Turn off lights/water sink when leaving the room(即时关灯关水龙头);
Buy local and seasonal food and goods(买当地当时季节的物品和食品);
Try reuse goods, let it be paper, clothes or anything(尽量重复利用各种物品,像纸和衣服);
Embrace the sharing culture and used items, particularly used books, used kids clothes, toys, furniture and borrowing books from library(不介意和人分享物品,不介意旧货,像书,小孩衣服,玩具,家具以及从图书馆借书);
If you have to buy a book, buy electronic version(如果你实在要买书,尽量买电子书);
Try cotton diaper(用棉的尿布);
Try carpool app: Uber Pool and commute carpool app: Scoop, Waze(和人一起坐车上下班);
Compost left-over food, grow worms and use it as fertilizer(剩饭剩菜放到一个盒子里,养虫子,做肥料);
Organize and retire clothes often, either donating or giving out to friends(经常收拾整理衣服,要么捐献或者给朋友).
Grow chickens to get eggs and eat left-over food(养鸡生蛋,吃剩饭剩菜);
Take shower only every other day(两天洗一次澡足够);
Stop flushing toilet every time, especially when it is liquid(如果是在家,尿尿完无需每次冲水);
Install solar panel(装太阳能板);
Buy electric car(买电动车);
Set house temperature low in general in the winter, 20C in the day and 16C at night(尽量冬天少用暖气,夏天少用空调).