
世界日报 2024-11-09 23:52+-

由于共和党赢得白宫并在联邦参院大胜,还很有希望保住众院控制权,实现“完全执政”,共和党国会议员开始重新致力推动“终止中国最惠国贸易待遇”。 此事过去曾被认为可能性不大,现在却有很大机会实现。

美国国会在2000年表决通过给予中国“贸易最惠国待遇”(PNTR),从根本改变了中美贸易关系,也对中国后来加入世界贸易组织有推波助澜的作用。 美国消费者可以低价买到从中国进口的商品; 2001年至2021年间,从中国进品商品的总值激增至5000亿元。



众院美中战略竞争特别委员会发言人向福克斯新闻表示,中国共产党一直趁着美国对其开放,以掠夺性经济做法对付美国经济、劳工、企业和国家安全。 我们相信与自由国家进行自由贸易,但正如委员会两党同声建议的那样:现在是时候重新调整我们与中国关系,将PNTR转为反映出我们在贸易关系面临的中共威胁“。




川普已提议对所有来自中国的商品全面征收60%关税并结束中国最惠国贸易待遇地位。 废除PNTR将自动将中国商品关税调高。 共和党7月公布的政纲内容,即包括呼吁结束PNTR。

多位共和党参议员9月提出终止中国“最惠国待遇”法案,要求在五年内,将拜登政府认为对国家安全具“战略性”意义的中国进口商品关税,提高100%; 藉此推动在国内生产的国安相关商品市场成长。 法案还要求将非战略商品关税提高至少35%。

该法案由阿肯色州共和党参议员科顿(Tom Cotton) 领衔,佛州共和党参议员卢比欧(Marco Rubio) 和密苏里州共和党参议员霍利(Josh Hawley)共同发起,法案还将授权总统制定进一步关税和配额。



一般预料,倘若美国对中国大幅征收关税,中国必将回敬征收进口自美国的商品关税。 中国每年购买价值数百亿元的美国农产品,主要是大豆。

  • 最新评论
  • sonchi

    Copilot information about COVID origin Tell me about a research by CDC that studied thousands of blood samples from Red Cross in US and found hundreds of samples positive for COVID. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study titled "Serologic Testing of U.S. Blood Donations to Identify SARS-CoV-2-Reactive Antibodies: December 2019-January 2020". This study analyzed residual archived samples from 7,389 routine blood donations collected by the American Red Cross between December 13, 2019, and January 17, 20202. Key Findings: ? Reactive Samples: Out of the 7,389 samples, 106 were reactive by pan-immunoglobulin (pan-Ig) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) against the full spike protein. ? Further Testing: Of these 106 specimens, 90 were available for further testing. Eighty-four of these 90 had neutralizing activity, suggesting the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies3. ? Geographical Spread: Donations with reactivity occurred in all nine states included in the study. ? Timeline: These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been introduced into the United States prior to January 19, 2020, the date of the first identified case in the US. This study provides evidence that the virus may have been present in the US earlier than previously recognized.

  • sonchi

    I personally knew several people who got symptoms half a year earlier than China got cases. I am pretty sure a lot of people knew too. There is a CDC study that showed that hundreds of blood samples stored by Red Cross among a few thousand samples were positive between November of 2019 and January 2020, which amounts to more than 4% of US population in 7 states. 4% extrapolated to US population, is more than 13 million Americans already positive when China only got a few cases or a few thousand. Remember the vapor pneumonia before that, the chest X ray looks similar. They never figured out what it was. Why they stopped researching that - the illness disappeared after a new pathogen was identified? They do not even want to study it no more? They want to study the origin in China. Why they refuse to study here when there are so much evidence? There was published evidence in Italy too. According to Wall Street Journal, the doctor died three days before WHO went to investigate the issue (published research by the doctor and professor). The wife of the professor said the young professor did not die of the v***s. There was a International Military Game in that city in China in October. So many unanswered questions. Some country keeps blaming others.

  • g2j2

