这本Challenge Math,很值得看 - 暑假读书


小学数学的 “Math is often  taught as all scales and no music. This book contains the music” - Challenge Math 

这是 beestar 网站推荐的数学problem solving读物.我被它的题目吸引.到手后发现真是一本好书. 它编的生动有趣. 加入了卡通人物和图解. 难的concept对小孩容易理解了. 不用我推,孩子爱读,当成他自己的书了. 家长有什么比这个更收益的 :) 

有充分的练习题. 每节的有level 1& 2, 和Einstein Level 习题. 每题附加详细讲解. 每次解出Einstein Level的题, 孩子骄傲的又蹦又跳. 书后还有20 套mathcontests 供能力自测.买的很值得. 

孩子常常在beestar训练中遇到典型的解题能力测试题, 如鸡兔同笼, 归一, 和差问题等. 给上小学的孩子做归类时, 有一些思路解释起来挺费力. 如果你有这感受, 可试试这本书. 

的题型丰富, 难易搭配.它用孩子的语言讲述的思维方式对提高解题和竞赛能力是有益的.

这是给小学和初中生写的. 我觉得对数学较好的小学孩子很有帮助. 我们看完成了3章: 对归一问题如

It took 6 people 8 days to build a brick wall. The construction crew needs to build an identical wall but needs it done faster. If they add 2 people to the crew, how long will the brick wall take to build now? 

此书用”Think 1” 的方式解析 数列问题, 

What’s the 500th term of this sequence 7, 16, 25, 34, …? 也讲的容易理解了

想一想, 小孩子理解能力的提高有时就是一个突破点, 找到了, 越过了, 后来的日子就容易了.  

感觉三年级到六年级的都可以试试, 看孩子超前程度。小学数学的小山头,还是很容易翻过去的

  • 当前共有3条跟帖
  • kaixinmama:Just right for bright elementa

    Excellent for our needs - a bright 4th grader ready to go further than school curriculum, but doesn't know everything already. Each section begins with clear explanation of a mathematical concept, leavened with commentary from a pair of non-intimidating cartoon characters. Then a brief instructional section clearly presents one or two useful strategies with examples worked out. At the end of the chapter are multiple sets of problems: Level 1, Level 2, and "Einstein" problems. Since they are not marked by grade level, you're not limited by expectations-- you just go as far as you are ready to go. Next year, we will cycle back through and tackle more of the harder problems. I worked through several sections with my son this summer and we both really got into it. Thanks!

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  • kaixinmama:低年级的小学生可以看这个, 这个作者的书有几本
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  • kaixinmama:这个beestar推的这本书是培养解题能力的应用题
    这个beestar推的这本书和beestar网上的题目都是应用题培养解题能力的,如果你的孩子做了beestar的免费数学了, 就不必再买书了,网上的题目更多,也分1-8年级。 或者可以在图书馆借到 http://www.amazon.com/Challenge-Elementary-Middle-Student-Edition/dp/0967991552/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415226515&sr=8-1&keywords=Challenge+Math
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