惊险!特斯拉门市外 车辆冲击抗议人潮 民众闪避
美国佛州棕榈滩郡特斯拉门市外22日挤满了抗议人潮,孰料却有车辆开向人群导致民众纷纷闪避,所幸并未造成任何伤亡,驾驶杜蒂尔(Andrew Dutil)被捕后尚未透露动机。
This is not ok. The rioting and destroying is not ok.
US Army Corps Civil Engineer Andrew Dutil plowed his SUV into a crowd of 100 anti-Tesla protesters. Luckily no casualties.
Dutil is a self-described "Trumpster" with blog writings linked below.https://t.co/7Kg65kLLc6pic.twitter.com/JuPjTZR5OF
This is a video of the protest against Elon and Trump on Saturday outside the Tesla dealership in West Palm Beach, Florida Yesterday, Andrew Dutil drove his car slowly onto the sidewalk where the protestors were. No one was injured. He is registered as no party affiliation in… pic.twitter.com/rTwG9Tyz5p