


Taylor Swift(三)




  • 2020年Taylor和Kanye West完整版录音被放出, 一举还Taylor清白。

  • Taylor和Katy Perry和解,二人合拍了Taylor的新歌You Need to Calm Down,汉堡配薯条,二人玩得很欢乐。


  • Taylor和Joe Alwyn从2016年开始拍拖,看着很像那么回事儿,金童玉女很有夫妻相。Taylor一改以前的高调,此次分外低调,为这段感情制造了个safe bubble,试图执手偕老,不受外界干扰。


  • 2018年Tayor签了新东家 - 四大唱片巨头(占市场85%)之一的Universal Music Group旗下的Republic Records. 和前东家BMR的版权纷争也算比较圆满的解决了。

一切都风平浪静了: 所有的事儿都摆平了,所有的不和都和解了,所有的资本都听话了,男神也来了。。。没有人能再伤害到她。能伤害到她的,只剩下她自己了! 就像个独裁者,举目四望,没有对手,唯一的对手就是她自己!强人的诅咒就是无处安放的自己,而Taylor的强人诅咒也如影随形如期而至。



这是一个写给爱情的情书,Taylor坠入情网,Reputation时期那个黑化的,有点hip hop款的Taylor不见了,代之以糖果色的童话般的仙境。调色盘上所有的亮色都被她用上了,幸福中的女人真是俗不可耐。哈哈。音乐制作也是流行传统兼备。

平流层开始的日子是甜蜜的,到处都是你是我的,我是你的,forever and ever的梦中呓语/海誓山盟。当然既然date了英国人,就没法不来点政治,此专辑中You Need to Calm Down这首歌,是Taylor首次展现她的政治倾向:

    You are somebody that we don't know

    But you're coming at my friends like a missile

    Why are you mad?

    When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)

    Sunshine on the street at the parade

    But you would rather be in the dark ages

    Making that sign, must've taken all night

    You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace

    And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate

    'Cause shade never made anybody less gay so

GLAAD和glad同音,是个gay和Lesbian的组织。最后一句shade never made anybody less gay也双关。表面上是你在阴暗角落搞三搞四,你开心吗?说给那些hater听的。脑筋转下弯的意思就是再捂着盖着,你也还是gay,就认了吧!说给gay们听,呼吁认可自己。




这部专辑也是Joe和Taylor二人感情的巅峰,Joe co-write并co-produce了这个专辑中的多首歌曲,Exile,Betty, My Tears Ricochet,August,This Is Me Trying,Illicit Affairs。有人说,这就是Taylor给他个脸,没有Joe,Taylor以前不也写好歌?但是,这部专辑的歌词,被公认为是Taylor歌词的巅峰,不能说Joe只是个滥竽充数Joe,Joe的文学艺术水平还是不错的,甚至高过Taylor。Anyway,2020年Taylor和Joe被quarantine在家里,热恋中的二人小日子过得很静美。静美的风格很适合Joe,Taylor沉浸在Joe的舒适世界里,她的音乐也不再爆炸,而是比较冷静地流淌。




Folklore的姊妹篇,也是民谣款,但鼓点伴奏速度都比较pop,我觉得比较回归Taylor自己。Taylor发推说:I have no idea what will come next. I have no idea about a lot of things these days and so I’ve clung to the one thing that keeps me connected to you all.  That thing always has and always will be music.  And may it continue, evermore. 天长地久,Taylor和大家一样,被关在家里,彷徨而迷茫,能天长地久的只有音乐。

我认为最好听的是Coney Island这首歌,和Exile一样,也是男女对唱,也是唱情伤: Exile唱分道扬镳 - I'm in exile, seein' you out。而Coney Island唱比分道扬镳还麻烦的貌合神离:

    And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island

    Wondering, "Where did my baby go?"

    The fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go

    Sorry for not making you my centerfold

Coney Island是纽约的一个游乐场,做歌名就想表达,外面看起来很开心快乐,但心里未必。

    The question pounds my head

    What's a lifetime of achievement

    If I pushed you to the edge

    But you were too polite to leave me?

    Do you miss the rogue

    Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?

    Will you forgive my soul

    When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?

貌合神离的感情往往就是这样,为了某种体面,或者不愿意承认失败,就维持着。但是心里老犯嘀咕: 何必呢?值得吗?写得惟妙惟肖。

这两首歌都是Joe和Taylor co-write的。觉得他俩也确实找死,把这种东西写得如此传神,彼此感情也就见底了,离死不远了。个人认为,感情这种东西,双方都应该悠着点,不可见底,要保持一种最后的神秘,或者说最后的自我,不可全抖落出来,有些话是说不得的。anyway,感谢他俩奋不顾身毫无保留的职业精神,我们才有好歌听。哈哈。



此张专辑,Taylor回归了电子流行风格。也回归了老娘最屌的攻击性。打扮也让众人傻眼。浓重的烟熏眼妆,流海遮住眉毛,外加迷离深邃的眼神。此张专辑也是首次不发主打歌热场,直接就上专辑。非常霸气。那意思就是: 没听过?我的歌还用听吗?买就是了,准没错! 那个不好惹的Taylor,回来了。


专辑中 Anti-Hero & Bejeweled两首歌的MV拍的很烧钱,也真心不错,值得一看。歌也好听,很Taylor。


    It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me

    At tea time, everybody agrees

    I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

    It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

    Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism

    Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)

    I wake up screaming from dreaming

    One day I'll watch as you're leaving

    And life will lose all its meaning

    (For the last time)


    Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind

    Didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind

    In the shoes I gave you as a present

    Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five

    And by the way, I'm going out tonight

    Best believe I'm still bejeweled

    When I walk in the room

    I can still make the whole place shimmer

    And when I meet the band

    They ask, "Do you have a man?"

    I can still say, "I don't remember"



Joe可以说是Taylor陷得最深的一次,时间也长达6年!Joe的美色对女人来说是让人失足级别的,Taylor也不例外,况且当年她正处于人生低谷。但是,他俩显然是不合适的,Joe是个典型的英国佬,好处是沉静内敛有思想有class,不好就是心眼深有手段。而Taylor是个典型的美国姑娘,才华横溢,热情奔放,所向披靡。他俩相爱确实不容易。Evermore专辑里有首歌,叫Tolerate It,我觉得写得挺真实的,他俩在一起就是这个样子: 一个热情洋溢,毫无保留;一个深不见底,别别扭扭。

    I sit and watch you reading with your head low

    I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed

    I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don't do

    You're so much older and wiser and I

    I wait by the door like I'm just a kid

    Use my best colors for your portrait

    Lay the table with the fancy shit

    And watch you tolerate it

    If it's all in my head tell me now

    Tell me I've got it wrong somehow

    I know my love should be celebrated

    But you tolerate it

    I greet you with a battle hero's welcome

    I take your indiscretions all in good fun

    I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten

    You're so much older and wiser and I

    I wait by the door like I'm just a kid

    Use my best colors for your portrait

    Lay the table with the fancy shit

    And watch you tolerate it

    If it's all in my head tell me now

    Tell me I've got it wrong somehow

    I know my love should be celebrated

    But you tolerate it

    While you were out building other worlds, where was I?

    Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?

    I made you my temple, my mural, my sky

    Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life

    Drawing hearts in the byline

    Always taking up too much space or time

    You assume I'm fine

    But what would you do if I

    Break free and leave us in ruins

    Took this dagger in me and removed it

    Gain the weight of you then lose it

    Believe me, I could do it

    If it's all in my head tell me now

    Tell me I've got it wrong somehow

    I know my love should be celebrated

    But you tolerate it

    I sit and watch you

Taylor太红了,这始终是个问题,没人能够和她并肩而不黯然失色。而婚姻难就难在它光自己好没有用: 它必需成就自己,也同时成就他人。从这个角度讲,婚姻不是战利品,婚姻是一件艺术品,不需要最好,只需要正好。哪来的正好啊?当然需要寻找,但更重要的,就是妥协。妥协不是凑合将就,不是委屈求全。妥协是一种艺术,懂得优雅地妥协的人,才会优雅的生活。从不妥协的Taylor这次真的遇上对手了,那个对手正是成就她至今的,那个无比优秀,无比能打,百战不殆的,她自己。

***        ***        ***        ***        ***

Taylor一路走来,十张专辑,我们见证了她的成长和喜怒哀乐。想起另一位天才Avril Lavigne,同样才华横溢,年少成名,同样刚正不阿,冲锋陷阵。。。但Taylor比她走得更久,Taylor的命是很硬的。祝福她,祝福所有真诚对待自己的人。

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