


WHY COVERS UP WHY Audrey Elizabeth Hale Mass-Shoot


The American Evil System ALWAYS DOES IT --- WHY COVERS UP WHY Audrey Elizabeth Hale Mass-Shoots?

By Limin Wang

March 28, 2023, updated on 03/29/23

The mass-shoot by a 28-yr-old young woman Audrey Elizabeth Hale at Nashville Covenant School, a private Christian church school and reportedly her former elementary school, on March 27, 2023 morning resulted in total seven deaths, including the shooter herself killed by cops; three children; and three school staff members of which one was the principal. The mass media have broadcast that there found is a Manifesto left by Audrey Hale. WHAT IT STATES OF THE WHY? AND WHY the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM COVERS UP THE WHY? IS IT BECAUSE HER MANIFESTO TELLS MANY FACTS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM? It’s so RIDICULOUS for the AES up from the President to ONLY PUSH FOR GUN CONTROL OVER THE GENERAL PUBLIC, WHILE COMPLETELY COVERING UP AND/OR NEGLECTING ALL OR ANY DEEP-ROOTED REAL PROBLEMS. Now, the mass media seem to use “transgender”, real or FABRICATED, to distract as the underlying issue of this particular individual only. From the mass media leaked information, very likely that Audrey Hale was NOT engaging in SHOTS-EXCHANGE with the approaching cops but she was shot dead by cops to SILENCE her and thus to cover up the underlying truth, very probably EVIL TRUTH OF EVILS. IT’S THE PATTERN OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM.

  • 当前共有2条评论
  • 王利民 回复 muchi

    You are only a COWARDOUS HUMANSCUM in the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. Nothing seriously true you can face or take or handle. Everything from you is most probably vicious lies after vicious lies. What ELSE you "judge" or say on this garbage website creaders.net? The AES HUMANSCUMS on this creaders.net even makes my log-in to my own blog ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.

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  • muchi

    You are just as evil as the killer.

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