




陈叔涵 2022年6月13日






No limit to evil, no bottom line to committing evil!

Chen Shuhan June 13, 2022

The history of the Chinese Communist Party is a history of doing evil indeed, and it has never stopped committing evil for a single moment since its birth until today. Why is the CCP happy to engage in evil things and refuses to do good deeds? Because the CCP is the embodiment of evil, and its only mission in this world is to kill the true ,the good, and the beautiful beings and to promote the false, the ugly ,and the evil beings. The CCP has carried out its mission with actions: Land Reform, Suppression of Counter-revolutionaries, Cooperative Community, Industrial and Commercial Reform, the Great Leap Forward, the Great Famine, Anti-Rightist, Cultural Revolution, June Fourth massacre, Mutilation of Falun Gong, Crack-down of Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy movement ...... unfortunately, the Russian-Ukrainian war has exposed the CCP's evil nature to the bare bones. Anyone with a clear conscience knows that murder, arson, robbery, and rape are all heinous crimes. But the Chinese Communist Party does not see it that way. When the CCP's accomplices want to kill, the CCP hands them knives; when the CCP's accomplices are going to set fire, the CCP delivers torches; when the CCP's accomplices plan to rob banks, the CCP provides guns; when the CCP's accomplices are committing rape, the CCP helps hold the head and legs of the victim. Now, when the CCP's accomplice invaded Ukraine, the CCP wasted no time in giving money and goods ...... When evil meets evil, they only work together on the evil beings.

The Chinese Communist Party refuses to recognize Russia's military action against Ukraine as aggression, even though Russian troops have been driving into Ukrainian territory for more than three months on a killing spree. In the Chinese Communist Party's view, it is beyond reproach for breaking into a neighbor's house with a gun and burning it down. The reason was that its neighbors wanted to make friends with other families. And today, opposition to Russia's aggression against Ukraine is banned in Communist China. The Chinese Communist Party describes NATO's eastward enlargement as the root cause of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and this view is also widely held by ordinary Chinese people. However, NATO was established in 1949, and Russian aggression began eight hundred years ago: there is not a single country that borders Russia that has not been invaded. China, of course, is the biggest victim of Russia's aggression. To this day, Russia still occupies more than three million square kilometers of China's land by force. The fact is obvious that before the establishment of NATO, Russia had been invading other countries constantly, and after the establishment of NATO, Russia keeps invading. NATO has never occupied an inch of Russia's territory through its eastward enlargement, while Russia's eastward and southward expansion a few hundred years ago seized large territories of other countries and therefore became the world's number one territorial power. This fully illustrates that Russia's aggression against other countries has nothing to do with NATO or NATO's eastward enlargement. If somebody is used to stealing, he becomes a habitual thief; if somebody is used to robbing, he turns into a habitual bandit, and his nature makes it so. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is just like robbers wanting to rob and wolves wanting to eat sheep, without any reason at all, which is determined by the nature of robbers and wolves.

Why does the Chinese Communist Party support Russia so firmly? Because both the CCP and Russia are robbers, and the logic of thinking and philosophy of robbers are the same, that is, to do evil by any means. The Chinese Communist Party was originally a disciple of Russia, but after decades of growth, it has become more and more powerful. Russia is certainly evil, but at best it has only inherited the evil elements of Western civilization, although Putin has been dictatorial for twenty years, he has not been able to make the Russian people unconditionally obedient. Putin cracked down on Russia's rich and powerful  people with an iron fist, and evened out some benefits to the Russian people little by little in exchange for popular support, because although Russia is a de facto dictatorship, Putin has to go through some formality  by way of election. But for Xi Jinping, it is not the case at all! Xi has been in power for ten years and he has both robbed the rich and pressed the poor , pocketing the wealth in order to spread the money to the outside countries in a big way. Xi Jinping doesn't need votes at all, everything he does gained unanimous support. This is beyond Putin's reach. That's why I say that although Russia is the teacher of the CCP, the CCP has surpassed Russia in effect. It has not only absorbed the evil elements of the Western civilization, but also, and most importantly, it has organically blended the evil elements of the Western civilization with the evil elements accumulated in Chinese civilization for thousands of years, in a short word, the CCP is a collection of evil. It can be seen that the Chinese Communist Party has greatly increased its power and doubled its effect by merging the evil elements of Western and Chinese civilizations, while Russia has been using only the evil elements of Western civilization to control the Russian people, which is naturally far less effective. The fact is that since the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, the population has grown from 500 million to 1.4 billion, and even though tens of millions of people have died of starvation, the Chinese Communist regime has remained stable. Because the terror caused by the evil of the Chinese Communist Party is enough to scare the hell out of any human being, so, in China the people would rather die of hunger than rebel; on the contrary, in Russia, the people would not be so tamed, and the lack of food to eat resulted in the collapse of the former Soviet Union. When Putin launched the war of aggression against Ukraine, there was a strong anti-war voice in the country, and even anti-war slogans were displayed in the official  TV studios. While there are certainly elements of evil in Western civilization, the major premise of Western civilization is that rulers should treat the common people as human beings. Although Putin is a dictator, he still basically treats the Russian people as human beings. At least, the Russian people can express different opinions and make different voices heard; the premise of Chinese civilization is that the ruler treats the common people as cattle, eating, drinking, working and reproducing-these are their everyday's work  for 3,000 years. Currently, Xi Jinping is far more restrictive of the people's freedom than any other autocratic dynasty in history, and the whole country is in a state of dead silence. If Putin follows Xi Jinping's example and treats Russians like cattle, Putin's regime will be safe, no matter how the war between Russia and Ukraine ends.

The outbreak of this Russian-Ukrainian war, Putin and Xi Jinping are in fact complicit, and to some extent, Xi Jinping is more guilty than Putin. Without Xi Jinping's support, this war will not be fought at all. Putin has the intention but not the capacity, in another word, Putin has no economic power to launch the war.  Putin's war of aggression cannot be fought without Xi Jinping as his money bag. This is also true, because Xi Jinping continues to support Putin despite Biden's repeated warnings. Putin is just plainly evil with Xi Jinping. Even if Putin were to use nuclear weapons, Xi would still acquiesce, which is a true picture of the no-bottom -line of Russian and Chinese evil. This is not enough, Xi Jinping also put forward the slogan of China-Russia as close as the same family, the best way to curry favor with Russia. If China and Russia can really go together like the same family, which will benefit China a great deal, at least, the Chinese territories occupied by Russia, such as the Kuril Islands and Vladivostok, would be Chinese. However, this is only the wishful thinking of the Chinese Communist Party, and Russia will never be a family member of the Chinese Communist Party. Not to mention family relations, even Chinese people travel to Russia, they must apply for visas in advance!

Dictatorship is the source of evil. Xi Jinping, like Putin, has no qualms about being evil, but he wants to keep the absolute power in his hands. Xi Jinping's efforts to protect Putin are aimed at finding the strongest outside support for his re-election to the 20th Congress of the CCP this fall. If Putin wins the war against Ukraine and his regime is preserved, Putin will become the new czar of Russia, ruling permanently. Since Putin can be czar for life, Xi Jinping can also be re-elected as life emperor on that basis. Xi Jinping did not imagine Putin would fail because Xi is as stubborn as a mule, who will only go one way to the end in  darkness. As the saying goes, there is no road that cannot be travelled, only people who cannot think properly. Xi Jinping is the very one who can't figure it out, why can't he figure it out? for he is extremely inflexible, If he knew how to adapt himself with the times, the Communist China would not be in such a mess: the economy is down, people's livelihoods are in decline, diplomacy is isolated, and there are no true friends in the international society. The root cause of this is: he thinks governance of a country is the same as carrying 200 pounds of wheat, walking 10 miles up the mountain road without changing shoulders.

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