


美国众议院臭名昭著的搅屎棍,川粉政客里面的战斗鸡,川普豢养的走狗之一,极右反华政客 Matt Gaetz,要完犊子了!鼓掌

BREAKING: A young woman has told federal prosecutors that she had sex with Matt Gaetz at a drug-fueled party she was paid to attend. She turned over text messages, photos and other evidence to the Justice Department as part of its child sex trafficking inquiry into Gaetz. 

In fact, the Ethics Committee met Thursday afternoon behind closed doors to discuss the Gaetz case, which also involves allegations of public corruption, solicitation of prostitution, habitual use of hard drugs, bribes or impermissible gifts, campaign finance violations, and exhibiting nude photos of sexual partners on the House floor.

Gaetz had even asked privately Trump for a blanket pardon for all of his and some of his unknown associates crimes.



所以, Matt Gaetz 这货,也是拼了 。。。。


Kevin McCarthy on Matt Gaetz:

"I'll give you the truth why I'm not Speaker, its because one person, a member of Congress, wanted me to stop an ethics complaint because he slept with a 17 year old."


Can we stop pretending these MAGA people are 'fighting for us' ?
