

阿拉斯加漫长的冬天,天天看白雪,了无生趣,画花解闷,新买了acrylic ink 试画。


Abstract flower (watercolor and acrylic ink)

My backyard daisy with morning dew(watercolor)

Dancing flowers(acrylic ink)

  • 当前共有3条跟帖
  • 落叶飘零:有印象派风格,画得漂亮!
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  • 闲士9264:挺漂亮,欣赏。
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  • 浅水菜鸟:非常美丽呀!感觉第1张的右上那朵花有点唐突
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    wjbh 回复 浅水菜鸟:谢谢。

    三月来,画了些花,包挂油画,and new paint gouache I just purchased。 老了,眼花了。。。

    All。。in memory of my grandma(passed away in 2020) who taught me Japnese "Hana" the beautiful word. And in memory of 311 earthquake. I listen two Japanese songs quite often , One song is " Hana " and another is " Hana Wa Saku". I will continue to paint flowers.  

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