; such as, entrepreneurs, scientists, professors, economists, etc. Even so, we still cannot avoid the harm of personal bias; only by quality people group discussion is able to result in more correct less incorrect.

The kindhearted ancestors of the English and French made humanized design of democracy and its relied ideologies have been inhumanly killing the player countries and inhumanly ruining the life of those good-hearted, honest, and loyal voters. All in all, we must rescue the world from social governance that is hijacked by political correctness, for example, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  

Since ancient time, the 550 years of civil wars since 771BC enlightened China that ideologies can be used to deceive people for wars and reshape the mentality of people as warriors; and the enfeoffment in Vassal State is in planting independent economy war machines. After more than 10 years efforts, in 221BC, the State Oin cleaned up all of vassal states to have reunited China, gave up enfeoffment to centralized govern in ministries, provinces and counties (This has been copied globally) by selecting learned people as officials in Technocratic Democracy.

China burned books in touting enfeoffment for plating war machines, while live buried 460 scholars who insisted to restore the enfeoffment with armed riots, later outlawed all schools of thought to respect Confucian as only moral guidance; under Gov-conduct, China has basically established social elements to this day in leading philosophies, ideologies, religions, politics, medicine, etc..

No one mention this point yet; but I believed the actual effects as so: By dialectic philosophy Daoism settled down the relationship between man and nature; by moral guidance Confucianism settled down the relationship between man and man; by legal system Legalism settled down the relationship between man and society; and by government specially sent people to invite Buddhism from India to have comforted the relationship between man and mind.

In 2020, Oxford History cultured rare rational media man editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News Dr. John Micklethwait and the editor of Economist Dr. Adrian Wooldridge, who jointly published article The Virus Should Wake Up the West to have indicated that: “since Hobbes wrote “Leviathan,” China rather than Europe was the center of administrative excellence. China was the world’s most powerful country with the world’s biggest city (Beijing had more than a million inhabitants), the world’s mightiest navy and the world’s most sophisticated civil service, peopled by scholar-mandarins who were selected from across a vast empire by rigorous examinations.

“While Europe was a bloodstained battlefield ruled by rival feudal families; where government jobs were either allotted by birth or bought and sold like furniture.” ”When the Chinese invented gunpowder they used it for fireworks; Europeans used it to blow one another (and then the Chinese) out of the water.”

The record of choosing learned people as officials in China may trace back to before 600 BC, Qin Mugong (659–621 BC) of State Qin, who implemented the practice of guest minister from other states with group of capable people as consultants. Since then there were many outstanding learned people gathered in the State Qin and promoted State Qin developed stronger to unite China in 221BC.

The approach of Qin Mugong was widely followed at that time and become as political atmosphere, and since then, choosing learned people to govern has become a trend. The Dynasties held Imperial Examination according to need. Since Song dynasty (960–1279), the Imperial Examination was held annually, until Qing dynasty in 1905. But chooses learned people as officials continued in China until this days.

China also chooses outstanding foreigners as officials. There many Western missionaries were hired enjoying royal salary in taking charge of important official positions. Italian missionary Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), who worked as artist at imperial court for three Qing emperors; and worked as one of designer of Old Summer Palace Beijing.

British Sir Robert Hart (1835 – 1911), at age 26 took charge of Imperial Maritime Custom Service in Qing government of China from 1863 to 1911. By the end of the 1870s, customs revenues accounted for one-third of the Qing government’s fiscal revenue. Hart employed more than 700 Westerners and 3,500 Chinese. Hart’s employees were also found and managed the first modernized national postal service; charted the China coast, managed port facilities, and supervised the lighting of coastal and inland waterways.

Royal Family regards Hart and his subordinates as consultants to handle the matters that related to Western countries; and representing China participates in the foreign negotiations. Hart has made an important impact on the development of the foreign policy of Qing government. His contributions were recognized by both Chinese and Western authorities, and he was awarded several honorific Chinese titles.

The officials of China trusted British Sir Hart as own countryman and Sir Hart was also regarded China as own country. Please look at his heart touching writings during the middle time of 100 years humiliation that China was suffering the beast looting, killing and burning by the Western allied countries and they tamed Japanese.

In book "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question, in 1835-1911, Sir Robert Hart once made a prediction on China will develop as powerful country; which inspired by shocking fact that the easygoing and friendly people of China, suddenly became angry lions to unite to fight against foreign invaders and fight against own incompetent government; which shocked Sir Hart to have written the prediction on China.

Jan 3, 2022, I especially Google searched an online PDF version of the book of Sir Hart "These from the land of Sinim." Essays on the Chinese question from the University of California, #276 (Page 262). I wrote down some as below.

“China must henceforth become a military power. There will be much floundering and many mistakes and catastrophes, but sooner or later, the state will be emerge healthy, strong, and experienced, and in possession of what the world forces on her-military strength; and since it must be had, she will eventually have it of best-the best arms, the most suitable drill, the highest education, and soldiers in such numbers as population permits and circumstances require, and of such quality as physique, morale, and training will in the course of generations provide.”

“To-day, in order to punish China for the Boxer doings of last year, the West, among other things, is prohibiting the importation of arms. In this connection said a scion of a great family to me: ’Very good-this forces us to become producers. Now, mark me, in due time we ourselves will be exporters; not only that, but underselling present manufacturers!’”

Now, in 100 years later today, the prediction of the member of Qing Royal Family has been become true.           --- July 25, 2024

Main topic

The harmful religions refer to those fabricate certain doctrines and Gods to brainwash people as believers and then drive those being fooled believers to perform antisocial or even kill others.

In China, besides some native religions in the nature of philosophies and doctrines in healthy living, such as, dialectic Daoism, those harmful religions were all invaded foreign one.


In China, the harmful religions were killed by the wise officials in the stage of their budding.

There was a true case in 2400 years ago China, in Ye County, took the chance of frequently floods, the local officials with witch conspiracy levy money by the name of presenting a girl as wife to please river God to avoid river flooding, and thus drowning innocent girl every year.

A wise magistrate Ximen Bao who completely eliminated the evil misdeed by thrown the witch and her accomplices into the river with the name of sending a message to the river God, he will chose a more beautiful girl as wife later.


Above is a page of picture book about this story. Ximen Bao ordered to throw local officials into river after witch in the same name.

In order to eliminate the disaster of flooding, Xi Menbao suggested to excavate canals, but, people refused to do such a hard job, then, by the power of Government, Xi Menbao forced them to dig twelve canals to bring water from the river to irrigate the farming land as a water irrigation system that serves to today.

At that time, Ximen Bao made a famous comment: 

The ordinary people can only share enjoying the success but cannot willingly share the hardship for achieving the success. Government must enforce them to do something that will benefit to them, but, do not expect to convince them in advance.

The story has been widespread in China with many history books and textbooks, until to today. Thus, as a explicit reference to help people distinguishing deceptive superstitious activities, and effectively inhibited the budding of religion, due to the subsequent governments were able to timely distinguish and kill harmful religions, which is started in 2400 years ago until to today.

I think that is the main reason for that China did not form any harmful Religions. The case shows the wise social governance of China in 2400 years ago, and well demonstrated that what is the true human civilization?

The personal deeds of Ximen Bao have decisively influenced the civilization of China in two major aspect for a safer stable society: first one is avoid the harm of religions, second one is to have set a model for that how a Government rationally perform their governing role.

As my view, this is the reason that China’s economy has always been ahead of the world before the civilization was interrupted by the Opium War of Britain and later by the invasion of Japanese. It is also one of the reasons why that China rapidly rise in the economy after the end of foreign aggression.

For the sake of national well-being, government must ensure social stability. In some cases, it is rational that government takes coercive force to promote something – such as, to control the religious development.

For centuries, Western religion groups have been sending missionaries to China again and again, with the hope of trying to domesticate the people of China. However, the effect was not obvious. Westerners never knew that people of China has been acquired immunity for thousands years.

Follow is the place where the historical story of Xi Menbao happened.

Above is map that Googled in Jan. 5, 2019,  the red point area is Xi Menbao's Memorial Temple that built long time ago and has been badly damaged. The Temple located nearby Zhang-River in Beifeng Village, Anfeng Township, Anyang County, Anyang City, Henan Province, China.

Then, please look at that why religion is harmful?

The MRI scan on the structure of human brain and the fact of AlfaGo computer program beats top professional human Go player shows that computer is a kind of electronic brain, and the work mechanism of human brain is similar as that of computer. As same as that the defects or missing in the computer parts would cause malfunction of electronic brain, the defects or missing in the brain cells will also cause malfunction of human brain.

If we look at people's brains as same innate quality, that is, it is all same in the ability of attention, memory, logic analysis and the judgment for right or wrong, then the acquired knowledge of brain as reference is in acting as that of the instruction-codes in signaling human behaving. Viewing in this natural way, human beings are a kind of robots in action according to the Robot Software of acquired knowledge as set of coded commands or instructions.

Because of the difference in acquired knowledge, so that coded commands are difference between people to people, which is why that some people are rational in humane, and some people are anti-social in inhumane.

Religion uses specific doctrine to brainwash the believers, which is to instill the improper instruction-codes, thereby cause the behavioral flaws of people.

In large extent, religions have been playing as the most effective schools in culturing or even training evil forces against human society. There are no one would doubt that such extremists are the fatal threats to people’s normal life. They have pushed everyone living in fear every day without a sense of security.

To conduct killing in the name of faith seems a symbol of Western civilization. The great Crusades – in the name of faith, to induce and even force people to kill each other, which started in 1095. Nearly a thousand years have passed, the name of faith of the religions is still an effective tool to organize and enforce people to conduct killing. Please look at social unrests in any countries, the vast majority of them are from extremism that cultured by religions.

                               --  Frank   Jan. 8, 9, 12,2019, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada

The most evil are not those who advocate extremes by religions, but those people who are in advocating religious freedom. They are clearly in making livings by deception.

                                  --  Frank   Jan. 13,2019, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Motivation of the topic

Oct. 2, 2014, the articles Thousands of women, accused of sorcery, tortured and executed in Indian witch hunts and Witch Hunting in India: Poor, Low Caste and Widows Main Targets shocked me to reflect the role of religion and think of book The Essence of Religion. Although the behavior of Witch Hunting in India is not entirely religious, but, with the fictional preaching to brainwash is similar to a kind of religion.

According to Ludwig Feuerbach – Wikipedia that edited on Jan. 1, 2019, it was in 1841, German philosopher and anthropologist Ludwig Feuerbach who published the book The Essence of Religion and then it is considered as classic of humanism, and the book strongly influenced Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, thereby contributed to the birth of magnum opus and the development of historical materialism.

Now, I would like to say that it is not only Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but, Ludwig Feuerbach who has decisively influenced the civilization of human beings with communist movement and socialist practice. Today, we are able to enjoy the humanized society with comprehensive social welfare in communist style should thank great thinker Ludwig Feuerbach for triggering the communist vision of Karl Marx.

In The Essence of ReligionLudwig Feuerbach indicates that: “The religious admiration of divine wisdom in Nature is only an incident of enthusiasm; it refers only to the means, but is extinguished in reflecting on the purposes of Nature. How wonderful is the spider’s web, how wonderful the funnel of the ant-lion in the sand! But what is the purpose of these wise arrangements? Nothing but nourishment.”

I appreciate the view of Ludwig Feuerbach on the nature of the religions.

In fact, religions have been also playing the role as tools that have been used by various people for various purposes, such as, pleasing voters, but all of those people who are lack of humanity to deceive those ignorant people and to drive those ignorant to obtain benefits, in regardless to harm to others and to harm to the world.

Cruel reality shows that, nowadays, religions have become one of the root scourges for the world. It has become a powerful tool that cruel people gain more cruel power by gathering more cruel people to kill good people cruelly.

Facing such a cruel reality, some people still call for religious freedom. For these people, we have enough reason to question their property as the members of human beings?

India and China are both noted as ancient civilizations.

In India, the facts from above articles showed that absurd religions make the Indians still trek between Modern civilization and Ancient barbaric civilization.

                                  — Frank    Oct. 2, 2014, in waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Follow is translated and edited from Mandarin articles. The link of main reference is as follow: http://www.en84.com/article-8563-2.html

Ximen Bao’s Administration of Ye County of Ancient China

Frank  Oct. 2, 2014, in  Canada

Wei was a feudal vassal state of Western Zhou Dynasty (BC 1046 – BC 771) in Ancient China. Its territory lays between the states of Qin and Qi at that time and included parts of provinces of Henan,HebeiShanxi, and Shandong in modern China.


Photo: http://ookaboo.com/o/pictures/picture/21566541/China_Map_Wei_State_260BCE

According to Historical Records – A Classic Masterpiece for Comprehending the Ancient Chinese History of West Han dynasty China 104 B.C.-101 B.C. Ximen Bao who was an atheist, a famous Statesman, Military strategist and Hydraulic expert with many great exploits when the reign of Duke WeiwenBC 472-BC 396) in the time of Warring States Period (BC475 – BC221) China.

When he came into office after was appointed as magistrate of Ye County that located in today’s Hebei province of China, he found that the county was a deserted place with sparsely populated, barren land and slump economy.

After visits the local people, he learnt that there a river within the Ye County was always flooding and devouring the lives of many people. Local people have tried many ways, but, helpless, the river was still flooding. Then, there was a witch who said that there was a god in the river, the god must marry every year, if we do not marry him with beautiful young woman, the god would harm people by spells causing Flooding. Since then, every year, the witch will choose beautiful girl to marry the river god.

The county chiefs and local officials took the opportunity to collude with the witch to plunder wealth. They levied several million coins by the name for the marriage of the river god, but with only small partial of them to pay for the girl to marry the river god, and the rest were shared with the witch.

At the day the river god wedding, the witch had a beautiful girl sat on a bed to float down the river and finally the girl to be drowned with the bed was sank into the river.

Due to such fear, people who had good-looking daughters often brought them to distant places to evade to be killed in such way. As a result, the county has become ever more deserted and poverty-stricken.

After learnt the evil fact, Ximen Bao was enraged and conceived a countermeasure.

When the day to send a girl to river god, he came and had a look at the girl, then said to the witch: “This girl is not beautiful. I’ll trouble you to report to the river god that we’ll choose a more beautiful one and send to him in another day.” Then he had the soldiers seize the witch to throw into the river.

“Why did the witch not come back in so long time?” later he said. “Let one of her disciple to hurry her up!” Thus a disciple of the witch was thrown into the river, and then others in a total of three.

“The witch and her disciples are all women, no good at making a clear report to river god,” Ximen Bao said. “I’ll trouble county chiefs to do that.” Thus the county chiefs were thrown into the river.

Ximen Bao pretended respectfully with bowed low and waited with patience. The local officials who were shocked and frightened, with fear of being as messenger thrown into the river, they all bowed on the ground and forehead touchdown again and again, as that of chickens pecking rice on the ground, even head bloodshed.

Later Ximen Bao said relentingly: “You may stand up! The river god seems to detain his guests for a long time, you may dismiss now.”

Thenceforward, no one dared mention the sacrificial marriage for river god again.

Afterwards, Ximen Bao mobilized the people to dig twelve canals to bring the water from the river to irrigate the farming land, and to have ended the flood disaster entirely.

The construction of the canals was hard work, people felt to be troubled and unwilling to continue. Ximen Bao forced them with own administrative power to have finished the canals finally.

Ximen Bao made a famous comment that: the ordinary people can only share enjoying the success but canot share the initiation of the success. Though you may hate me for causing you troubles in today, but, a century later, your descendants will surely thank of what I said today.”

Since then, the irrigation by the canals has been up to today, and the people there have been living in abundant lives due to no disasters of water logging or drought.

Ximen Bao as magistrate of Ye County was famed throughout the state of Wei at that time. With his beneficence affecting countless generations, he has been regarded as a sagacious statesman until today China.

This is why that China has not formed any kind of harmful religions and heresies in the thousands of years civilization, because that rational officials killed them when their budding.

But, some religion with lesser harm, the government was allowed to exist, such as the Buddhism was introduced from India in 2,500 years ago, and existing until to today in China.

Other harmful religions were all invaded, and now are producing terrorists’ also.

Talking about India, it is a country with a long ancient civilization as similar as that of China, but, to be harmed miserable by free proliferation of religions, such as, for seeking happiness, their people are not to seek hard work as that of the people of China, but to pray with hands clasped together.

Indians believed that cattle is deity and letting them free around the streets, people and cattle are both still openly defecation.

Religions made the ignorance of Indians and caused India still in the semi-civilized state.

From the wisdom of an ancient sagacious statesman – Ximen Bao, we may learn that why china did not copy the West, but developed successfully.

And that is why that British Martin Jacques said that China is based on the civilization and the West is based on the nations.

Some reports on China

British Martin Jacques West should learn from China humbly

The Rise of China


Martin Jacques Understanding The Rise of China


West should learn from China humbly


Firstly please look at how a wise man talks about religion.

Photo source: https://www.azquotes.com/author/6310-Sam_Harris

Photo source:  https://www.azquotes.com/quote/125118

Sam Harris - Wikipedia

(born April 9, 1967) is an American author, philosopher, critic of religion, blogger, public intellectual, and podcast host. His work touches on a wide range of topics, including rationality, ethicsfree will, neuroscience, meditationphilosophy of mind, politics, Islamismterrorism, and artificial intelligence. He is described as one of the atheistic "Four Horsemen of the Non-Apocalypse", along with Richard DawkinsChristopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett.

Harris's first book, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason that concerns organized religion, the clash between religious faith and rational thought (2004), won the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for First Nonfiction and remained on The New York Times Best Seller list for 33 weeks. In The Moral Landscape (2010), he argues that science answers moral problems and can aid human well-being. He then published a longform essay Lying in 2011, the short book Free Will in 2012, Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion in 2014, and, with British writer Maajid NawazIslam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue in 2015. Harris' work has been translated into over 20 languages. In September 2013, Harris began releasing the Waking Up podcast, in which he interviews guests, responds to critics, and discusses his views.

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