






女儿,从你呱呱坠地到牙牙学语,从你蹒跚学步到看图识字;从牵着爸爸的手一步一步踏进幼儿园时那个聪明伶俐的孩童,到站在高中毕业典礼上那个亭亭玉立的漂亮小姑娘.....;在父母呵护下长大的那些日子,一幕一幕,历历在目,其中的每一个精彩的片段都会时常会浮现在我的眼前。七岁跟着父母亲离开家乡漂泊到加拿大,初到异国上时遭遇的文化冲突和语言困惑而留下许多有趣的故事,至今父母仍在津津乐道。练钢琴是一件既枯燥又乏味的“苦差”,可你从四岁坚持到高中毕业,并且通过了各种考级,最后还勤工俭学在一所音乐学校当了三年钢琴“小”老师。你一手钢琴弹得美妙动听,给我和你妈妈带来过那么多的欢乐。还有你自作主张,把French Immersion Program坚持到高中,并以优异的成绩高中毕业。要知道,你可是你们学校双语高中毕业生中唯一一个没有任何法语背景的学生!尽管你现在不说法语了,我们仍然以此为荣。


今天, 当女儿成为新娘的时侯, 爸爸妈妈想对你说: 从今天起,你不仅是我们的乖女儿,你也是一位妻子,一位儿媳妇,今后你也会养儿育女,成为母亲。因此,你的生活将会改变,将更多地面对真实的婚姻生活:平平淡淡的柴米油盐,实实在在的锅碗瓢盆,平凡琐碎。对你来说这也许新的挑战,但我们相信你一定准备好了,而且,以你的善良、智慧和能力,以遗传在你身上的中国人传统美德,你一定会做得很好!把家庭经营得和和睦睦,夫妻间相互尊重,礼貌待人,永远做一个自强自立,漂亮的有魅力的女人。总之,在任何情况下,爸爸妈妈都会一如既往全心全意地支持你;我相信你的公公婆婆以及所有亲人朋友们,也会像爸爸妈妈一样,关心你,爱护你,支持你!


女儿和女婿, 你们的幸福就是父母最大的心愿!祝愿你们幸福一生,一生幸福!最后希望你们要带着感恩的心,回报各位亲友们多年来对你们的关怀和厚爱。


Hi everyone, I am the father of the bride. On behalf of my wife and myself, I would like to thank all of you for coming to attend our daughter's wedding, as today also marks one of the happiest days of our lives. Today, our daughter and her love of life, have started their new lives together as husband and wife.  Today when I walked my only daughter down the aisle and led her to husband-to-be, I did not feel any sorrow. As they made their vows to each other today – for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer – I truly believe that our daughter found her lifelong partner.

Today we felt immense pride, not only for our daughter, but also for her choice in such an intelligent and handsome young man. We believe that karma brought them together from distant Serbia and faraway China. It was a wonder that they not only encountered love while growing up in Canada, but also married each other today. For this reason, I believe their marriage is bound to be a happy and fulfilling one. At this moment, I would like to sincerely thank daughter’s parents-in-law, for raising such a good son and giving us such a good son-in-law.

My daughter, from your birth to your first steps, to your first words, to the first day I walked you to kindergarten, day by day, year after year, up to your high school graduation, I still remember all the important moments as you grew up and became who you are today. Even though you don’t like to play piano, you stuck it out for 14 years and became a wonderful pianist. Your music brought us so much joy. You also put yourself through French Immersion and graduated from your high school French Immersion class as the only student who did not have a French background. You have done so many things to make us proud.

You left us at 18 when you went to university and started living your life independently from us. You decided to further your education by obtaining the CFA designation and completing your MBA study. Every decision you made has led you to become the successful lady working in the financial industry.

Today, your mom and dad would like to let you know: Starting from this day forward you are no longer just our daughter. You are also a wife, a daughter-in-law, and tomorrow you may have your own children and become a mother. As such, there will be many more changes and challenges that you will face in your life. However, we believe that you are ready for anything that life will throw at you, given your kindness, intellect, capability, and especially with your loving husband by your side. Mom and dad will always be there for you guys under any circumstances, and I am sure your mother-in-law and father-in-law, as well as all of your other loved ones, will also be by your side to support you as you embark on your journey as husband and wife.

To all our guests who have come near and far to be with us today, we would like to sincerely thank you for coming to share in our happiness. I would also like to sincerely thank our old friends as well as our relatives, who came all the way here from Ottawa, Montreal, Singapore and China. We are very honoured to have all of you here, and we would like to wish all of you good health, success in work and family, and every happiness.

My daughter and son-in-law, your happiness is our biggest wish as parents. We wish you a lifetime of joy. Cheers.

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