Electronic Arts/电子艺术2025年股东会议撤销报酬委员会的提案


电子艺术是美日欧的第二大电子游戏公司,有近万名员工。201988日,我第一次出席Electronic Arts Inc./电子艺术公司的股东年会,代表老朋友McRitchieYoung宣读他们的股东提案,要求15%的长期股份拥有者可以动议召开特别会议。这个第6号股东提案获得多数赞成通过!

虽然我对电子游戏不感兴趣,但电子艺术2018CEO报酬是35,728,764美元,Chief Design Officer/设计总监是48,385,837美元,CEO报酬与中位收入雇员工资之比为2001,这样的趋势无法持续,令人担忧,值得保持关注[1]。我购入少许股份,按照法规等待3年(实际操作上4年)以后有权提交股东提案付诸股东大会表决。


Stockholder Proposal to dissolve the compensation committee


Resolved: stockholders recommend that Electronic Arts Inc. (our company) dissolve the compensation committee. 决议:股东们建议电子艺术(我们公司)解散薪酬委员会。

Supporting Statement支持声明

The American corporate boards and executives have become a class of oligarchy, as defined by Aristotle, according to his _Politics_. In this great classic, Aristotle demonstrated that in a stable community (polis), the ratio of the rich citizen’s land to the poor citizen’s land should not be over 5 to 1. Our company’s CEO pay ratio is 172 to 1 in 2023 (2024 Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement p.53), jumped from 159 to 1 in 2022 (2023 Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement p.55), while our company’s stock dropped from 147.74 four years ago on 02/07/2021 to 132.00 today (02/06/2025). 正如亚里士多德在其《政治学》中所定义的那样,美国公司董事会和高管已成为一个寡头阶层。在这部伟大的经典著作中,亚里士多德论证了在一个稳定的社会(城邦)中,富人土地与穷人土地的比例不应超过51。我们公司CEO的薪酬比率从202215912023年股东大会通知和代理声明第55页)跃升至2023年的17212024年股东大会通知和代理声明第53页),而我们公司的股价则从四年前202127日的147.74跌至今天(202526日)的132.00

America’s ballooning executive compensation is not sustainable for the economy, and there is no rational methodology to decide the executive compensation (our company’s CEO compensation irrationally increased 24% from $20,659,002 in 2023 to $25,643,093 in 2024), particularly because there is no consideration of the CEO pay ratio in our executive compensation process.  The Economic Policy Institute found that “From 1978–2023, top CEO compensation shot up 1,085%, compared with a 24% increase in a typical worker’s compensation.”[2] Human nature has not changed dramatically.  The CEO pay ratios of big Japanese and European companies are much less than of big American companies.  The increase of disparity of income has a direct negative impact on American social instability. 美国高管薪酬膨胀对经济来说是不可持续的,也没有合理的方法论来决定高管薪酬(我们公司的CEO薪酬不合理地从2023年的20,659,002美元增加到2024年的25,643,093美元,增长了24%),尤其是因为我们的高管薪酬程序没有考虑CEO薪酬比率。经济政策研究所发现,“从1978年到2023年,最高CEO的薪酬飙升了1,085%,而普通工人的薪酬仅增加了24%。”人性并没有发生急剧的变化。日本和欧洲大公司的CEO薪酬比率远低于美国大公司。收入差距的扩大对美国社会的不稳定产生了直接的负面影响。

Adam Smith said:  “Wealth, as Mr Hobbes says, is power.”  America has a long history to check and balance power.  The public gives the board the power to run the corporate business without organized unions in most American companies and without employee representation in the board; and the board is nominated and elected undemocratically without any competition.  To increase the executive wealth (compensation) irregularly, irrationally, and unreasonably is to abuse the power.  Shareholders in JPMorgan Chase & Co., Intel, Netflix, Salesforce and other big companies rejected sky-high executive pay packages in 2022, 2023, and 2024. 亚当·斯密说:“正如霍布斯先生所说,财富就是权力。”美国在制衡权力方面有着悠久的历史。公众赋予董事会广泛的权力来运营公司业务:大多数美国公司没有组织性工会、董事会也没有员工代表,董事会的提名和选举都没有任何竞争是不民主的。不规范、不合理性、没有道理地增加高管财富(薪酬)是滥用权力。摩根大通、英特尔、NetflixSalesforce 等大公司的股东在 20222023 2024 年拒绝了天价的高管薪酬方案。

It is obvious that the Compensation Committee used a wrong methodology such as excluding the most important CEO pay ratio factor, to make the simple executive compensation process very complicated to reach the wrong executive compensation results.  The Compensation Committee is a waste of our company’s resource, thus should be dissolved. 很明显,薪酬委员会使用了错误的方法论,例如排除了最重要的 CEO 薪酬比率因素,把简单的高管薪酬程序变得非常复杂,从而得出错误的高管薪酬结果。薪酬委员会浪费了我们公司的资源,因此应该解散。


其次,他们解释薪酬委员会的方法论与操作程序。我以自己社会调查方法论的专业(博士)背景和知识指出薪酬方法论的缺欠,说明用同样的方法论可以得到完全不同(例如1/10)的数字结论,而公司雇用的咨询行只会提供公司想听的结果,整个操作程序是个黑箱作业,股东们和公众只看到最来高层报酬越高的结果,有时候明显违背常识。例如去年我在Bank of America股东会议上的提案指出:2021年至2022年高管薪酬不规则、不合理性、没有理由地跃升:CEO +27.2%),CFO +15.0%,区域银行总裁+68.4%,董事会副主席+63.1%,首席风险官+65.5%,后三个截然不同职能的官员竟然被算出完全相同的收入,而同一年期股东总回报率为-23.8%[3]


今天227日,我接到公司高级律师的电邮,教我学习Nasdaq法规5600. Corporate Governance Requirements[4]。我认真研读,了解到5605. Board of Directors and Committees法规要求上市公司大多数董事的独立性以及由独立董事们组成的(c) Audit Committee Requirements/审计委员会、(d) Compensation Committee Requirements/报酬委员会。我没有资源、能力挑战美国证券交易的任何法规,而在法规的框架下有很多改善的可能。我签字撤回我26日的提案,同时回复他们,再次强调我的关注是高层报酬政策,如果电子艺术在高层报酬政策上采纳了我的提案精神,我今后可以不必提交这方面的提案。


[1] 赵京,Electronic Arts/电子艺术2019年股东会议提案,201988日。

[2]By Josh Bivens, Elise Gould, and Jori Kandra, September 19, 2024.

[3] 赵京,改进Bank of America银行高管薪酬规划的提案,202453日第二稿。

[4] https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/rulebook/nasdaq/rules/Nasdaq%205600%20Series