【花好月圆】Serena藕花深处: - “花木兰” I'll Make a M




I'll Make a Man Out of You

Let's get down to business
To defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man out of you
Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you
I'm never gonna catch my breath!
Say goodbye to those who knew me!
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym?
This guy got 'em scared to death!
Hope he doesn't see right through me!
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!
Be a man
You must be swift as the coursing river
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Time is racing toward us
'Til the Huns arrive
Heed my every order
And you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?
You must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
You must be swift as the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

开学忙得千头万绪, 提醒自己站直咯, 别趴下!一直想学会这首木兰的插曲的英文版, 无奈英文的Rap是短板, 练了几下, 就这水平啦!借贴问好朋友们!活动开心!中秋快乐!

  • 当前共有17条跟帖
  • 一唱:好听,为藕花鼓掌!
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  • 八骑兵:英文歌,厉害!好唱!
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  • 睫毛弯弯:还以为要唱豫剧,原来是英文版的,惟妙惟肖


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  • 谈议葫芦丝:听不懂但好听
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  • happy_singer:先盲顶一个,回头再来听!祝好~
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  • 守望:可能是网络原因,看不了听不到。盲顶!
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    Serena藕花深处 回复 守望:问好守望!听到你的歌好开心!怠慢了!这个是全民K歌链接

    打开应该就能听到, 或者你有K歌账号的话我直接发过去给你!

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  • WuBuFu:好唱。英文歌不容易,向你学习。
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    Serena藕花深处 回复 WuBuFu:感谢友友聆听鼓励!英文歌一般要松弛, 我这个是卯足了劲哈
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  • HaiShi:好有现场感,也惟妙惟肖,唱得好,为你点赞!
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    Serena藕花深处 回复 HaiShi:谢海石艺术家聆听点赞!你带来的新歌真是美的享受!
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  • 树烨子:藕花咋啥英文歌都会唱啊,真是服了你了!全民K歌的帖手机上看


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    Serena藕花深处 回复 树烨子:谢谢树烨子听歌!这歌听过很多遍了, 才第一次认真学呢!
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  • 老好人:藕花的鹰歌绝对的厉害!也等你的配音秀!
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