




Societas Iesu/Society of Jesus/Jesuits/ㄧㄝㄙㄨ会团/耶稣会神父Fr. James N. Chevedden/谢为霖在华人社会传教的事迹:原文汉语https://www.bishop-accountability.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/documents-In-Memoriam-Fr-James-N-Chevedden-SJ-2004-06-01.pdf,英文翻译随后。希望读者反馈、提供信息。



























我第一次見到謝神父是七、八年前在柏克荣莱的每月一次的查經會中,一見他立刻使我想起以前我在台北耕莘文教院為他工作的那位張志宏神父來。謝神父說話的態度和笑起來的姿勢簡直跟張神父一個模子印出來的,張神父也是愛爾蘭的美國人,也是把一生都奉獻給了台灣,這樣的巧合因此使我對謝神父特有好感。後來思靈告訴我:謝神父八十年代在柏克萊唸碩士學位時就常到查經會來,跟我們柏克萊的教友可算是最老的朋友。唸完碩士他就去了台灣,七八年在台升神父後就留在當地服務,直到九五年患病後才由台灣回來。謝神父是個念舊的人,雖然回美後住在Los Altos,可是每個月的第二個星期六他一定會來與我們相聚。最後的一聚是在我的家中,那天是母親節,我們吃得很愉快談得很愉快,謝神父還分給我們每人一張評論《達芬奇密碼》一書的複印文章,他說那本解讀達芬奇的書對天主教是不公平的,有許多扭曲之處,他很不以為然。我們都沒有看過原著,即使看了,相信也不會像謝神父一樣要去爭什麼公道。可是謝神父他對待天主教的道理古板而認真,回想起來真對不住他,相形之下我們的不認真帶給他多少的失望與難過啊!









謝神父和我們團體非常的親密,早在多年前我還在聖荷西華人天主教會之時,就已經認識他。我知道他有身體上的軟弱,便開始為謝神父祈禱。我從來不曾與任何人談起謝神父的病,甚至連我太太也不清楚。我常想天主真是安排特殊,因為今天這個社會,有太多太多的壓力,尤其在矽谷,華人在此地生活倍感艱難,以我自己為例,就經驗到四次被裁員的經驗。神父雖然因為生病提早退休,住在Los Gatos的耶穌會士退休住所。然而他卻艱辛地克服自己的病苦,繼續為教會服務。我想我們團體中真正了解神父身體情況的並不多。這些年來,他除了出國或出城,幾乎每個星期天的主日彌撒,都會提早至少半個鐘頭到教堂來,我們一塊參與感恩祭。




































來美近十寒暑,在一個尚有餘暉的傍晚,第一次造訪Los Gatos,是為在印象中高大帶有淺淺微笑、溫文儒雅、不輕易發怒、不曾熟悉卻即道珍重的您誦唸玫瑰經。初抵這詳和且優雅的小城鎮,即為之心動而泫然欲泣。



再次和您說話是在二零零二年八月,去望St. Joseph Church彌撒,特邀您是否可参加位於Danville的St. Isidore Church在十月的國際語言玫瑰經祈禱,並請您用中文唸天主經及聖母經,您說要回去查Schedule,第二天聽到您溫暖的電話留言:「Joanna我可以去Danville參International Rosary Prayer。」而且宇正腔圓的完成了。像我這樣微小的無名小羊,您都不忍拒絕,更何況是您所眷顧、所喜愛的其他羊群。



Bp17 懷念生盼望耶穌的謝神父









Bp18斯人不遠 典型猶存















Bp19 懷念謝神感言




















記得第一次見到謝神父時,從他的外貌我以為他是一個年紀相當大的神父,所以對他總是保持著對長輩,又是神父的距離。直到後來知道他比我還年輕時,才開始與他有私下的交往,把關係拉近。不知道為什麼,我突然在神父發生意外前二、三個月左右,我主動的與他接近,開始與他像朋友一樣的交談。我問神父有沒有看過電影“Passion of Christ”,又問了他有是否看過一個有關聖人Cupertino的老電影“Reluctant Saint”。我當時想起了這個電影,雖然主要的原因是這是一個很有趣的真人真實的故事,但是也因為電影中的主角有一個高大個子,又是個心地純樸的人。謝神父就像他一樣,我還說了等到別人還我這個電影時,我要借給神父看,雖然神父沒有看到這個電影,我想神父現在已在天堂與這位聖人相聚了。







神父沒有任何的不高興,他隨即以差不多三十多分鐘的時間很有秩序的把舊約從頭到尾解說了一遍。他講得實在是太精彩了,我聽得非常入神,沒想到他能把舊約史在很短的時間講得如此簡單又清楚。在神父走後的那段時間,我每早醒後的第一件事就是想到他,因為神父的離開實在是太突然了,我非常的懊惱、嘆息和自責。天主把這位神父給了我及這個團體,而至少我個人卻未能像兄弟一樣的關懷及照顧他,尤其是在Los Gatos修院為神父舉辦追思儀式那天看到了他以前在念書時的一些相片,才知道他曾是越野賽跑的運動員。他喜歡音樂和電影,這也都是我也喜歡的事情,我與他能談的事還真多呢!記得一位姐妹說過,神父是常在我們身邊的人,他生時我們不覺得他的存在有什麼特別,他走後我們才發現他的重要。

神父僅對我們團體就做了很多事情:彌撒、神操課、兩個聖母軍團及教理促進會的教導神師、CCD主日學的老師、另外他也在舊金山參與東正會。在Los Gatos追思儀式那天看到一位從Richmond來的朋友,知道謝神父在Berkeley帶查經班。我相信他還做了一些其它我們不知道的事情。



















八歲的女兒今天對我說:“I miss Fr. Chevedden so much!”想起昨天的査經聚會,在六、七月署假後第一次再聚。我們大人們再度談起謝神父、懷念著他,卻忽略了孩子們的感受。他們在經歷了臺灣的假期、暑期的各項活動後,再回到查經班,難道也有少了一位分享對象的失落感?我問她:“發生了什麼事嗎?什麼讓妳miss Fr.Chevedden?”她沉默著,我知道她在整理內心的情感,試著將它們用言語表達出來。我靜静地等著,就像神父一貫的聆聽態度:他總是專心注視、耐心仔細地聽完你想要講的話。終於她開口了,紅著眼睛說:"I feel there's an empty spot."我很清楚昨晚的查經,大家圍滿了餐桌,並沒有空位;只是想到神父將從此缺席而感到悵然若失。“神父在天上保佑我們,我們要好好的生活,有一天,就到天主那兒去找他。“There won't be an empty spot!”小女兒很認真地點頭允諾。










記得他最後一次到南區來參與我們的查經是在我的家中。那天謝神父特別早到,當時我兒子正好練完了他的每日鋼琴練習曲,或許是興趣使然,神父便在客廳中彈起鋼琴來,又邀我兒子也彈一首他當時正在練習的曲子“Venetianisches Gondelled”,神父很喜歡這首「威尼斯人船歌」。那一天查經結束,臨走前還和我說他妤希望有機會能再到我家來彈鋼琴。我當時還覺得神父像小孩一般可愛,這有什麼難的?只要他有空。我歡迎他能常來。怎奈一語成籤,他的遽然離世對我個人而言是一件相當沈痛與惋惜的事。













身為傳統的天主教友,一般對於學習聖經,總認為是一種事業工作。當初在第八街教堂,我們成立了查經班,開啟了我研讀聖經的興趣。記得有一次,馬愛德神父帶領著我們去Los Gatos耶穌會的初學院做避靜。當我看到那書架上堆滿著宗教書籍時,我才感覺到,研究聖經不是只靠個人的冥想。十五年後,我才深刻地體會到,為什麼聖經學是一門科學。















二零零一年六月十八日羅高雄、白黛華、馬福意和我一起去Los Altos耶穌會會院,拜訪謝為霖神父。謝神父的中文說得很妤,言談之間始知,神父在台灣住了二十幾年,剛好與我在美國待的時間一樣久,不過他的中文比我的英文好太多了。我真不敢相信自己第一次見到神父就向他辦了“告解”(大概快十年沒有辦告解了)。也許是神父的慈愛,讓我安心的與天主做修合聖事。

我們邀請謝神父到我們團體做专題演講“東方教會的歷史”。他準備了很豐富的教材,還有地圖前來,不厭其煩的解說,使我們了解“東方教會”的地理位置和他們的影響。說到東方教會我只想到佛教、道教,而不知也有信“天主”的教會,可見要學的實在太多了。我曾參加過兩年的Scripture Study,原本英文就不好,聽得總是一知半解,但聽了神父的兩次講課,就有“開竅〞的感覺。謝神父很樂意開車從Los Altos來San Mateo,給我們講兩小時道理,再驅車去Fremont為青年團契講道,這種不辭辛勞的愛心深深地感動我們。感謝天主賜給我們這麼一位好神父,真希望謝神父能多來幾次。



p10 Fr. Chevedden’s memorial mass sermon

Fr. Wang Chuhua

Dear sisters and brothers:

Tonight, after a stressful day of work, you came all the way to attend the memorial mass of our beloved Fr. Chevedden. I am very grateful from my heart.  Fr. Chevedden and I have lived in the same building for several years, and I may have a deeper understanding of him than the other people. I think Fr. Chevedden is the most gentle and kind person among the American clergy I have ever come into contact with. I am very sad and sorry for the sudden death of Fr. Chevedden. The ancestors of Fr. Chevedden are Polish Catholics in northern Europe. I think everyone knows that our Pope, who is loved and respected by Catholics all over the world, is also a Polish. Fr. Chevedden’s father was a U.S. Air Force mechanical engineer. During World War II, he worked hard at the U.S. Air Force base to immediately repair Air Force aircrafts that were damaged in the U.S. battle so that they could fly again.  He made outstanding contributions to victory of the the Second World War.  After retirement, his father settled in Los Angeles. Fr. Chevedden is the elder brother of a pair of twin brothers. His younger brother is still a single man and takes care of his ninety-four-year-old father very filially.

Our beloved Fr. Chevedden has determined to become a Jesuit since he was young. He entered the Jesuits in the United States. After receiving training in novice studies, literature and philosophy, he overcame various difficulties. When he went to Taiwan, he first studied Chinese. After studying theology, he devoted himself to doing pastoral work for the Catholics in Taiwan. Not long after he was promoted to priest, he volunteered to go to a newly opened small church in southern Taiwan and became the parish priest himself alone. In addition to the daily Mass, the sacraments of reconciliation and anointing, and pastoral work, he also opened a kindergarten is in the afternoons.  Fr. Chevedden is very poor and cooked his own meals.  We all know that the work of kindergarten is a very busy and thankless job.  Finally, Fr. Chevedden was mentally confused and unable to act independently duo to overloaded work. So he was transferred back to the United States by his superiors to recuperate.  He was invited by his family to his old father's house for treatment. After recuperating in Los Angeles for a year, he was transferred to our Bay Area to serve the Chinese believers. Our Fr. Chevedden is a loyal and honest man. He sincerely serves the Lord’s followers selflessly and is welcomed by the Lord’s followers everywhere.

Fr. Chevedden’s main job is to drive to Fremont to serve the Chinese church. On Sunday afternoons, he gave catechism to the children of Fremont parishioners, and at four o'clock in the afternoon he and the children’s parents participated in the holy part of the Mandarin Mass. In addition to Sundays, Fr. Chevedden also went to Fremont on Monday evenings to preside over the weekly meetings of the St. Mary’s Youth Army and the St. Mary’s Adult Army. In addition to Sundays, Fr. Chevedden also hosted Bible reading and sharing sessions for our Southern District parishioners twice a month. In addition, he even took the time to go to Berkeley to participate in Bible readings and sharings. Fr. Chevedden further more diligently went to host the Eastern Catholic Sunday Mass. Fr. Chevedden is fiercely loyal and would never refuse the pastoral work that the faithful followers asked him to do. As a result, he was overworked, so the doctor prescribed medication to calm his nerves and he took the medicine every day to keep his mind calm. Unexpectedly, on the afternoon of May 19, Fr. Chevedden was appointed by the San Jose Court to serve as a court jury member. Since Fr. Chevedden has always been serious, responsible and devoted to his work, he was dizzy and disoriented after hours until the end of the court proceedings that afternoon. Fr. Chevedden could not find his own car in the four-story parking lot.  I guess he was looking for an exit. Because he was dazzled, he mistakenly thought the window of the high-rise building was the exit on the first floor, so he rushed out in a hurry. He fell directly from the high-rise building to the concrete ground below and passed away. This is most likely because the merciful God wanted to take Fr. Chevedden, whose work exceeds human limits, back to heaven to enjoy blessings.

So it can be seen that Fr. Chevedden did not commit suicide by jumping off the building at all.  Everyone knows that most of the people who commit suicide are unruly in their life behaviors; they end their lives by suicide out of depravity and despair, and they are cowards of their own sin/crimes. But our beloved Fr. Chevedden was a good priest who dedicated his life to our Lord.



p11 Fr. Chevedden: Good Shepherd of Christ

Wan Zhidi

Fr. Chevedden from Los Angeles, Southern California, is the younger brother of a twin brothers. In 1966, he entered a Jesuit junior college in the United States. He was deeply influenced by a priest and longed to preach in foreign countries. When he finished studying philosophy, he went to Taiwan Jesuit Theological Seminary to study. With incomparable perseverance, he completed the theology courses in Chinese and was ordained a priest in Taiwan on July 31, 1978. Fr. Chevedden successively served as the dormitory master of the Baida dormitory of the Holy Heart Church in Tainan and the priest of the parish in Liugui, Kaohsiung. He did theological research at Fu Jen Catholic University, worked as a spiritual counselor in Jingshan, and specialized in spiritual counseling after returning to the United States. He also conducted in-depth research on the history and liturgy of the Byzantine Church.

Fr. Chevedden is what we Chinese regard a humble gentleman. He has a scholarly temperament and played piano well. When he played Alley Cat, he was like a piano player in a salon, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling. But there are also times when he didn’t change his true nature, such as when driving in the greater Los Angeles area. If you don’t know how to pray, ask him to give you a ride, and you will definitely know how to pray.

Fr. Chevedden is a scholar and a good shepherd. He has a pure heart that simply loves the Lord. Needless to say, we all feel that the good shepherd loved his flock.  We thank God for giving us such a good priest.



p12 Limited life, endless love

Lai Zhaoyu

On the morning of the funeral mass for Fr. Chevedden, the sky was gray and drizzling, and there was an inexplicable heavy rain the night before. I was woken up by the sound of rain at night and couldn't fall asleep any more. Before entering the church, looking at the miserable wind and bitter rain outside, I felt endless sadness in my heart. Knowing that today I would say a few words in memory of Fr. Chevedden during Mass, I really didn’t know if I would be choked up, unable to speak, or even burst into tears.

I met Fr. Chevedden by chance five years ago when I moved to the Southern District and started attending the Southern District Bible study class. I remember that when we first met, Fr. Chevedden noticed that we were new faces and greeted me and the children cordially. During the chat, I learned that he had served as a missionary in Taiwan for more than 20 years and had learned Chinese fluently. In the following Bible study meetings, Fr. Chevedden always attended on time. No matter how many people participated that night or how slow the Bible study progressed, he always patiently accompanied us. There were no harsh instructions from his mouth, let alone personal judgment. He always paid silently and took care of our spiritual needs.

I remember that in one summer, the priest took over a short-term ministry in Taiwan. Although he could not participate in our Bible study and sharing, he was still thinking of us all the time. He sent us many Chinese Bible exegesis books from Taiwan, hoping to be helpful to our Bible study. Fr. Chevedden really had good intentions for our Bible study class. At the end of 2003, Fr. Chevedden told me that he might no longer be able to attend our meetings because the needs of the Fremont community had increased. At first glance, I was very disappointed, but at the same time I understood that the Fremont community needed him more. I just told him that we would miss him very much and hoped that he would come back to see us when he was free. Unexpectedly, two days later, Fr. Chevedden sent me an e-mail, telling me that he would try his best to make time to come to our gathering once a month. Reading his e-mail, I was much moved. I know that over the years, Fr. Chevedden and Southern District had established a deep relationship, and he really couldn't bear to leave us.

When the news of Fr. Chevedden’s sudden death came, I was discussing with friends in the Southern District how to celebrate his birthday. Unexpectedly, the birthday celebration scheduled for Friday night turned into a memorial and prayer meeting. I know that so many tears and reluctance, longing and gratitude that night turned into wisps of smoke along with our prayers and were given to Fr. Chevedden in heaven. When I saw Fr. Chevedden 's coffin being moved out of the church, my tears burst into tears again. Touching his coffin and saying his final goodbyes. Behind the pain of separation, I deeply experienced that although our reunion with Fr. Chevedden in this world was short and limited, he entered each of our families and the deepest hearts of each of us and changed us. Because of him, we experience God’s infinite love.



p12 Thank you, Fr. Chevedden

Yu Liqing

Every time I think of Fr. Chevedden, I think of his voice first. He spoke slowly and slowly, probably like us speaking English, we must first convert Chinese and English in our minds. Because of slowness it seems gentle but it does not make people feel obtuse. The most valuable thing I remember about him is his singing voice: the voice he sang during every Mass was really like an angel. He was so respectful and respectful at every Mass. This is a state that only a humble person can achieve. Every time the teaching he wanted to say was written down in Chinese seriously, sometimes his seriousness moved us more than the teaching he wanted to say. In fact, he did not need to preach, he could infect us with a divine love through his virtue.

Every time after he finished Mass for us, I could not help but say sincerely: Thank you God, thank you, Fr. Chevedden.

Now he has left with all of our sincere gratitude, and he has truly left us. But I still often think of his angelic singing voice. Only a priest as innocent and unsophisticated as he can sing that kind of singing voice. Until his funeral mentioned in everyone's remembrances that I learned that he could also compose and loved music, and that he was a versatile priest. Unfortunately, what we saw of him on weekdays was only a small part of him. It wasn't until he left that we saw all of him clearly. Thank you, thank you, Fr. Chevedden, even your death has brought us some kind of awareness: Isn’t the God we are looking for in daily life also one-sided and partial?

The first time I met Fr. Chevedden was seven or eight years ago at a monthly Bible study meeting in Berkeley. When I saw him, he immediately reminded me of the Fr. Zhang Zhihong I used to work for at the Gengshin Cultural and Educational Institute in Taipei. The manner in which Fr. Chevedden spoke and the way he smiled are exactly the same as those of Fr. Zhang. Fr. Zhang is also an American from Ireland and has devoted his whole life to Taiwan. This coincidence makes me particularly fond of Fr. Chevedden. Later, Siling told me that Fr. Chevedden often came to Bible study meetings when he was studying for a master's degree in Berkeley in the 1980s, and he could be regarded as the oldest friend with us church members in Berkeley. After completing his master's degree, he went to Taiwan. After being ordained a priest in 1978, he stayed to serve there. He did not return from Taiwan until he fell ill in 1995. Fr. Chevedden is a nostalgic person. Although he lived in Los Altos after returning to the United States, he would definitely come to meet us on the second Saturday of every month. The last gathering was at my home. It was Mother's Day. We had a good meal and talked happily. Fr. Chevedden also gave each of us a copy of an article reviewing the book "The da Vinci Code". He said the book that interpreted Leonardo da Vinci was unfair to Catholicism and contained many distortions, which he disapproved of. None of us have read the original work, and even if we had, I believe we would not fight for justice like Fr. Chevedden. But Fr. Chevedden was rigid and serious about Catholic doctrines. Looking back, I really feel sorry for him. In comparison, our lack of seriousness brought him so much disappointment and sadness!

No one would have thought that the gathering at my house that day would be the last supper. He sat on the sofa and remained silent at our unreasonable remarks. Before leaving, he just said: "Can we come back next time?" I said, "Sure. Thanksgiving or Christmas is fine." I sent him off like this. After going out, I saw from a distance that Siling and Xiaohua sent him to the car. When he got into the car, he waved and I waved, thinking that Thanksgiving would come soon.

There is time for life and a time to die. Who doesn’t understand its truth? Perhaps what we are sad about is that we do not have the ability to predict. If we knew that Fr. Chevedden would leave us without saying goodbye, what could we do for him?

Thank you, Fr. Chevedden. We thank you for the days when you were with us, and we miss you for leaving us without saying goodbye. We hope that you can also be with our hearts in your home in heaven. Thank you, Fr. Chevedden.

p13 Victory within the Holy Spirit

Meng Qingrong

On the morning of May 20, I understood the true meaning of Christians’ victory within the Holy Spirit from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans Chapter 8 verses 1 to 11. I think the Apostle Paul often boasted in his weakness, because he most truly realized our human limitations, and in turn demonstrated the infinite mercy and goodness of God. That night, I was shocked to hear the news of Fr. Chevedden's death. I felt very sad. I thought repeatedly about what God's presence in this matter meant to me and the community.

Although I dare not boast about my weakness and limitations, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I have experienced God’s teachings and mercy towards me again and again. God made me realize that only through the Holy Spirit and self-awareness and continuous reconciliation with God can I stand in front of God again after falling in weakness.

Fr. Chevedden is very close to our community. I have known him many years ago when I was still at the Chinese Catholic Church in San Jose. I knew that he was physically weak, so I began to pray for Fr. Chevedden. I never talked about Fr. Chevedden's illness with anyone, not even my wife knew about it. I often think that God has a special arrangement, because in today's society, there are too many pressures, especially in Silicon Valley, where Chinese people find it very difficult to live. Taking myself as an example, I have experienced being laid off four times. Although the priest retired early due to illness, he lived in the Jesuit retirement residence in Los Gatos. However, he struggled to overcome his illness and continued to serve the church. I think not many in our community really understand the physical condition of the priest. Over the years, except when he went abroad or out of town, he would come to the church at least half an hour earlier for the Mass almost every Sunday, and we would participate in the Eucharist together.

Fr. Chevedden liked music and could compose music. Once, the priest showed me his works "Our Father" and "The Beatitudes" and said humbly: "See if these two songs can be used in the Mass." Later, I told the priest, I would like to suggest some modifications, but I don’t know if the priest agrees with it. Fr. Chevedden replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter!" So, I sang the part I had changed to the priest. Fr. Chevedden said: "Very good! Very good!" and corrected his work on the spot. He is such a humble priest.

In our community, in addition to St. Mary’s Army and Youth Group’s Friday night Bible study class, the spiritual exercises of the adults, the Sunday school of the teenagers, and the homilies in English for the children during the mass, Fr. Chevedden is always available, rain or shine, and be sure to be on time or participate. Seeing that the priest often drove such a long distance to help our group, I decided to subsidize the priest with a little gas money every month in the name of the group, so I asked Manling to buy a gas card. When I gave the gas card to the priest privately , the priest asked me: "Are the group's funds sufficient?" I said: "No problem. We are concerned of you being too busy." I know that the priest is a Jesuit who observes spiritual poverty, and every time he come to apply with me the expenses, they are all spent on buying books or materials for church members or young people. Once, after the mission association meeting, the priest asked me privately: "I want to donate a sum of money to your Chinese community." He said that his father gave him a sum of money and he heard us discussing at the meeting regarding the recent income and expenses, so he thought he should help us. I told the priest not to worry about the funding of our group, and we have enough money.

Fr. Chevedden is a man who pursues perfection in everything. He never fails to do what he promised to do for us. However, few people know that because of his physical health issue, he must take medicine for a long time to overcome his physical difficulties and weaknesses. Several times I saw that the priest was not in good spirits, but he was still with us. I knew that he was enduring the pain and facing his weakness with strength. Seeing the priest tilting his head and looking at me blankly, I felt very moved. I knew that he had suffered from insomnia again and was tired.

God chose Fr. Chevedden and called him to be our priest. Although the priest often had to fight against his illness physically, spiritually, he was unyielding, dedicated, loved his fellow believers, and loved the community. The typical example of loving God will surely be wrapped in the hearts of every brother and sister in the church, leaving behind a precious gift that God has prepared for our community. The Apostle Paul said: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give you hope through his Spirit who dwells in you. The dead body is resurrected.For the sake of love, Fr. Chevedden bravely faced his physical weakness. Although he left this world and left us, I am convinced that he has won in the Holy Spirit and will in the future, like our Lord Christ, receive resurrection and eternal life.



p14 The Angel with Broken Wings


At Loyola High School, Jesus said to the young Chevedden: "Do you love me?" "You tend my sheep." He obediently entered the Society of Jesus and spent twelve years of youth preparing for formation. After becoming a priest, Jesus said to the enthusiastic priest Chevedden: "Do you love me?" "Feed my distant people." He humbly and obediently moved across the ocean to Taiwan, tried his best to learn Chinese, and started a completely different life and adapted to the culture of a strange country. In the Jesuit monastery, Jesus said to Fr. Chevedden who was recuperating: "Do you love me?" "Lead my Chinese children." The faithful answer brought him into the world of our small group.

When I first met the priest, I had the impression that he was gentle and elegant, but somewhat shy and introverted. After getting along with him later, I realized that behind his gentle and humble attitude was a deep and restrained prayer life, and rich and profound theological cultivation. As the group grew, he responded to our various needs without complaint: to be a Sunday school teacher when no one wants to do; leading the youth group was not a fun job; the formation of the Infant Legion required a priest; both the Legion of Mary and the Catechetical Promotion Association are indispensable for the guidance of the priest; the English preaching for children during the Mass, the catechumens and sermons before the baptism of young people and receiving the sacraments... profound theology, proficiency in both Chinese and English, and never say No, Fr. Chevedden is always our first choice and we take it for granted. We gradually became accustomed to being late and absent from gatherings, but even though he was so far away, he always showed up on time, waited patiently, and never complained. And in addition to such heavy work, he probably couldn’t bear to see the church members’ neglect of spiritual practice, so he offered to help everyone do Ignatius’ spiritual exercises and help us live a deeper faithful life.

This gave me the opportunity to have in-depth conversations with the priest individually. Sometimes I mentioned someone's pain and depression, and whether he knew him/her or not, he always expressed extreme concern and sympathy, and was more willing to lend a helping hand. It is often easy for us to get lost in the study of the "noun" faith of "love", but Fr. Chevedden, under his reserved and silent appearance, interprets the "verb" of "love" with his own actions without using words.

Over the years, the priest has been deeply troubled by psychological and spiritual problems. In his beautiful heart, he has silently endured battles and heavy crosses that others cannot imagine. We knew nothing about this. Compared with his efforts and sufferings, our care and cherishment seemed so insignificant. Just like an angel with broken wings, we could not feel his pain, but we enjoyed the fruits of the Holy Spirit as warm as the spring breeze, and felt the fragrance of his holiness and the light of self-sacrifice.

Fifty-six years ago, God prepared a seed of selfless sacrifice for the children of the Chinese people, who spent his whole life answering God’s call. On the same day as his birthday, the merciful Heavenly Father terminated the priest who loved the Lord, loved others, and even more respected the Blessed Mother. Tormented by illness, he returned to heaven during the Marian month, where his dear Virgin Mother and his mother in heaven welcomed him with open arms. We were left with a debt of gratitude and reluctance. We had no time to say to the priest: "I'm sorry!" While you silently suffering the pain, we indifferently enjoyed your dedication and care, always thinking that time will last forever. We are stunned and ashamed, but we have no time to love you back.

"Thank you!" for you to use all you have to feed God's people, silently and profoundly to reflect the presence of Christ, to burn with love to the last drop of wax tear in life. May you, as a grain of wheat being buried in the ground, let us in deep introspection awaken the ignorant and sluggish hearts.

"This life is over, the suffering has been endured, but I still want to love..." May your blessing in heaven produce wheat ears of love in our hearts. With the same faith and a heart of hope, Fr. Chevedden, our pastor, we say goodbye today, but tomorrow we will say “see you again!” in front of the Lord.

Written on May 27th, late at night during the farewell ceremony



p15 Yellow birds flutter and willows droop, the spring breeze sees off guests and makes people sad

-Farewell to Fr. Chevedden


"Yellow birds flutter and willows droop, the spring breeze sees off guests and makes people sad,

I blame myself for saying goodbye thousands of miles away, but I recall the friendship ten years ago. "


After the joy of last Christmas, the Holy Mother led us into a period of introversion, silence, reflection, mortification, prayer, and penance. When this spiritual journey ends at the pain of the cross, the children of the kingdom of heaven still taste the extraordinary joy of Easter and the foreknowledge of the kingdom of heaven, even when wars in the world and domestic elections are unclear.

The Berkeley Bible Study Class has been deeply favored by the Lord. There was a gentle and thrifty shepherd, Fr. Chevedden, who has been with us all the way. His presence, his illness, his dedication, and his intercession have helped us to obtain blessings for us of the abundant grace, moving closer to the love of Jesus. The May Bible study was held in the new home of Liqing where the room was full of books and fragrant vegetables. After the meal, the priest took his leave first because of remote distance. Siling, Liqing and I sent the priest to the car. We admired the beautiful spring flowers in the garden and bowed to the priest on the roadside. Siling opened the door for him diligently and asked him to drive carefully along the way. This was our final farewell to him. When we first heard that the priest had passed away, my husband and I were devastated for many days. It was really hard to miss him!

Twenty-five years ago, the priest very humbly joined our Bible study class as a member when he was studying for a degree in Berkeley city. No matter how intense the thesis was, he was never absent, and prepared very carefully to feed his flock. At that time, there was a church member who was new to the church and had difficulties with language, work, finances, and marriage. The priest took time out of his poor sleep to encourage him, cheer him up, and to think of solutions. If a believer invited the priest to offer snacks and toothpaste, the priest would take the newcomer with him. During the viewing of the priest's body on Thursday and the funeral service on Friday, the newcomer, a strong Catholic who had suffered much and was now in good times, burst into tears and couldn't control himself.

Twenty-three years ago, two weeks after my son Pu was born, my husband went to study the Bible alone. In the evening, the priest came to the humble abode, blessed the house and gave it a hanging image of the patron saint. The priest sometimes sees panic-stricken new parents in the church members' families, and he would think of how his own mother held their twins. A mother's filial piety is beyond words.

I reunited with the priest again. He had returned to the United States from Taiwan due to depression. We had received permission to visit the hospital with Siling, Ruicong and Zecang every week, and then walked with the priest in the twilight streets of San Francisco, and entered restaurants to enjoy delicious dishes and family affection. Finally, we sent the priest back to the hospital and saw him again in a week.

The priest's condition gradually improved, and he was finally discharged from the hospital and returned to the monastery to rest. One day he took us to visit a Byzantine church. He explained in detail. The priest was very happy to see us admiring the rich colors of the icons, being fascinated by the biblical stories in the murals, and the strong oriental atmosphere in the church. It was such a sweet time in my memory. Later we found out that the priest would have to take medication for the rest of his life, and the side effects of taking the medication made us heartbroken. This is such a good man but with such a illness!

The priest is really a good shepherd. Despite his illness, he still came to study the Bible every month regardless of rain or shine. During offering the Mass, he must be dignified and bow down. It made people feel pious. The principles he preached were pre-written word for word in Chinese. He also quoted extensively on the Bible study content and provided it to everyone in a very short time. I have thanked him privately and publicly more than once for this. He was from the longest distance, but he was never late. I miss knowing that I will see him every time before I enter the house. Although I was grateful, I thought that the priest was recuperating and it might be good for him to come to Berkeley. As a result, while visiting the body and paying homage to the deceased, I was shocked to realize the heavy workload of the priest. Church members from the Chinese churches in San Jose and Fremont, as well as the small flock from Berkeley, filled the church. Landlord priests filled the seats with sweat. Even above the altar and in the choir building, the faithful were sitting in rows. In the brief remembrances of the various groups we heard the sisters thanking him for his punctuality and faithfulness in offering sacrifices. Different groups in the same church thanked him for his different leadership. St. Mary’s Army, Children's Doctrine Class, Youth Group, Poetry Group, in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. His goodness, kindness, generosity, keeping his promises, punctuality, and never complaining let alone criticizing, are the sweet memories shared by everyone.

It was almost late at night when I returned home after paying homage to the remains. A sleepless night. Sitting in the middle of the night, my thoughts came like water. Listening to the patter of rain, my heart really was broken.

The next day, I arrived more than an hour earlier. Sitting quietly in front of the priest's coffin, my husband and I recited the rosary canon. The loving relatives in heaven felt that the priest's efforts were enough and took him into their arms. I was so moved and I believed it so much.

Soon, the door opened and two slender beauties came in. They prayed silently in front of the coffin, bowed, and finally placed a long-branched rose on the top of the coffin. The two walked to the piano and started practicing the music according to the score. Soon Fremont's choir arrived. I was very happy to be invited to join in and present poems to the priest who is a profound composer of music, especially two songs composed and written by himself. Father Dean thanked everyone while checking the liturgy with Siqin. During the Mass, he once again thanked these choirs who were willing to face traffic jams and put down their work. In addition to the large number of churchgoers who came, the San Jose community also arranged a memorial service. Together with the wreaths presented by various groups in Fremont China Parish, they told me about my priest friend’s work, his efforts, his importance, his holiness, the respect and love he received.

The single rose was taken away when the coffin was covered with the flag, and then put back after the flag-draping ceremony. It accompanied the priest through the corridor after the ceremony and disappeared from sight. I am grateful to this kind-hearted woman because she has shown her deep love and reluctance for all of us. Heaven is not far away, and it will accompany the priest throughout his journey.



p16 The eternity of a moment

Feng Chunping

I have been in the United States for nearly ten years, and on an evening with lingering light, I visited Los Gatos for the first time. I remember you as a tall person with a slight smile, gentle and elegant, not easily angry. Although I was not familiar with you but felt cherished. You read the Rosary canon. When I first arrived at this peaceful and elegant small town, I was so moved that I felt like crying.

The next morning, I woke up early because I was afraid of being stuck in traffic and would not be able to catch up with your memorial mass. Unexpectedly, at 8:30, I arrived in this small town with a bit of mist and a bit of coolness. I spent an hour admiring it greedily on the street, and was deeply attracted by this classical, solemn, and modern beauty. I have a vague and unspecific feeling in my heart that this clear beauty was fragile and could make people sigh at any time. It is so beautiful that it makes people feel unspeakably heavy. Is it because of the farewell of a priest who is deeply loved by everyone?   Or because the tranquility of drizzle falls intermittently in the early morning? Why is there such a breathtaking and difficult-to-leave beauty?

Returning to the venue, I carefully browsed through every detail of your life. I just wanted to get to know you again from the photos. I treasured you in a corner of my memory. I saw you carefully composing the "Creed" and "Our Lord's Prayer" stroke by stroke. I remember the first time I went to Berkeley to read the Bible, I sat next to you and listened to your skillful recitation of Bible passages. I was very curious about you. Why can't you hesitate, stutter, or read wrongly? I thought your Bible must have pinyin or symbols. It turned out that I was wrong. Your thorough knowledge of Chinese really shocked me and made me feel ashamed.

I spoke to you again in August 2002. I went to the Mass at St. Joseph Church. I would like to invite you to attend the International Language Rosary prayer in October at St. Isidore Church in Danville and pray in Chinese reciting the Our Father and St. Mary.  You said you wanted to go back and check the schedule. The next day, I heard your warm message on the phone: "Joanna, I can go to Danville to attend the International Rosary Prayer." And you finished it in a perfect manner. You can't bear to reject a tiny nameless lamb like me, let alone the other sheep group that you cared for and loved so much.

You have walked your way exhausted, and the flock waiting for you to lead cannot keep you, and the soul-stirring little town cannot keep you, then please rest in the loving arms of God, our beloved Fr. Chevedden!


p17 In memory of Fr. Chevedden who looked forward to Jesus all his life

Chen Shuru

Fr. Chevedden, a loyal servant of God, passed away from this world on May 19. He ran into the loving arms of God in the light of the Lord and walked with the Lord because he deserved to enjoy eternal joy and peace in his home in heaven. .

On the night of May 21, the Jesuit seminary held a family memorial prayer service for Fr. Chevedden, and I met Fr. Chevedden for the last time in the church. He was lying in the coffin, smiling in peace. I told him softly: "You are the best, the wonderful priest. We love you and miss you." Looking at your face, sacred music flows. All over the church, you are so blessed. I knelt on my knees in front of the seat closest to you, prayed for the Mother of Jesus to lead our beloved Fr. Chevedden to the glorious and holy kingdom of God. Tears kept coming, not tears of sadness, but tears of thanksgiving in the Holy Spirit.

Bible study classes from San Jose and Fremont, the Youth Legion of St. Mary, the Adult Legion of St. Mary, the St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises Group, nuns from foreign churches, and Jesuit fathers and priests filled the church, as if as one family. We accompany him, love him, and express in our prayers the unexpressed love and infinite gratitude in our hearts for him. Looking back at the people here, some are highly respected priests; some are people with high-tech doctorates; some are people with a lot of wealth; some are students who are just beginning to look up to the world...; everyone has come a long way. When I came to this mountain, I wanted to see Fr. Chevedden and greet him. Not because he has worldly fame and wealth, not because he has a high status or is a prominent person, nor because he is humorous and popular. We miss his loving eyes and he always listened carefully to your words; we miss him carefully and patiently searching for the holy words of the Bible to help you with the problems in your life, because he knows that only the words of Jesus can save you.  We miss you.  You are slow to get angry, no matter our negligence, laziness and broken promises, you always used your endless love to turn into the music of prayer and forgive everything. We miss you, Jesus-like mercy and humility.  When we offer the sacrament of confession to you, your gentle eyes awaken repentance deep in our hearts.  Your humility and kindness, and the atonement you give us are always gentle. You called softly: God loves you like a precious treasure, don’t make any more mistakes.

We honor you when you preside over the Holy Mass, you sing the sacrificial text of love for the Lord, which is generous and loud, calling out the deep love in our hearts and responding to the call of God.  We are deeply moved by Fr. Chevedden’s obedience to God and praise with all his heart and soul. I recall that when you were tutoring the St. Ignatius spiritual exercise group, during the fifteen-minute break or the break after dinner, you would always keep your hands on the book, hold the spiritual book or Bible in your hands, pacing and concentrating, and be with God every second, together resting in the Holy Spirit. Fr. Chevedden loved life and always told us that we don’t need to prepare meat for dinner, just a little fish, vegetables and tofu. In him, we clearly know that the life of a priest has the fruit of the Holy Spirit of temperance.

Today I wrote in memory of Fr. Chevedden with tears streaming down my face many times. I am grateful for the pain and hard work he endured when he was physically and mentally weak in this world. I am even more grateful for his brave love for God’s people when he was alive in a strange environment (Taiwan) arduously struggling to preach the gospel of God working day and night. He treated everyone he knew with holiness and justice, as a father treats his children, giving, exhorting, encouraging, advising, so that we might become like God who called him into his kingdom and glory.

May Fr. Chevedden continue to pray for us in the Lord's love, so that in the Holy Spirit, our Chinese community can learn eternal hope and always believe in repaying love with love.



p18 You are not far away, but your example still exists

—In memory of Fr. Chevedden

Zhu Yang (Lord’s sheep)

Missing Fr. Chevedden turns out not only to be missing him and everything related to him, but also to remember the past period when he was in our group and in our past lives.

Fr. Chevedden is an erudite, humble and introverted priest. All the knowledge and knowledge he has accumulated and come out in life are very latent and powerful. He doesn't talk much, but he is so gentle that he brings peace and stability to people. While serving the Fremont community, I had more contact with him. I often saw God’s love living out in his heart, and saw God continued to give to people and groups in need through him.

In addition to celebrating Mass with Fr. Pan every Sunday for many years, he also taught Sunday school, the St. Mary’s Army, youth group Bible study, Catechism Promotion Association and the Personal Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Just looking at these church activities spread out on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays can be overwhelming even for a healthy person, let alone a patient who has been taking medication for many years. It is known that he also participated in adult Bible study classes and served on other days. There is not a word "no" in his life, and he put his body, mind, and soul fully on the Lord's behalf. I still remember that day I went up the mountain to his monastery to attend his memorial mass. I finished reciting the four Rosary canons of Joy, Light, Pain and Blessing in the car but still didn’t arrive. I thought about how he traveled up and down the mountain for many years, and I regretted not be considerate of his hard work. As a Jesuit, he completely imitated Jesus in devoting himself to the sheep he shepherded. He believed deeply in the loving Heavenly Father who could not bear the pain of his illness and took him back to heaven early to enjoy eternal happiness.

Two years ago in the spring, Fr. Chevedden invited us to go to San Francisco with him for Bishop Wang’s dinner. He drove quickly and steadily, and despite the heavy traffic when people get off work, we arrived at the bishop's residence on time.  I was still young so I said Fr. Chevedden drove like an eighteen-year-old young man.  Fr. Chevedden did not feel offended, and shared with us on the way back that when he was eighteen years old, he was attracted to the monastic life by a Jesuit priest who served China in his favorite school.

The personal spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius that he taught required a meeting with him, and I usually invited him to dinner after Mass on Sunday. While I was warming up the food, he would play the piano or read his book, and I learned how to turn waiting into a joy rather than becoming restless. When waiting for the children to come to Sunday school, he always held a book in his hands and waited patiently in the classroom. I still remember chatting with him about monastic life once. He told me that he was very happy that he became a priest. The monasticism gave him such a good environment to pursue knowledge and learn and shepherd the flock he loved.

On Passion Day this year, I was asked to lead a group to meditate on the Seven Last Words of Christ. I immediately sought advice from Fr. Chevedden. He copied some articles and books for my reference, and also personally participated in our activities. He was truly a living treasure house of knowledge and a good shepherd full of holiness, standing behind and never asking for credit. As I write this, I can’t help but miss the countless Sundays he and Fr. Pan celebrated together. After preaching Sunday Bible readings to the children, he quietly walked up to the altar. His humble attitude and attentive expression when accompanying the priest expressed thoroughly the feelings of a faithful and pious priest. He believed that the Lord will take care of us, and this is true!

Finally, I would like to share with our brothers and sisters in Christ the lecture notes of the last lesson on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius that Fr. Chevedden tought us:

Sometimes we feel that God does not answer our prayers. Can we understand why? The answer is at John  9: 31: “We all know that God does not listen to sinners, but to those who reverence Him and do good deeds according to His will." What does it mean to honor God and do His will? 1 John 3:22-23 teaches us: "Whatever we ask, it will be from Him. Because we keep His commandments and do those things that please Him. His commandments are that we believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as He commanded us.”

We must have faith and charity before God will listen to our prayers. St. John juxtaposes faith with charity, for faith must be founded on charity and must grow in charity. Therefore we must love one another so that God will listen to our prayers. If we see someone misbehaving, we should take the responsibility of admonishing him or her and pray for him or her. Because all grace comes from God, we must also take action and lend a helping hand to others. Praying alone may not be effective, because God needs our actions to answer everyone’s prayers.

The teachings of this last lesson left by Fr. Chevedden are the interpretation of his life. They are also the lessons we should strive to practice and the faith we live out throughout our lives.

Dear Fr. Chevedden, you left in a hurry and there are too many things to say to you, but the guilt of not being able to sympathize with you always lingers in my heart. Your chronic illness has tortured you for decades and deprived you of everything you could enjoy in countless young and healthy lives, but it has not taken away your freedom and determination to devote yourself to the Lord. You have truly lived the life of the Lord. Not seeing each other again is not separation, let alone forgetfulness, because faith tells us that death is not the end of life, but just a change of being. We believe that we will be able to see you again in New Jerusalem in heaven in the future!



p19 Remarks in memory of Fr. Chevedden

Li Chen

Fr. Chevedden was so quiet and he didn't talk much. We didn't have much contact with him, so our relationship always ended with greetings after Mass. I also had a little of conversations with Fr. Chevedden because of the cuteness and liveliness of my little daughter Xuanxuan. He would tell me with a knowing smile what little Xuanxuan said to him.

Starting from September last year, Fr. Chevedden started a year-long St. Ignatian spiritual exercise to meet our spiritual needs. He used three books of "Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life" to help us with our spiritual exercises. He worked tirelessly and was busy and came to give us individual tutoring once a week. I was thinking at the time that I had never done anything well from beginning to end and done it well and with perseverance. This time I wanted to take this opportunity to give myself an opportunity to practice spirituality, practice perseverance and perseverance. I continued to follow the progress in the book, and met with Fr. Chevedden regularly to receive counseling. Because of this, I got to know Fr. Chevedden better. As usual, he didn't talk much and always listened to me quietly. Whether it was spiritual practice or ordinary life, I poured out everything to him. I knew that he was trustworthy and would help us pray, and the words he gave me were, "When you are in need of God, pray more; when you are comforted by God, give more thanks." I also knew what it feels like to be exhausted and what it feels like to be comforted. God has also done a lot of work in me. Now that Fr. Chevedden is gone, my spiritual work has not been completed yet and has been stagnated there again. The sadness in my heart cannot be described. We can only ask God, why did God take him away so early instead of allowing his health to improve? We have lost such a holy priest, what is God's will? I am really "speechless to ask Heaven”!!

I have a small memory here.  In a private conversation with Fr. Chevedden, I mentioned what it was like when Jesus prayed in the mountain garden, when he was judged, and carried the cross on the stage of the Cross. Was it similar to what was shown in the movie "The Passion of Jesus"? After leaving, I forgot about it. When we met next time, I didn’t expect Fr. Chevedden bringing a book seriously. He turned to a picture that he had found in advance and explained it to me very clearly, giving me a clear idea of the entire final act of Jesus. I thought to myself that I was really ashamed and did not take what I said seriously, but the priest listened to it and carefully found out information for me and explained to me.

Only after losing Fr. Chevedden did we realize how important he was to us. It was we who needed him, but God took him back to heaven early. I believe Fr. Chevedden is happily with the Lord. I also imagine him celebrating with Fr. Pan and us at every Mass we have. Thank you, Fr. Chevedden, for everything you have done for us. No words can express my respect for you. I just ask you in heaven to intercede for all of us, and ask God to grant everyone the grace to follow your example in the path of holiness, Amen!



p20 Eternal Love

Shen Lizhen

On May 21st, I heard the bad news of Fr. Chevedden's death. I simply couldn't believe it was true. I felt that someone must have made a mistake. Who played such a big joke? I made several phone calls to verify it... I just felt my heart sinking, sinking... Why is it like this? I didn't talk to ZhuPing until the 19th, and I learned that Fr. Chevedden would confess for the children who received confirmation on May 23rd. Why did he leave so quickly without even saying goodbye? For several days, I couldn't distinguish my emotions of shock, sadness, doubt, and disappointment.

On the Sunday May 16before he passed away, I wanted to ask him some questions about confirmation, but I saw him alone in the classroom, "silently" waiting patiently for the older children to come to class, and I didn't have the heart to disturb him. I didn't expect that it would be the last time I saw him. I regretted why I didn't go up to him and say hello and ask him questions. Now it's too late.

Fr. Chevedden arranged the Confirmation class for the children. My daughter has been attending the class for more than a month. On the 22nd, I told her, "Fr. Chevedden has left us. He can no longer teach you this Sunday." She said, "That's impossible. He was fine last Sunday. He didn't have a cough or a cold!" My child! How can you, who are so simple, understand the sorrows of the world? How can we understand Fr. Chevedden's inner world?

A few years ago, at a group dinner, I had the honor of sitting at the same table with Fr. Chevedden. I was amazed at his fluent Mandarin. He said he learned it in Hsinchu, Taiwan. When I was a student I went to Hsinchu often, so I talked to the priest about Hsinchu. The priest spoke in a tone that was neither hurried nor slow. He was a very patient and well-educated person. He always looked at you silently with his gentle and loving eyes, and listened to you quietly until you finish speaking. After every Mass, he always stood at the door of the church, politely and happily greeted and said goodbye to every parishioner.

My son has been taking CCD courses since he was seven years old, and it has been nearly three years. I remember when the class started, the priest told me that he personally bought the handouts and selected the teaching materials for the children. I still remember that three years ago, my son couldn't put down the hardcover Bible story that the priest gave him. At Christmas in 2001, he specially wrote a long letter to each parent, and signed his Chinese name at the end of the letter. I have kept this letter. Fr. Chevedden was so considerate and thoughtful to everyone around him. The handouts for the older children's confirmation class were all written and edited by the priest himself. Fr. Chevedden had put so much effort into the children's faith education. How can we, as parents, repay you?

Every time my husband comes back from a business trip to Taiwan, he brought some Taiwanese specialties. In fact, I didn't know what Fr. Chevedden liked to eat. He always accepted them politely. One Christmas, the Christmas gift prepared for him was delayed because he went back to Los Angeles to spend the holiday with his father. I joked with the priest, "Fortunately this is not edible, otherwise it will expire." That time, he smiled as innocently as a child. Under his gentle and elegant appearance, he had a pure heart.

On May 28, Xingjie and others and I attended the memorial mass for Fr. Chevedden. It was my first time to go to the retirement home where Fr. Chevedden lived. The car meandered along the mountainside. What I saw was a poetic and picturesque scene, the hazy and smiling distant mountains, the patches of bright red, and the dots of emerald green. In such a mist, I had completely forgotten where I was. Thank God, Fr. Chevedden was so lucky to live in such a paradise during his lifetime. No wonder he seemed to be detached  from the worldly things.

The whole mass was solemn and dignified. Seeing so many priests celebrating Mass for Fr. Chevedden reminded me of the scene when Fr. Chevedden celebrated Mass during his lifetime. His tall and graceful figure, his focused and gentle eyes, and his unique Latin poetry... My unruly tears started to flow again... How could his elderly father bear the pain of losing his son? It was a pain of being uprooted, a pain of eternal loss, but he suppressed the pain in his heart and entrusted everything to God. What a selfless love! After the mass, we visited the deeds and photos of Fr. Chevedden during his lifetime. Sister Ziqian’s words, “I didn’t expect Fr. Chevedden to be a handsome man when he was young”, temporarily diluted the atmosphere of sadness. On the way back, I kept thinking about what kind of life Fr. Chevedden would have if he had not aspired to be a priest, if he had just been an ordinary person like us?



p21 Missing Fr. Chevedden

Wu Jianshi

I remember the first time I met Fr. Chevedden, I thought he was a very old priest from his appearance, so I always kept a distance from him as an elder and a priest. It was not until I found out that he was younger than me that I started to have private interactions with him and got closer to him. I don’t know why, but about two or three months before the priest’s accident, I took the initiative to get close to him and started talking to him like a friend. I asked the priest if he had seen the movie “Passion of Christ” and asked him if he had seen an old movie about a saint Cupertino called “Reluctant Saint”. I thought of this movie at the time, although the main reason was that it was a very interesting true story, but also because the protagonist in the movie was a tall man with a simple heart like him. I also said that I would lend the movie to the priest when someone returned it to me. Although the priest has not seen the movie, I think he is now in heaven with the saint.

There are a few things I remember clearly about being with the priest: Once I was assigned to help the priest in the children's sermon class. I stayed outside for some time, thinking that it would be okay for an adult (priest) to be with some children. Later, I went in and saw some children talking, some were folding paper, some were drawing or doing other things, while the priest was as steady as a mountain and concentrating on preaching. I don't know if the priest didn't know or didn't mind. I think the priest's innocent heart would not think that the children were playing tricks.

I am the liaison between the Legion of Mary and the superiors of the Chinese Church. Every time when I needed help from Fr. Chevedden in English, he never refused any help I need. He was glad to help others.

Once, the priest and three of us were in a restaurant. He didn't have any opinions when we ordered the dishes. After the dishes came, we found out that he didn't eat spicy food when we were eating. He let us order what we liked. He is really a priest who accepts everything silently.

Another time was in the Youth Catechumenate Class. There was only one student that day. There were three of us, Fr. Chevedden and me. The two of us sat opposite each other, and I sat next to him. Here is the conversation:

Fr. Chevedden: "Have you read the handouts sent last week?" Student: "No."

Fr. Chevedden: "Oh! Too busy?" Student: "Yes, I have a project to do."

The priest was not unhappy at all. He immediately explained the Old Testament from beginning to end in an orderly manner in about 30 minutes. His explanation was really wonderful. I was very fascinated by his explanation. I didn't expect that he could explain the history of the Old Testament so simply and clearly in such a short time. During the period after the priest left, the first thing I thought of every morning after waking up was him, because the priest's departure was so sudden. I was very upset, sighed and blamed myself. God gave this priest to me and this group, but at least I personally was not able to care for him as much as a brother, especially when I saw some photos of him when he was in school during the memorial service for him at Los Gatos Seminary, and I learned that he was a cross-country runner. He liked music and movies, which are also things I like. I have so many things to talk about with him! I remember a sister said that the priest was always around us. When he was alive, we didn’t think there was anything special about his existence. Only after he left did we realize his importance. The priest did a lot for our group: Mass, spiritual exercises, two Legionaries of the Virgin Mary and the Catechism, the teacher in the CCD Sunday School, and he also participated in the Orthodox Church in San Francisco. On the day of the memorial service in Los Gatos, I saw a friend from Richmond. He knew that Fr. Chevedden was leading a Bible study class in Berkeley. I believe he also did some other things that we don’t know.

The priest worked hard for the church all his life. Everyone has infinite memories of him. I think the best way to commemorate the priest is to follow his unique simplicity, silence, gentleness and spirit of loving and helping others.



p22 Fr. Chevedden

Zhou Xiangxiao

Fr. Chevedden’s silence made me

feel God’s love.

In the Bible study,

he smiled, he listened,

he calmly shared his understanding of God,

when I was with Fr. Chevedden,

I got the peace that was free from the world.

I miss you, Fr. Chevedden!


p22 Missing Fr. Chevedden

Shan Xiaowen

My eight-year-old daughter said to me today, "I miss Fr. Chevedden so much!" I remembered yesterday's Bible study meeting, the first time we met again after the summer vacation in June and July. We adults talked about Fr. Chevedden again and missed him, but ignored the feelings of the children. After experiencing the vacation in Taiwan and various activities in the summer, they returned to the Bible study class. Did they also feel a sense of loss because there was one less person to share with? I asked her, "What happened? What made you miss Fr. Chevedden?" She was silent, and I knew she was sorting out her inner feelings and trying to express them in words. I waited quietly, just like the priest's usual listening attitude: he always paid close attention and listened patiently and carefully to what you want to say. Finally, she spoke, her eyes red, "I feel there's an empty spot." I knew very well that there was no empty seat at the Bible study last night, as everyone gathered around the table. I just felt disappointed when I thought that the priest would be absent from now on. "May the priest bless us in the heaven. We must live a good life, and one day, we will go to God to find him. There won't be an empty spot!" The little girl nodded and promised very seriously.

In addition to accompanying us in Bible study, Fr. Chevedden is most concerned about our next generation. He especially felt sorry that young children have to wait until they are seven years old to receive the Eucharist. Poor little children are denied the opportunity to unite with the Eucharist of Jesus during the Holy Mass. The priest valued people's spirituality more than their rationality! In addition, every time he entered the door, he always greeted the children first. Once, the children used building blocks to build a horse farm. The children went to the horse farm and played with their model horses. The priest also joined in with great interest. I saw from the side and felt that the priest had a pure heart and cherished the children so much. His love was poured into the hearts of the children through his care and companionship.

Dear Fr. Chevedden, we are so honored to have you among us! Your presence brings us the peace and love of God. For this, we are grateful in our hearts! We will always miss you!



p23 Reminiscence of Fr. Chevedden

Yang Liling

Thanks to God’s grace, I had the opportunity to meet Fr. Chevedden in the Southern District Bible Study Class. In my impression, the priest is very calm and peaceful, friendly and polite, and versatile. In particular, he has a deep understanding of Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Sometimes when he was in his mood, he could even chat with you in Minnan dialect.

Fr. Chevedden is a priest with whom you can seriously ask questions about the Bible and faith, and you can also joke and chat with him in a harmless way. Whenever we studied the Bible together, he always song hymns with us loudly and enthusiastically. He also often shared with us his recent research experience on books on spirituality and faith. There were many times when we were together, we were so absorbed in our discussions that we neglected the presence of the priest. He always listened patiently and gave us guidance when necessary. Whenever we had questions, he would share his knowledge and provide us with supporting information from many aspects.

In addition to his cultivation in these more serious religious knowledge, Fr. Chevedden also had a very interesting personal characteristic; when he didn't know how to respond to our jokes, he would just laugh "hey, hey". I still remember his laughter that was both knowing and noncommittal.

I remember the last time he came to the Southern District to participate in our Bible study was at my home. Fr. Chevedden arrived early that day. My son had just finished his daily piano practice. Perhaps out of interest, the priest played the piano in the living room and invited my son to play a song he was practicing at the time, "Venetianisches Gondelled". The priest liked this song very much. After the Bible study ended that day, before leaving, he told me that he hoped to come to my house to play the piano again. At that time, I thought the priest was as cute as a child. What's so difficult about this? As long as he has time, I welcome him to come often. However, his sudden death is a very sad and regrettable thing for me personally.

After Fr. Chevedden's funeral mass, I returned home and saw my son sitting alone in front of his piano with a sad face. For a moment, I didn't know how to comfort a ten-year-old child. Suddenly, my son told me that he really hoped that Fr. Chevedden could hear him play "Venetian Barcarolle" again. Instantly, I suggested that he pray to God first. Then send the song he played to God. Fr. Chevedden, who is in heaven, will definitely feel very comforted when he receives this song.

Looking at my son's relieved expression, in the melody of "Venetian Barcarolle", I seemed to see Fr. Chevedden in the sunset, holding the oar and waving goodbye to us with a smile. The boat gradually drifted away along with the beating notes and gradually disappeared on the other side of the horizon.



p24 Kind and humble

Lin Fengzhen

Fr. Chevedden always gives people the impression of being gentle, polite and taciturn. When he guided us in the Southern District Bible study, most of the time we, the church members, were talking freely, sharing our experiences of encountering the Lord in life, or expressing our personal interpretation of the Bible. Fr. Chevedden sometimes sat aside with his eyes closed to rest. We thought he was too tired, but whenever our words deviated, he immediately opened his eyes and calmly quoted scriptures to explain the key points. He was like an inexhaustible theological book. He had perfect answers to any question. It amazed us.

When the movie "The Life of Jesus" was a hit, the church members carefully studied and discussed the plot and background of the movie. At the company, one of my colleagues, who was a Mexican Catholic, asked me, "Who is the disciple with long hair and a beautiful woman looking sitting next to Jesus in Michelangelo's ‘The Last Supper’?" I blinked and told him that we had Fr. Chevedden, who must have the answer. Sure enough, Fr. Chevedden immediately told me that the disciple was John. John is the youngest of the disciples. In the movie "The Life of Jesus", the young man who accompanied the Virgin Mary all the way was him.

Last year, when Fr. Chevedden learned that my mother-in-law was seriously ill in a San Francisco hospital, he immediately drove to the hospital, prayed for my mother-in-law, and gave her the Anointing of the Dead. We were deeply moved. Fr. Chevedden always devoted himself completely to the church. He gave us more than we gave him. After Fr. Chevedden's sudden death, we have always regretted that we did not pay more attention to his daily life and let him carry his cross alone.

Thank God, Fr. Chevedden's kindness and humility let us feel the love and presence of Jesus at all times. At the same time, through his example, it subtly influenced our daily words and deeds.


p24 An Angel in the World

Chen Guoxian

As a traditional Catholic, I generally think that studying the Bible is a kind of career. When we first started a Bible study class at the Eighth Street Church, I became interested in studying the Bible. I remember one time, Fr. Ma Aide took us to the Los Gatos Jesuit novice to do a retreat. When I saw the bookshelves full of religious books, I realized that studying the Bible is not just about personal meditation. Fifteen years later, I deeply realized why biblical studies are a science.

During the process of studying the Bible, Fr. Chevedden came to the Bible study class in the Southern District. His dull appearance was very inconsistent with his vast biblical background. Many times, I asked about very minor biblical knowledge, and Fr. Chevedden was able to answer my questions directly in an instant. His expression was still so humble and calm, without any exaggeration or show-off. Every time, I admired his expression with all my heart. What's more, when we met next time, he handed me one or two reference books. That touching process made me further understand that perhaps the conversation between man and God would be like this.

His death shocked us. Perhaps there is a meaning behind his death that we cannot understand. Like him, I think there are thousands of priests who shoulder the mission of Jesus Christ and are scattered in every church. I hope we can all look at these spiritual leaders with the feeling of "angels on earth".


p25 Remembering Fr. Chevedden

Huang Jingfang

In my memory, Fr. Chevedden was tall and had a big beard. He smiled at us when we met, and then slowly, through his thick stubble, he gave us a warm greeting.

I used to see him from a distance in front of the church altar. The first time I met him face to face was after I moved to the Southern District, at a church member's home in the Southern District. Fr. Chevedden treated me as a "newcomer", so he asked and showed concern like a landlord or host. The second time I saw him, he immediately called out my name in Chinese, and I was still stunned, wondering what kind of address would be more appropriate...

He often gave me the impression of being neither angry nor angry. Most of the time, he would not immediately join in the verbal battles among the church members. Sometimes everyone thought he was dozing off, but he listened very carefully. When the church members took a break, he would slowly express his views and give pertinent advice.

Gentle and elegant is another way to describe him, but at his memorial service, I heard from his brother that he had another side, which was his lovable and emotional side.

I gradually got to know him as a person during Bible study or dinner parties. He didn't like to preach. Whenever he was asked a question, he would always answer politely and affirmatively, allowing others to understand his heart for God. This reminded me of the first commandment. And his respect and help for others, how he set an example and taught us reminded me of the second commandment!

Grace has past.  In the end, only left one word - regret.


p25 Eastern Church

Cheng Jinzhe

On June 18, 2001, Luo Gaoxiong, Bai Daihua, Ma Fuyi and I went to the Los Altos Jesuit Church to visit Fr. Chevedden. Fr. Chevedden spoke a very good Chinese. During the conversation, I learned that the priest had lived in Taiwan for more than 20 years, which was exactly the same time I had been in the United States. However, his Chinese was much better than my English. I couldn't believe that I "confessed" to the priest the first time I met him (I hadn't confessed for almost ten years). Perhaps it was the priest's kindness that allowed me to feel at ease to do the sacrament of reconciliation with God.

We invited Fr. Chevedden to give a special speech to our group on "The History of the Eastern Church". He prepared a lot of teaching materials, as well as maps, and explained tirelessly to us, so that we could understand the geographical location and influence of the "Eastern Church". Speaking of Eastern Churches, I only thought of Buddhism and Taoism, but I didn't know that there are also churches that believe in "Catholicism". It can be seen that there is so much to learn. I once participated in the Scripture Study for two years. My English was not good at first, and I always understood only a little. But after listening to the priest's two lectures, I felt like I had "opened my mind". Fr. Chevedden was happy to drive from Los Altos to San Mateo to preach to us for two hours, and then drove to Fremont to preach for the youth fellowship. This kind of love that does not refuse to work hard deeply touched us. Thank God for giving us such a good priest. I really hope that Fr. Chevedden could come more often.

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