Time to reflect


Time to reflect

Canada possesses a great amount of natural resources, from oil to hydro power, from fertile soil to endless forest. It should be the richest country in the world by far. It should be able to  support a vast amount of people. But instead, its fertility rate has dropped to a dismal level of 1.3, with GDP per capita stagnant for more than a decade. As with any system that performs greatly under its potential, someone, this time Trump, attempts to snatch Canada at a low price. Understandably, many Canadians are furious about Trump’s advance. But few are willing to reflect on why Canada is sinking into such a sorry state.

Canada is selling oil to US much cheaper than international market prices. US profits enormously from this massive discount. Canada had a chance to sell its oil to the international market by building the Gateway Pipeline. But the pipeline project was sabotaged by the federal government, with the support from most institutions and population in Canada. Even today, few Canadians are willing to reflect on their fervent support for the policies that hurt Canada so much.

Canada is one of the coldest countries in the world. Yet Canada is the hottest place in denouncing the evil of global warming. It is not because Canadians don’t understand the benefit of warming. Many Canadians, called snowbirds, routinely spend their winter in warm southern US or Mexico. Every year, about one hundred thousand Canadians move to warm US for good. Many politicians, such as Justin Trudeau, vacation in tropical paradises frequently. When exposed, Trudeau defended his frequent trip to warm places as Canadian way of life. Canadians, more than most others, long for warmer climate.

Yet Canada is controlled by the global elites who want to grab the vast amount resources, mostly carbon based fossil fuels, at low cost. To grab resources at low cost, they first need to lower the value of resources by labelling carbon as pollution. Since Canada has the most abundant resources, it becomes the target of most propagandas from the global elites. Canadians, as a result, are most thoroughly brain washed.

To change our sorry state, we first have to think independently. Carbon dioxide is the essential nutrients for all plants. More carbon dioxide makes the Earth a greener place. Carbon dioxide, at 0.04% in the atmosphere, is a precious resource for all life. It is not a pollution.

Geologically, we are at the quaternary, one of the coldest periods in Earth’s history. It is the coldness, not the warmness, that harm most life, including human beings. Most people, including crusaders against global warming, prefer to live in warm places, such as Hollywood.